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Winter League kicks off!

image: winterseason_banner

Enemy Territorys biggest competition this winter is ready to start. We will see 200+ teams and 100+ 1on1 players compete in 1on1, 3on3 and 6on6 format. While 3on3 and 6on6 is divided into several divisions the 1on1 competition got a special system due to high signup numbers. But read on for more detailed information on the upcoming!

We opened an ET Winter08 page on the ESL page which will be kept up to date and gives you an overview about what is going on in our Winter League.
Here you can also view the Winter League Rules and Mappool pages.

But here we go with the groups and seedings for which most of you have waited these days:
6on6 Groups
3on3 Groups
1on1 Cupoverview (+ more information on the system)

5 Phat guys, 1 Phat site and 2 Phat lans!

image: 28jwrvdTeam FatGames is proud to announce the launch of its new website.
"Our intention was to develop a platform which would put focus on the team in all its aspects but at the same time function as a community website, with focus on the scenes we are active in. We will therefore keep implementing Web 2.0 functionality to ensure the possibility of community interaction. We're looking forward to the upcoming Lans and tournaments, as well as cooperation with organizations such as differo and fps radio."

Please bear in mind that things might not work perfectly in the beginning, if you experience any problems with this website, please send a report!


Furthermore, Team FatGames are happy to announce their new CoD4 team which will attend The Gameland in Rome, Italy and we will hopefully see them bringing back the gold. They will be playing among 4000 other participants with a total prize pool of 80.000€.

The new CoD4 team has the following lineup:

Manager: United Kingdom Munchies

United Kingdom JUSZN
United Kingdom killzx
United Kingdom duffeR
United Kingdom D1ablo
United Kingdom nreo

The team consists of ex-Team Coolermaster duo killzx and duffeR, highly rated player nreo (former h2o, Reason Gaming and for a time, Dignitas), ex-Meet Your Makers D1ablo, and former Reason Gaming and TLR dynamo JUSZN.

Highbot to replace the Belgians

Overload have wasted no time in replacing their former Belgian ET team with a German one, yup you guessed it the familiar faces of Humm3L and Fireball will be at CC5 after all! The lineup is not yet complete as they are missing their 6th player however for the time being, here is there lineup:

Germany humM3L
Germany fireBall
Germany criatura
Germany z3ro
Germany ScaTmaN_
Sweden tba

humM3L gave crossfire the following statement:

QuoteWell after we saw the scandal of the belgium guy's , it was our chance to go to the crossfire challenge 5. We not missed the last 3 edition's and im really happy and glad to go under the name of OVERLOAd and im aswell glad to be back in et once again. Crossfire competitions without humM3L and fireBall are like xmas without presents

[ET:QW] Mamut.SI - Extinction by Ultraviolet Productions

image: uvlogokx0

Europe Ultraviolet Productions are proud to present their first official Enemy Territory Quakewars movie.

mamut.si - Extinction (Mirror from Ultraviolet) @ Germany (16 simultaneous downloads)
mamut.si - Extinction (Mirror from Ultraviolet) @ Germany (18 simultaneous downloads)
mamut.si - Extinction (Mirror from h3ll) @ .NL
mamut.si - Extinction (Stream by own3d.at) @ Austria

... WHAT no ETQW Impressions? Yes! Read on.

ESL Instant Fall Cup #20

image: fallbuttonThe Instant Fall Cup Series is close to its end. This is the 20th and last edition of that series before the ESL ET Winter League will start next week. Once again you have the chance to get an advantage in the groupstage seedings by playing in this cup. Read on for all details!
Suprise, Suprise! The Crossfire Challenge 5 mappool (look below) will be used again.

Our last 1dayCup gave us following results, which are listed below.
The match can be watched with GamesTV's function "Replay On Demand" -> right here.

Portugal don't care
Europe re-play
Finland turbo

Final Bracket

Use this cup for warmup purposes for the evening!
Detailed information of the 6on6 Instant Fall Cup #19 as follows:

Date: Sunday, 23rd November 2008 17:00 CET

Signup: Here & Checkin between 16:30 - 16:40 CET (Late signups possible from 16.40 CET)
Slots: 16 + confirm your slot 30 mins before the cup starts
Modus: Single Elimination (without looserbracket), 1 map => 2 rounds, forced maps
Mappool: sw_goldrush_te, bremen_b2, supply, radar, adlernest, frostbite, sp_delivery_te (Get it!)
Config: New ESL 6on6 config (Get it!)

  • Stopwatch mode
  • If both teams did a fullhold, callvote cointoss and eliminate maps. Cointoss winner starts to eliminate.
  • If teams can't agree who attacks first, make a cointoss vote
  • For entering results, qry an admin in #esl.et
  • Spectators are allowed only if both teams agree.
  • Mercs are disallowed!
  • Do not forget to take demos of each match!
  • If both teams don't have a server, ESL will provide one (hosted in Germany Germany United Kingdom or UK)
  • Detailed rules you can find here!


Pay attention to the Check In System 30 mins before cupstart!
If you have problems with the sign up or registering to ESL,
feel free to contact an Admin via IRC: #esl.et @quakenet or have a look at the Starter Guid.

Overload Statement

Tonight marks the end of an era of co-operation for us. As an organization, Overload strifes to reach better achievements and heights through good and fair play. Alas, after tonight, we had to come to the conclusion that one of our teams failed to fill in these principles of our organization and thus have been removed as part of Overload Gaming.

