ClanBase makes it easier: Ladders improved !

image: clanbase_whiteWe are proud to announce that ClanBase will hugely improve and expand their oldest leagues: the ladders. The past weeks ClanBase has already made significant process and are now ready to implement the first phase. This phase includes a complete redo of the challenge forms, easier and faster adding of clanmembers, graphical changes, more accurate point allocation and much much more.

SummerCup 2007: Groups published !

After some hours work all the clans were seeded into 4 Divisions consisting of 8 Groups with 4 clans each.

Seedings can be found here!

If you are unhappy with your seeding for a reason, please contact me in #SummerCup and tell me why.
If you want to change Leagues/Groups, try to find a clan in the targetted League/Group who agrees on switching. After that, pm me both in #SummerCup.

The first matchweek will start Monday 23 July 2007, the last matchweek ends 13 August 2007.
Challenging can be done from this moment on.

The maplist for the first week is Radar & Braundorf_b4.
The maplist for the second week is SW_Goldrush_TE & Bremen_b2.
The maplist for the third week is Supply & Oasis.

Please note that it is the Oldschool version of Oasis we will use in this tournament. We know that there is a conflict with the CB 6v6 config and the map, hence we will use for this map only the latest Euro 6v6 config.

Official SummerCup website

SummerCup sign-ups draw to an end!

Only some mere 12 hours left before the sign-ups for the biggest anticipated ET-event this month, draws to an end.

Tomorrow, saturday 14 July, at 12.00 am the sign-ups for this year's SummerCup will draw to an end and with 114 sign-ups so far it seems we'll do almost as good as last year's edition. If you didn't sign up yet, but are still interested to do so you can do it here.

Today the poll already drew to an end and the 2 maps can't be a suprise to anyone as they were on top of the vote since the start. With respectively 31% and 29.5% it will be Braundorf_b4 and Oasis completing the maplist!
It has been braught to my attention some days ago that Oasis has a small problem with the ClanBase config, so for that map ONLY we will make an exception and use the most recent Euro 6v6 config.

The complete maplist now looks like this:

- Radar
- Oasis
- Supply
- SW_Goldrush_TE
- Braundorf_b4
- Bremen_b2

As I already got a lot of questions about when the Cup exactly would start, I'll mention it here once again:
- Sign-ups are open until Saturday 14 July 12.00 am.
- Groups will be made public Wednesday 18 July.
- Clans can start challenging the other clans from that evening on.
- The 1st matchweek will start on Monday 23 July.

Referees & Writers:[/u]
Such as every ClanBase season, this Summer Cup is no different. Cup admins are an essential part of cup maintenance, and the cup will not function without them. We need admins to referee as many wars as possible and provide good coverage of as much matches as you're able to.
Requirements are:

* Decent knowledge of the English language
* Being able to be active for the duration for the cup
* Good knowledge of the rules
* Being friendly
* A cool head.

Cup admins make a cup, they keep it going and without their support the cup won't be of a high standard. Click here to become an admin.

Visit us at

*EDIT: Sign-ups are extended until sunday 15 July 12.00 am !!

Summercup 2007: Sign-ups opened!

From now on you can sign your clan up for the SummerCup 2007 if you're the clanleader, a trustee or a wararranger. Just keep an eye on the Main Page of the Cup and you'll find the link (after 12.00 CET).

More information about the Cup
- Format will ofcourse be 6v6.
- Several leagues according to skill. Each league will consist out of an equal number of divisions with 4 clans.
- We will use the latest CB6v6 config.

- Bremen_b1
- Supply
- Goldrush
- Radar

You also know about the Poll for the 2 remaining maps which you can help decide by voting in the poll, and after 1 week of voting it seems that Oasis and Braundorf are the clear favourites ! And unless something drastic happens, you better start praccing the maps! Place your vote here.

For more info visit the Cup Page:
SummerCup Webpage

SummerCup 2007

Hello and welcome for this years SummerCup hosted by Clanbase !
Clanbase wasn't going to organise a Summercup this year due to the fact that the EuroCup stretches into august (LAN Finals), so I saw it as my duty to provide the community a Summercup like last years.
But playing in this Cup isn't the only good news. You can also (by meanings of a poll) decide upon 2 maps you would like to see featured in this years edition !

More information about the Cup[/u]
- Format will ofcourse be 6v6.
- Several leagues according to skill. Each league will consist out of an equal number of divisions with 4 clans.
- We will use the latest CB6v6 config.

- Bremen_b1
- Supply
- Goldrush
- Radar

As mentioned earlier you will be able to vote for the map that has your preference. There's a poll open now where you can vote for a map (1 vote pp). You can find the poll on the webpage of the SummerCup.

Sign-ups will be opened Sunday the 1st of July and will be closed 2 weeks later on the 14th of July. The groups will be announced around Wensday the 17th and Monday 22 July will be the first matchday.

The first matchweek will start at Monday 22 July and the Groupphase shall be closed at Sunday 18 August. The following monday the play-offs will start. Hopefully the Finals will be played at the end of August or the start of September.

Such as every Clanbase season, this Summer Cup is no different. Cup admins are an essential part of cup maintenance, and the cup will not function without them. We need admins to referee as many wars as possible and provide good coverage of as much matches as you're able to.
Requirements are:

* Decent knowledge of the English language
* Being able to be active for the duration for the cup
* Good knowledge of the rules
* Being friendly
* A cool head.

Cup admins make a cup, they keep it going and without their support the cup won't be of a high standard. Click here to become an admin.

This years supervisors will be none other than Rhand and Frenky.

SummerCup webpage

C&A Policy Update

The C&A Department have made some changes to the Cheating and Abuse Policy as part of ongoing review of our guidelines. The following additions will come into effect from midnight (CET) Saturday 16th June 2007.


for individual players:

* Anyone caught cheating in an official ClanBase match, will have the result changed into a forfeit loss. Only games where the cheating occured will be changed.
* Anyone caught cheating in a public server or an outside league, will result in a ban only. Results of any ClanBase games in which they have participated, will not be changed.

Please note that ClanBase will only ever change the result of a match when it can be proved that an offence took place during that match. All players are considered innocent until proven guilty and a player's guilt can only be ascertained once their case has been dealt with by the C&A Team.


* Anyone who is currently banned, cannot request or Supervise a Hosted cup.
* Bans are issued at various times, because of this it is impossible for us to see if there are any ongoing or scheduled matches for offending players.
* It is the player's responsibility to check to see if they have been issued a ban.
* Players have until 30 minutes before their scheduled match to check if a ban has been issued. If a ban has not been issued by then, they are free to play that match regardless if a ban is then issued.

Following a situation in which a player's ban was added whilst he was playing an official match the above has been added for clarification.

Posted by Moadebe