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The Battle for the NationsCup Grand Final

image: 20iiavm

Tonight Team Germany will clash with Team Belgium in the lower bracket final. Tonight the winner will proceed to the grand final and face Team Finland while the loser will settle for third place this season.

Teamoxid set up for the season

The winner of the second German Community ET Challenge, OpenCup Fall season's runner up, EuroCup Qualifier and YCN Spring Challenge participant did process some major changes during the previous weeks to set themselves up for the new season's arise. With Turkey fireball leaving and Sweden tites taking a break from esports two new additions were made to attend the upcoming TLR eSports Challenge in July as well as participate in the major online competitions this season.

Former Team Speedlink player Germany Bl4d3 and the Europe's best ET player Germany pumu are the new additions to our lineup to compete in the current season.

image: logoimage: ekto
image: blade
image: kevGermany ekto
Team Manager

Germany Bl4d3

Germany kevji
Playerimage: stray
image: eujen
image: pumuGermany stray
Team Captain

Moldova eujen

Germany pumu

E-Series admins required

image: e-series_smallAfter the recent announcement of Kaos TV's E-Series event looking to support the Enemy Territory community, we've seen quite an interest in teams looking to go to the event. However, without an admin to run the tournament, it sadly cannot take place.

All E-Series staff are vaolunteers and are involved in order to better their gaming communities. You will be provided with tokens which you can use at the event to buy yourself some food and drinks. Your services will only be required for one day at the event (15th May) and, at the very least, must know basic rulesets of Enemy Territory competition. Both myself and Kaos TV understand that a lot of effort goes in to organising and maintaining these tournaments and are highly appreciative of the work that you will do.

The Call of Duty 4 signups have already opened and we're looking to open the ET ones as soon as we can confirm an admin will be in attendance! If you are interested in helping out at the event, please send me a message via email on seanza(at)tlr-esports.com or send me a pm on here stating that you're interested.

Original news post
Teams & players list
Kaos Facebook page
Kaos TV website

Bloody Sunday!

image: etAs every Sunday the GamesTV.org schedule is full of fast-paced Enemy Territory action and with 21 games to be played this evening I am more than sure that everybody will find his very own favorite game to watch. I will write a short summary about some of the more interesting games and you can find all necessary information plus some player predictions below this text. The first game I want to talk about is the clash between Germany Team Germany #1 and Estonia Team Estonia #1 in the lower bracket of the 3v3 NationsCup.

Exactly 1 month ago we had the same situation in the upper bracket whereat Raul, mant and freeze were able to beat the German side with 4:2 but tonight the boys around gr0ss can take revenge and eliminate their opponent out of the cup. Some hours later you can switch from 3v3 to an interesting 5v5 match between Europe The Queens and Czech Republic iR. After a superb performance against oxid the Queens are the team to bet on nevertheless you should have an eye on Loo and his crew - maybe they can surprise by taking home a win on Frostbite. Right at the same time but on another ETTv-Server we got Germany teamoxid vs. United States of America Justice League. pumu and his friends have to performe really well because by loosing there is nearly no chance to proceed to the YCN Spring Challange playoffs due to their recent loss against rage.

Nation Voice & Team Decerto Enemy Territory Cup

image: logoetcup

This upcoming April 11th we gonna be hosting the Nation Voice ET Challenge with some attractive prizes for the participant teams and hopefully some of the best teams in this game, taking part.

UPDATE: Frostbite Sunday

image: frostbite_sunday

Announcing a small one-day cup to take place on Sunday 10th of April 2011, this cup will mainly be seeing if some changes made to frostbite bring it back into top level competitive scene after recently being looked over in favor of Karsiah.

EC: Queens vs. Teamoxid

image: cbecxxiii_big1This Thursday will bring us another great evening with some fast-paced Enemy Territory Clanbase Eurocup action. First of all there is a great battle between Denmark NORDIC-eSport and Finland red as a beetroot right at 21.00 CET. The all-Polish side is very active and praccing hard to ensure an EuroCup participation but the likes of lettu, walle and maza will try to do their best to prevent them from winning. The second EC qualifier is between
Europe The Queens and Germany Teamoxid which will start half an hour later then the first mentioned one. By comparing the lineups we can see experienced as well as oldschool players on both sides whereat the Queens seem much stronger that their opposite and the Germans just can hope that "eujen" has not concentrated too much on his shoutcast career. With a win oxid would justified their top3 position in the recently released February ranking.Whether or not I am sure that the top of the top will bring a good performance on our ETTv screen.

GamesTV.org downtime

You may have noticed that GamesTV.org is not responding since yesterday morning.

The mainboard of the dedicated server hosting gtv blew up and had to be replaced. Since the hardware change we're experiencing some software issues related to the new hardware that have prevented us from booting the machine.
The tech guys and the onlocation staff is making progress only slowly and there's no telling when we'll be back up again.

So what does that mean?
Obviously all our live services don't work, however no data is lost. Livecasts may be set up for important matches, you will be notified about those via Crossfire and IRC.

We apologize for the prolonged downtime and hope to be back up soon.

EC: Rockit vs. Power Gaming

image: cbecxxiii_big1The Clanbase Eurocup Invites and Qualifications are online since a few days and the first matchweek is fully underway. Ireland Ultraviolet Gaming already played their qualification game against Finland turbot and won with a good 4:2. Other teams still have to show what they are made of and two of them will fight for an Eurocup spot tonight.

United Kingdom Power Gaming have to face the all-German lineup of Germany Team Rockit right at 22.00 CET. Both sides are known for their excellent teamplay, experience and aim but as in every other game just one can win the battle.

NC XIV: LB Round 5

image: 33nyxcl

Tonight, at 22:00 CEST, team UK will face Germany in the fifth round of the lower bracket of NationsCup XIV.
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