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EC: Changes in Qualifiers and Invitees

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Team Dignitas, who came in second last EuroCup, have decided to resign and leave this EuroCup, as they do not have the time to participate.

E-Series LAN to host ET?

Known for its Call of Duty 4 tournaments, the E-Series LAN organisers are offering Enemy Territory a chance to feature at their LANs. In a move to try and better the offline event activity of ET, I spoke with the event organisers about running an ET edition of the E-Series. However, before we want to commit ourselves to anything, we want to test the water first of all.

Should the event go ahead, it will be held at the Kaos Gaming LAN centre which is located in Weesp, The Netherlands (about a 15-20 minute drive from Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam) on Sunday the 15th of May. It will be a one day event just as the previous Call of Duty 4 events have been, and the prizes will be cash and hardware (amounts dependant on team attendance). To get things started, I suggested a 6-team event and see how it goes from there. We’re going to need an admin to ensure things go smoothly on the day as well.

YCN SC - Second Matchweek

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Today concludes the first matchweek of the YCN Spring Challenge, with most teams completing their first games. You can find the results to previous games at either Esports Heaven or GamesTV

EuroCup XXIII Invitees and Qualifiers Announced!

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After a month of sign ups and meticulous evaluation it is finally time to disclose this season's EuroCup invitees and qualifiers.

NextEvolution with project MVP

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Recently Next Evolution. ESC has been opening his doors. This also means that we are able to pick up different teams in different scene's. We decided to pick up a Enemy Territory team. After a short search we've been finding a Enemy Territory who are going to represent us in the upcoming Online as well Offline tournaments.

The new United KingdomNext Evolution.ESC team also known EuropeMost Valuable Players have been playing together for awhile now. They made some small changes for LAN but it seems they only got stronger because of it. The first event they will attend under the name of Next Evolution. ESC will be the TLR eSports Challenge. The team will also compete in the ClanBase Enemy Territory EuroCup XXIII and further events.

3on3 NC - last 4

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After a lot of weeks, several games played and a couple of not played ones, 3on3 NationsCup is down to 4 teams. One of them fought it's consecutive road into Upper Bracker Final being undefeated. Before the cup even started, many were predicting that Top3 is reserved to Finnish players. However, it appeared that only one managed to get that far. And it's still not sure whether we will see a Finnish team on the podium...

EuroCup Invite Show - Spring Season 2011

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This Sunday, March 27th, find out who are the invited teams and players of the EuroCup XXIII Season LIVE on ClanBase Radio.

Traditionally, the teams that are invited to take part of this season's EuroCups will be announced LIVE and exclusively on ClanBase Radio!

UV-Gaming pick up e-WAVE

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Today we welcome another organisation into Enemy Territory, as the former e-WAVE squad join Ultraviolet Gaming. UV-Gaming have been on the lookout for an ET team for a little while and picking up e-WAVE is a great move for the org and the team themselves.

So I happily present UV-Gaming.ET

YCN SC - Groups Announced

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The signups for the YCN Spring Challenge are now closed, and the groups and matches have been created for the first match week which will commence tomorrow (Monday 21st March).

Teams participating in the YCN Spring Challenge can find their 'Round 1' games (games for the first matchweek) on their group located on Esports Heaven here. The games for 'Round 2' will occur in the second week, and the 'Round 3' games will of course occur in the third.

YCN Spring Challenge

image: YCN-SC-1

After some time of preperation and planning, today we are announcing the YCN Spring Challenge, and accepting signups.

Signups are now open and teams who wish to participate should do this as soon as possible. You can sign up by going to our competition page on Esports Heaven : http://www.esportsheaven.net/?page=tournament&action=view&tournament_id=673 you will need to signup and register your team on the site to do this.
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