The team we're talking about is the Overload ET team, also known as the Belgian Dreamteam. After several rumours were spreading out across Crossfire about the team using a private bot in their games and them being featured in a newly constructed Cheaterbust List the team confessed the accusations thrown towards them. By doing this they are banned from the upcoming cc5 LAN in Enschede, NL and also banned from any further Clanbase ET competition. The team was:

Belgium lio
Belgium vila
Belgium ziff
Belgium acid
Belgium zeto
Belgium jetro
Belgium mesq
Belgium Kevin

Overload as an organization also doesn't approve this kind of behaviour and never will, therefore the team will be removed from the MGC. In a short statements the managers had the following to say:

Quote by Sainted What started as a very happy relation ended in tears and disbelieve. Sadly we put a lot of trust in this team, which they have wasted, taking down part of Overload with them.
We are terribly disappointed in our former W:ET team, and hope to be able to regain the trust of the W:ET community in the future.

Overload confess

Overload's ET team have tonight confessed to the allegations of cheating posed at them. The rumour mill had them faced with being busted via the next upcoming 'bust list' from Killerboy, and when confronted by Crossfire with that evidence they came clean.

In a statement they said they wanted to make a point to the community that anyone can cheat and that it is the lowest thing to do. The players implicated (though confessions have at the moment only come from vila & zeto) are - acid, vila, zeto, jetro lio & kevin.

All players implicated will be banned from CC5 and site bans according to the CF rules.

CC5 Update

Some updated points for you on all things CC5. We've got a semi-completed payment list, some prizemoney changes and a reminder on the seeding tournament plus some later opening hours.

Firstly the payment list:

ET (23 Teams)[/b]]

Fully Paid:

AoW, muse, VAE, overload, fatgames, kursor, charism, buttonbashers, FiF, ZeroE, randoms, epic-fail, MAZZ, epsilon, Mamut, decibel

Partially Paid:

aToon - 5 - Chosen, eim, heroin, draq, FimS
desire - 5 - k2k, sinus, bruceh, keeji, karnaj
dispo - 5 - mama, alexl*, wizzel*, savage*, unix*
Anticlimax - 4 - nunca, flashy, kosk, dio
kruger - 4 - bizzy, Aquila, Juif, Mirage
Copyright - 3 - Shakozor, Para, Jesse*

* = Proof of payment sent, money yet to be received.

(Whilst money hasn't been received, contact has been made with re-play (the one with lazio and nos, not the one with kot))

Call of Duty (14 teams)[/b]]

Tempus Moriendi, Suxus/team-e3, buttonbashers, team i'm, cubesports, dignitas(!), reason, ATS, ampol, H2k(!), Komacrew(!), Speedlink(!), VAE(!), Fatgames

(!) = Management confirmation of attendance, but money yet to be received.

Ruttger Van GOG nl
M Jonathon robinne

Secondly as a result of the payment list I'm moving 500 Euro across to ET, leaving the prizepurse at CoD 7000, ET 5500. Whilst I know that ET players would want more, unfortunately due to the nature of the sponsorship that's allowed us to increase prizemoney there's very little room for manoeuvrings.

CoD -

1st - 3500
2nd - 2250
3rd - 1250

ET -

1st - 2500
2nd - 1750
3rd - 1250

Lastly, I was in Enschede on Tuesday and it was frigging FREEZING, so I asked wzzrd to stay open later so that people could keep warm when playing poker etc and they agreed to stay open as late as 3AM during the event so when you're playing poker you don't have to do it in the cold! Speaking of Poker, we would still like to run another poker tourney but our last poker admin has since left so if anyone would like to volunteer their pokering skills that would be appreciated greatly and rewarded in beer.

If you are competing at CC5 and haven't read THIS then you might want to!

Matchconfigs Hotfix

As already announced earlier there occured a bug within the new European and Clanbase configsets. We added a supply mapscript to avoid the satchel-exploit at crane controls. Due to this we had an invisible box blocking the players. We decided to change to another script without this fix. But be aware it is forbidden to abuse this exploit in any match!
With this post we provide you the fixed version of our configs.

You can download them from the following links:

European Configset (ESL, CF, GTV): Download now!
Changelog/Important settings:[/b]]
  • 10 mapscripts added (see newspost)
  • cl_maxpackets 60-100
  • no mobile MG
  • no headshotprotection

Regarding Newspost crossfire.nu
Regarding Newspost esl.eu

Clanbase Configset: Download now!
Changelog/Important settings:[/b]]
  • rate forced to 25000
  • cl_maxpackets forced to 100
  • snaps forced to 20
  • 10 mapscripts added with different fixxes (see newspost)

Regarding Newspost
Regarding Newspost clanbase.com

Prepare your servers and upload these configs / mapscripts / lua fixes. They will become necessary for every league and match on ESL and Clanbase within the next weeks!

Be aware that playing with the wrong config e.g. in the upcoming ESL ET Winter League will force you to replay the match!

JB joins Epsilon eSports

image: 7d4a6a975612c796
Epsilon eSports is proud to announce one more team to join our organization. Wolfenstein: Enemy Teritory team, quite an old game but still alive and kicking. The core players have been playing together for 3 years, but with a few more great addons, this newly formed team will a new experience to the Wolfenstein:ET's finest. Their first big challenge will be in ESL Winter Cup and CB Eurocup, and they're eagerly waiting for the Crossfire Challenge 5 LAN which be held in Netherlands from 12th till 14th December.

Their roster is as follows:[/i]
Germany Tobias "sNoOp" Ulbricht
Netherlands Jorryt "abort" Dijkstra
Germany Sebastian "butchji" Kupke
Poland Patryk "dialer" Karolewski
Switzerland Florian "gifty" Gunzenhauser
Germany Eduard "zerender" Ehrlich
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