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Games Mini Video Contest

image: big_channel_3

The Games Mini Video Contest, sponsored by Dell, will launch on February 3rd 2009 and is being followed by German eSport communities with great interest. Leading gaming portals will host video competitions for the following games:

• Counter Strike 1.6 - readmore.de
• Warcraft III - readmore.de
• Counter Strike: Source - eFever.de
• Quake III Arena - derQuaker.com
• Enemy Territory - own3D.TV
• DotA - own3D.TV

Winners will receive one of 10 Dell Mini Notebooks and cash-prizes totaling € 3000. With this project - Dell and the contest-organizers intend to support the evolving gaming culture, which utilizes videos for promoting games but also gamers. „We aim at providing a platform for talented moviemakers through which the best can be honored and recognized“, explains Nescho Topalov, General Manager of the gaming agency Top Ideas Marketing & Events GmbH and organizer of the Video Contests. „We expect a thrilling event of high quality due to the selection of popular eSport themes, attractive prizes, a short preparation time and a runtime restriction of exact 99 seconds. The eSport community has high demands which we intend to satisfy“.

A profession jury will appoint 9 finalists for each contest category. Then the community will be given 9 days to vote for their favorites and to elect the final winners of the Games Mini Video Contest. Videos will be hosted on own3d.tv - a platform exclusively for gaming videos. own3d.tv offers video streaming in high- and low-quality that can be embedded on blogs and social networks.

Contest Prizes for moviemakers and voters:
• 10x Dell Mini 9
• Cash-prizes total of 3000 €

Terms & Conditions:
• Short video of exact 99 seconds runtime
• Video with unique ingames scenes
• New and unique video –

Dates & Timeline
02.03.2009 – Launch of the contest – enrollment and uploads
02.27.2009 – End of uploads
03.02.2009 – Jury Announcement of the 9 finalists - start of community votes
03.10.2009 – Vote analysis & winner announcements

All relevant information regarding the Games Mini Video Contest will be published on Tuesday 02.03.2009 on partner portals.

Freeze to your screens!

Prepare to freeze to your screens tonight ladies and gentlemen. While snowflakes have just again started to fall to the ground our ESL ET Winter League '08 is on its way to the final matches! Today we show the winner bracket semi final between Netherlands H2k and Finland Masculine Mans. The other winner bracket match will be played by Croatia cortana and Poland devilry later this week. Winter League Premier Brackets

image: game9212

Netherlands H2k Gaming

Germany snoop
Germany butchji
Austria potter
Switzerland gifty
Poland diAler
Netherlands abort
FinlandMasculine Mans

Finland kapaa
Finland ENSAM
Finland crosby
Finland vanhaomena
Finland sample
Finland smokeninja

The players had the following to say:
QuoteNerds gonna get rolled.

QuoteWe havn't played a single game against masculin mans yet so we don't know how good they are. I don't know if we'll be on top of our game tonight since we will most likely not play with our main lineup but I think we'll still be strong enough to win this match.

Crossfire Movie of the Month: January

image: Jan09_3

After the work of Nellie with the Crossfire Movie Awards 2008 http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=column&mode=item&id=413 I got in contact to do something monthly. So we give you the Crossfire Movie of the Month awards.

The Criteria will be very similar to the awards by Nellie
  • All voting has been done by you, the Crossfire user.
  • Months are 25th - 25th in general.
  • Movies must have a minimum of 30 votes.
  • All ratings as of last day of the month.

This months movies are from January 1st - January 25th any movies released after 25th will go into February awards.

6 Nations Announced !

image: resize_27919
Welcome to the first 6 Nations Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Championship! Taking the concept of the traditional rugby Six Nations, add extra flare and set the nations forth to battle it out for the coveted Championship trophy.

The nations are: Unfortunately due to Scotland being unable to offer a reliable team, they will not compete during this Championship.

The first match week will begin Monday 9th February 2009, one match per week thereafter.

We’ve an interesting twist on the usual competitive format. Disregarding convention, and with the luxury of a league setting, matches will be played over four maps (BO4) and matches can be drawn. Meaning a team must win three maps to guarantee victory. Two maps for each match week will be pre-determined, and organised to coincide with the ClanBase NationsCup.


After consultation with community figures and probable players, the following captains have been chosen, full rosters to be announced shortly:

England England – Starzi
France France - Horek
Ireland Ireland – bilgrim
Italy Italy - mama
Portugal Portugal – Strider
Wales Wales – hArris

The fixtures are out for the first match week offering a myriad of exciting matches. Tie of the round being the freshly formed English team taking on NC Playoff losers Portugal, with the footballing rivalry transfer to ET?

Ireland Ireland vs Italy Italy
Portugal Portugal vs England England
Wales Wales vs France France

Good luck to all teams!

#6nations || Tournament Bracket

(Love to xeoxis for the sexy banner)

UPDATE - MYM drop Moon & Grubby

MeetYourMakers, one of the biggest organisations in eSports who had several million dollars of private investment behind them have shocked the eSports community by announcing the release of its Warcraft 3 team including the two WCG Finalists, Moon & Grubby.

