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EMS VII: 2nd Matchday

image: bannervii

The first match week in this season's Enemy Territory EMS is nearly over. The first teams carried home three points while the 1st matchday's loser teams must concentrate on the two pending matches to save the chance to get into the final stage. Just the wildcarded match between Germany Highbot and Europe Giants.et is the last pending match from matchday 1.
Matchday 2:
Just one match from each group has been scheduled in time and will be played on Sunday. Nevertheless we have talked to all teams to get some match statements. The complete statements can be found here!

Eventful ET Sunday!

[img|left]http://images.clanbase.com/cup/eurocup/cbecxxii.png[/img][img|left]http://www.team-rockit.com/uploads/banners/s_border_short.jpg[/img]This Sunday will bring us a lot of promising Enemy Territory matches. The current Clanbase EuroCup is running and the ESL Major Series is fully underway and I am about to start a short writeup for the up-and-coming games. With the recent released October ranking some teams have to stand up for their position and some others can enhance their value by winning the fight with an exciting three mapper.

SPEEDLINK Halloween Challenge

image: 6qun1c

It's been a long time since SPEEDLINK hosted a community event and now the time has come to announce a new one. This time SPEEDLINK is bringing you a small 1-day-cup.

Some teams have already been invited to play and the remaining slots are available for your team to sign up. The cup is going to take place on October 30th, starting at ~ 16 CET. The main prize will be 5 Kudos gaming mice.

All matches will be broadcasted on ETTV and Teamoxid TV with a German shoutcast. Teams to take part are expected to idle in #speedlink.cup.

ET Top 10 October Rankings

Its back! The ET Top 10 returns, be it 2 months later than I said I would do it, but hey, it’s back! The ranking system is based on panellists giving their view on what teams should be ranked in the Top 10 based on a shortlist I created.

image: ET_Top10Oct

You can find all information regarding the top 10 in the articles section or over at http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=article&mode=item&id=239

Congratulations to the Top 10

IEM 5 EC Groups Announced

image: 138633The qualification rounds have come to an end and finally the groups for the ESL Intel Extreme Masters Season 5: European Championship were drawn for Quake Live and StarCraft II. Next week the online groupstage will begin, all matches are played in Best of 3 format, the winner of each match picks a $50 bonus and the top 2 of each group will advance to the European Championship Finals where the main part of $114,400 prize money is at stake. For participating the Finals each player also gets another bonus of $150.

ESL Summer winners & Fall Cups

image: fall10

Before we come to the winners of the Summer Leagues here is a short reminder for our Fall Cups:
Like already announced we will host several Fall Cups in all competitive formats (1on1, 2on2, 3on3, 5on5). Let's come over to the winners of the ESL ET Summer Leagues

Crossfire 3.2 Launches

Crossfire 3.2 Launches

As part of the series of incremental site upgrades which will culminate with Crossfire 4.0, Crossfire 3.2 has been launched. Those of you who saw my sneak preview journal yesterday evening will be aware of what is new, but to those of you who did not, here is what we have changed:
  • Cheaters will no longer be banned. Banning cheaters is great in theory, but the sheer volume of duplicate accounts which are created at the click of a button is testament to the fact that, in reality, it is an unenforceable policy. With our new policy we hope to strike a balance between making it clear to the community if someone has been caught cheating, and giving the cheater enough of an incentive not to create a duplicate account. Instead of banning cheaters we are introducing a new tagging system whereby there will be two types of tags -- red and orange. Those caught cheating will incur a red tag, which will be visible both on their profile (alongside further details) and behind every instance of their nickname. Those caught knowingly playing with Crossfire-tagged cheaters will incur an orange tag, which will be visible only on their profile. Those with red tags will not be allowed to play at Crossfire competitions, nor will they be able to create clans, post movies, or post in the recruitment forum. Other than this, their account will function as normal. A publicly viewable database listing those who are tagged is available here. A more comprehensive ignore feature will be added in a future Crossfire upgrade, and it will allow users to decide for themselves if they want to ignore tagged users.

    The tag lengths will be as follows:

    3 months for playing with cheaters; 6 months for cheating on a public server; 12 months for cheating in a clan match. Repeat offenders will get time-and-a-half.

  • Spammers will no longer be banned. Those who persistently post spam, racism, adult material, or other disallowed content will have their posting rights temporarily revoked. During this time, they will still be able to use the site ordinarily. Bans will only be resorted to in extraordinary situations. As a result of this new policy, most of the ban list will be cleared.
  • Report functionality for comments, content and users. This will enable users to report users for cheating, general rule-breaking, or otherwise, which should help Crossfire staff to run the site more efficiently. These rights will be revocable.
  • Soft-deleting. Prior to 3.2, all deleted content disappeared into the ether, but, from now on most -- and soon all -- deleted content will be soft-deleted, instead, which means that deleted content can be restored. This will also make site staff more accountable for their actions, as it is now possible to see what was deleted, who deleted it, and when they deleted it.
  • Extensive administrator logging. Practically every administrator action will be logged, increasing accountability.
  • New userlevels. The following user levels will exist as of 3.2: Member; Tagged; Restricted (posting rights revoked); Trustee; News Writer; Moderator; Anti-cheat Administrator; Administrator; Head Administrator; Developer. This will help us run the site more efficiently, as the work will be delegated. This differs to the free-for-all that currently exists!
  • The return of the search function!
  • The return of the ajax inbox updater!
  • Plenty of other cosmetic changes and bug fixes that you'll probably discover at some stage, too.

MoH - Train Like a Tier 1 Operator Video 1

If you cast your minds back not very far there was a competition for people to win the opportunity to train like a tier 1 operator offered by Electronic Arts & Heaven Media. We filmed the "lucky" two winners being put through their paces.

Here we have the first of three videos, this one focusing on the tier one weapons training, vital skills that not only tie in with the Medal of Honor game but also real life as well.

In this video we see our the two competitors meet the drill instructor, be put through their paces in a series of physical tests and learn of what is in store for them over the course of the day. It's a competition prize like no other.

Watch the video below and be sure to tell us what you think:

Keep an eye out on Crossfire.nu for the next two videos in the series, which will include weapons training and a hostage extraction exercise.

First EuroCup XXII Matchweek

image: cbecxxii

Today, the 18th of October, seals the first EuroCup XXII matchweek, and the start of the second matchweek. Four matches were played yesterday, while three more will be played today. This matchweek has come to an end, and so have the match reports.

The Spanish gZcon did not expect the IDK inquisition
I Don't Know, who are one of the EuroCup XXII favorites, easily beat Gamerz Connexion.
Read more

Rage defeats Overload
In this close match there was a need for a deciding map to produce a victor.
Read more

ESL Fall 2010

image: scaled.php?tn=0&server=228&filename=137919
We are pleased to announce our Fall cups. The system will change a bit from the previous seasons. The previous Fall leagues were independent from another leagues. This time we will link Fall and Winter leagues in one. Teams that will play in the Fall season and get a good place, will have a better seeding in the Winter Leagues. So, signup if you want to get in the right division in the Winter Leagues!
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