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European Clash

image: ncxiiblackbig2rv0

Spain Neom
Spain Z1P
Spain WeZoR
Spain bTc
Spain Zion
Spain trazo
Slovakia fiLuS
Slovakia bladee
Slovakia CML
Slovakia pyth9n
Slovakia kredenc
Slovakia fish

Date: 25.01.2009 / 21:00 (CET)
Maps: To be announced !
Who to watch: Spain Wezor & Slovakia fiLuS
Admins: Poland szczurek & Germany essAh

Call Of Duty 4 S&D Pro lineups!

image: a0d518091a692418

Hello CoD4 fans! There is also Call of Duty 4 NationsCup organised by www.ClanBase.com crew. I'm sure thats gonna be a great show and everyone will enjoy it,at the moment I would like to present you with the lineups however can't present all of them because some captains have not finalised there lineup. You can see here a lot of ET players also what will be more spectacular for us.

Listed below are the countries with their lineups[/u]:

Nightmare For Poland? Final Time Tonight!

"From small beginnings come great things." On Tuesday evening, a winner of the third #evu.cup will arise. Warping their way into the red corner, we've the petrifying Poland Team- Poland, formed by Poland Wrobel. His eagles have eased their way to the Grand Final after knocking out the Europe Sleeperz stars. With half of Polish lineup k1cking in EuroCup and a great remaining 3, Poland is considered to be one of the biggest favourites for the upcoming NationsCup season. In the blue corner, lead by an Estonian legend we see Estonia Team- Estonia. Estonia Night riders unexpectedly but deservedly beat Netherlands Team- Netherlands in the last round. If they win the Grand Final, their position will be changed from underdogs to candidates for the title of NationsCup XII champions.

ESL ET ladders relaunch

image: eslAs previously announced in the latest column here on Crossfire the ESL ET Ladders have been reset. Our ladders offer you games in the following formats: 1v1 , 2v2 , 3v3 and ofcourse 6v6.

We will host the Most Matches Competition in the reopened ladders in the following months. Furthermore we plan to host special one day cups month by month in which we will invite the top ranked teams of our ladders.

We have also lowered the re-challenge block from 2 weeks to 3days. This means you do not need to wait as long as before until you can ask for revenge!

Also do not forget to check the "New Entries" link on the "Rankings" page of every ladder to find opponents which you can challenge. You will be listed here until you played your first match.

UKeSa Signups ongoing for CoD4

image: 6b30294e2faef13c6317c394b04a93f2The United Kingdom eSports Association has opened its doors to signups for its tournaments last week and Call of Duty is lagging behind some of the other big hitters! For all you CoD teams out there its time to get your backsides in gear and sign on up. Call of Duty currently sits 4th on total player count behind CS:S, CS 1.6 & TF2, you can sign up here!

Let the games begin !

image: ncxiiblackbig2rv0
Slovenia carniee
Slovenia immoo
Slovenia superboyy
Slovenia JaKaZc
Slovenia sAw
Slovenia vektor
Chile m@x
Chile nozzz
Chile Ram
Chile Chewbacca
Chile saMer
Chile merce
Time: 23:30 (CET)
Maps: To be announced !
Who to watch: Slovenia superboyy & Chile nozzz
Admins: Belgium Bartichello & Germany mundus

Gamers Prefer Challenge Over Violence

image: Yay_Videogame_Violence_by_jetaron A study conducted by the University of Rochester has concluded that challenges and "meaningful opportunities to interact and work together" are more important to videogame enthusiasts than violence.

While their results seem to fall well within the realm of the obvious, the data provides interesting talking points for fans of our particular hobby. Researchers worked with virtual environment think tank Immersyve, Inc. to conduct a pair of surveys with 2,670 "frequent game players," and carried out four experiments involving over 300 University of Rochester undergraduates.

Wolfenstein release date rumours emerge

Reports emerging from various computer sales companies are suggesting that the next installment of Wolfenstein may just be 3 months away. Thats right, April 2009 some 7 and a half years after Return to Castle Wolfenstein could be the month that changes everyones lives (and not because I'll be turning 23).

Inspired by this journal release dates have surfaced from the New Zealand herald (that gaming institution) of a April 24th release date whilst Play.com has June 26th as its release date (backed up by games tracker).

The latter would prove unlikely if its to be considered a major release for its publishers as recent years have seen major releases limited either Spring or Pre-Christmas and with the previous wolfenstein title selling over 1 million copies, it could be considered a major release.

And Then Some Drama (updated)

CC5 winners FatGames went on to join Danish Multigaming organisation And Then Some, all seemed like a dream come true for the British team who turned down several organisations prior to this move. That dream quickly became a nightmare after internal conflicts saw the removal of d1ablo and now an even bigger conflict has seen the team removed from the organisation.

Cadred caught words from ATS manager peco, stating the team had lied about their ages and had arguments with ATS staff members. However Juszn countered that argument (again on Cadred) stating that the Danes didnt have any sponsors for the team (this despite having a highly reputable CS team). The sponsor due to cover those costs was being brought in by one manager, Ikky who has since departed the team.

You can read more of the drama and fuel the fire over on Cadred


ATS Manager Peco has given Crossfire the following statement regarding the breakdown with the team and management.

QuoteA key to the success of this organization is and always will be mutual trust.Yesterday, however, things were very different our main Call of Duty manager Ziga Kovac got into a fight with one of our staff members. After some of us tried to cool him and the other "part" down, Ziga got more angry. He then sabotaged some of the sponsorship deals we were about to make just to make him feel good. Later on we discoverd that his age and his upcomming "sponsordeal" was all fake. We had a serious meeting what we should do next. And as most of you may have seen we chosed to stop our cooperation with the call of duty team simply because we didn't want to go out and search for a new manager & new sponsors. We did however offer the team to help them out to find them a new organization since we got some quite good contacts. And when i was talking with duffer about helping them out with a new organization, Jasdev went on to Cadred and lieing about what really happened and giving them a official statement which really wasn't mine.

The Final Four..

.. of #evu.cup 3 are now known. After one decider game and one forfeit due to server issues, the tournament is entering the final and most interesting stage. With one clan and 3 nations, we are sure that the last games will bring an entertaining show.

Europe mouK Sleeperz will defend clans' honour. With a gradual yet steady improvement in teamplay, they are getting more and more hungry for success. Their opponent- Poland Team Poland might again change their roster for this game just seconds before the start-time, with Poland Wrobel liking to shuffle his aces to find out who he can count on, hovewer, he revealed that in this game his announced roster will play.

Europe mouK Sleeperz vs Poland Polska

Time: Monday 21.45 cet
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / sp_delivery_te

image: game8891

In the second semifinal we have 2 nations with a great history. Netherlands Team Netherlands had a blessed path to the Semi Finals, while Estonia Team Estonia have had a tough and exciting battle versus Poland JustHigh/devilry. A 3-mapper with radar as the decider brought a lot of great moments. Who will win the battle for #evu.cup 3 during preparation for this seasons' NationsCup?

Netherlands Netherlands vs Estonia Eesti

Time: Tuesday 22.30 cet
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / sp_delivery_te

image: game8892

All lineups are confirmed by team captains.

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