QuoteThe two Warcraft 3 and Starcraft MYM teams have achieved almost everything there was to achieve, the awards and achievement lists are almost endless, but the most memorable ones where “the double” as Warcraft 3 champions in WC3L and NGL, Olympic champion (Grubby at WCG) in Warcraft 3 and the first Danish CPL gold medal back in 2002 (Won by Bjarke in WC3).

Interestingly though, MYM do state that they're taking a change in direction with regards to team recruitment as the reason behind this decision, so maybe they'll pickup an ET team afterall? :P

Source - http://www.mymym.com/en/news/15720.html

Update - Rakaka reports that Moon could fall straight into the hands of Korean organisation WeMade Fox for a whopping €16,000 a month!

Source - http://www.rakaka.se/?news_id=8825

Japan a challenge to Belgium?!

image: ncxiiblackbig2rv0

With the recent poll about the NC ping debate, Belgium who are the current champions of the Crossfire Nations Cup have agreed to playing on an east coast USA server in their upcoming match vs Team Japan, to allow for fair ping.
Could this be the start of something new? more competitive and interesting matches? will other teams follow suit?

Announcing CC6

Today I'm glad to publicly confirm the next Crossfire event, The Crossfire Challenge 6. Held on the bank holiday weekend of May 1st-3rd the WZZRD Gaming Center in Enschede will once again play host to Crossfire's finest!

Contrary to previous comments regarding the next event, this will not be an upscaled version of the event due to some planning issues. Right now we've a popular and successful project and product, when that product moves upwards in stature we must make sure all avenues are covered and at this moment I wasn't confident enough to roll the dice on the upscale. This event is very much to keep our community flowing and active because the events have become an integral part of the competitive calendar.

Tournaments and prizepurses are still all under consideration and a more formal announcement will be made in the coming weeks. However right now you can start planning to spend your bank holiday weekend in Enschede! Lets hope for good weather.

EMS III Grand Final - Dignitas vs Button Bashers on QuadV

Tonight Live on QuadV we see the EMS III Grand Final - United Kingdom Dignitas vs Netherlands Button Bashers with United Kingdom Deman and United Kingdom TosspoT bringing you all the action as it happens.

The EMS Season III Grand Final has been a long and hard fought competition that's spanned 3 months of online action with 3,000 € up for grabs. United Kingdom Team Dignitas have come through from the winner bracket and hold all the cards in tonights big match. While Netherlands Button Bashers who have been voted number 1 in Europe for the second month running by a panel of judges at Cadred come through from the lower bracket after an initial defeat to United Kingdom Team Dignitas in the Winner Bracket Finals 13-8.

We previously saw Netherlands Button Bashers destroying their lower bracket final opposition Germany BioXar 13-3 on Strike. With Netherlands Button Bashers having the first map choice they will be taking Crossfire, a map that they are undoubtedly one of the best in the world on. A proven fact at the Antwerp eSports Festival against United States of America Pandemic.

United Kingdom Team Dignitas have opted for their long time favourite map City Streets which has seen them pick up many famous victories on including what was one of the greatest ever finals at i33 against United Kingdom TheLastResort. Perhaps it was fated that those two top teams would merge to become one.

This promises to be a huge match and you would be a fool to miss it. The action begins at 20:00 GMT.

CB NationsCup XII Groups

image: ncxiiblackbig2rv0

The twelfth, and strongest in recent memory, NationsCup season is upon us. Top names including Estonia Night, Germany urtier and Poland Wrobel have stepped up to the plate to lead their nations into battle for the title of ClanBase NationsCup XII champions.

The groups for the twelfth inaugural NationsCup season have been announced:

Group A

Latvia Latvia
Poland Poland
Italy Italy
Romania Romania
Spain Spain
Sweden Sweden

Group C

Switzerland Switzerland
Belgium Belgium
Canada Canada
Estonia Estonia
Hungary Hungary
Japan JapanGroup B

Austria Austria
Czech Republic Czech Republic
Finland Finland
France France
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Netherlands Netherlands

Group D

Israel Israel
Slovenia Slovenia
Croatia Croatia
Germany Germany
Russia Russia
United States of America USA

How does ClanBase Supervisor Belgium Bartichello think the tournament will pan out? "I hope we won't get a lot of delays, and we will definitely have some interesting match ups ready for you guys - so be sure to tune in!" Though he's a parting shot across the bow for the Romanian and Slovenian teams "also i hope teams will be fair towards their overseas opponents and at least show some intent on giving them an even chance."

The top team of each group will earn a BYE in the playoffs, with second and third going straight on in to the single elimination bracket. More information on lineups, predictions and general coverage can be found right here on Crossfire in the Interviews, Articles and News sections!


Is H2k versatile enough?

It is the time again, ladies and gentlemen, for some Winter League '08 action. Tonight we will bring the remaining two first round matches of the Premier League to you. Previously Finland mASCULINE MANS and Croatia cortana passed on to the second round. The latter won 4:2 versus Europe aToOn.rY.

The big favourite of this competition and CC5 champion Netherlands H2k will face Europe versatile at 20:00 CET. But is Netherlands H2k versatile enough to overcome this opponent as they did with any other in the groupstage? Make sure you do not miss this one!

image: wl_match_5
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