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image: profilewars There are many of you on Crossfire who have spent a great deal of time on your profile, put in the hard graft and barely seen any reward! Today this injustice STOPS, the line has been drawn and you profile warriors will have your day in the sun.

Or at least one of you will. You see Crossfire has had many awards over the years, whether they were at lan, or at the start of each year but never have we awarded the best profile award, until now!

Crossfire is proud to announce our latest competition (brilliantly thought out might I add), profile wars! Over the next week you will have the chance to pimp your profile up to the max in the chance to win cold hard cash! Yes the winner of the Profile Wars will be awarded the hefty sum of 10 Euros for their efforts and of course the coveted Gold trophy!

How to enter? Simple - Any comment On the forum thread will be considered an entry! Comment entry closes next Monday with the winner announced next Tuesday.

But beware there is a img tag bug that may strike you down if you try to be too clever with your ubb codes!

ESL Major Series: 2nd EU Qualifier

image: emsThe first ESL Major Series EU Qualifier is coming to an end and the second one is already on its way. The last chance for all European teams will start next Thursday, seeing an unlimited number of teams fighting for the last 4 EMS slots.

Nearly all nations have found their representative already, only in some nations the final matches have to be played. With the end of our first EU Qualifier it is now time to announce our second and final qualifier and a major change to the slot distribution for the ESL Major Series. Due to the proceedings in some of our national qualifiers, we will reduce the slots from 24 to 16. This leaves the prospect of the EMS groupstage as follows:

Austria / Switzerland Alpen
Finland Finland
France France
Germany Germany 2 slots
Italy Italy
Poland Poland 2 slots
Spain Spain
Sweden Sweden 2 slots
Europe Europe 5 slots

For all teams which are not from one of the mentioned countries or if a clan is too mixed up by different nationalities, there will be the second and last international qualifier where all those teams can participate in. If your clan joined a national qualifier which is not listed in our country ranking, then your national qualifier was cancelled due to lack of teams.

The best 4 teams of the 2nd EU Qualifier will get a slot for the ESL Major Series, starting next Thursday. That's why the signups are already open and will close on Wednesday afternoon. Based on the number of signups, we will decide if we will find the last four teams for the EMS in a single or double elimination bracket.

More details including the schedule can be found in the official ESL Newspost.

ESL News
ESL Major Series

RtcW 3on3 Cup incoming

image: banner3

The old Lady gets another Cup.
Organised by the guys from #revive.rtcw you will be able to take part of the 3on3 RtcW Cup next Sunday. So get a team, sign up and get ready to play the first round of the Cup next Sunday, the 11th of november.

Cup Details:
Date: 11.11.2007
Format: 3on3
Starts: 15:00 CET - Final around 18:00-19:00 CET
RtcW Version: 1.41b
OSP: 0.9
General Warleague Rules
Signup your Team

- beach
- base
- escape2
- frostibte
- ice
- tundra rush (hope it's the right version)

- Joz Mappack
- BL mappack

In The Crossfire: The First Edition 10 / 07

image: header
The time has passed when every single Crossfire News was just about a new game. So let's get to the point where we can talk about who needs such a thing and what ET has been about in the past years: The cheats and the cheaters with the idols and the wannabes.

In The Crossfire is a magazine focusing on one topic, based on the reactions it is possible to be released each each month and should explain facts, storys and ideas to collect everything together written at the most important scene page(s) and adding an edition vision to it to bring an attention and discussion up with many more ideas.

The Index
:: Page 1: Introduction (worth reading!)
:: Page 2: The Fusengate Scandal And The Future
:: Page 3: YAWN And The Warnings
:: Page 4: He Is So Cute In Vent!
:: Page 5: ET And The Idol Competition
:: Page 6: Remember The Glory And The Names
:: Page 7: Reasons, Why A Game Lives.
:: Page 8: Editor Notes

/!\ If you have any visible problems, please /q me with browser details, resolution and a screenshot!

Crossfire confirms CDC4 Intentions

This weekend after lengthy discussions and planning, Crossfire is proud to formally confirm its intent to run the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 in early 2008. The fourth installment in the series will hopefully the biggest and the best Crossfire has presented its ever growing community, featuring the following games;

- Enemy Territory Quakewars - 6vs6
- Call of Duty 4 - 5vs5
- Wolfenstein Enemy Territory - 6vs6
- Warsow - 1vs1

How, When and for how much is all very much still in the planning, and you can help us with the most important part of this. Our intention is to run the tournament on one weekend in the newly refurbished and expanded WZZRD Enschede center, with additional PC's to handle the capacity of 4 games. However, when is a crucial decision with us keen to pick a date in 2008 that is free from exam clashes. We're currently looking at February so if you could be so courteous as to inform us of college and school exam dates that may effect your participation of CDC please post them here

Other than that, the vast majority of information including tournament sizes and prizepurses will be announced in the coming weeks along with a finalised date. We're looking to expand upon the fun community projects we did at CDC3 such as the Poker Night and BBQ aswell as the intense tournaments.

Challenge TV!

Those of you who are unfamiliar with Challenge TV, may be wondering what exactly it is. The site consists of a demo database, allowing people freely to upload and download demos at any time, and with no expense. The site consists of demos from ET, Quake, UT and more; and more recently, ETQW. Although the site does not yet have an ETQW section, ETQW demos have been placed under the ET section until an update arrives creating a set section. Demos can be either scrims or officials, and from any range of skill levels.

Those of you who have ETQW, may or may not currently be competing in the competitive side of it; whether or not you are, you may still be interested in how competition is evolving in the game, possibly with plans of picking up competition in a near or distant future. Whatever the situation is for you, you may be interested to hear that demos are being uploaded to challenge TV, to give you the opportunity to see for yourself just how competition works in Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. The site now hosting ETQW demos, allows people to access them freely, and see for themselves just how it is that ETQW works in competition, or for whatever other use they choose (watching a player to learn a thing or two, making a fragmovie etc.).

Not only is this a notice for you to download, but a request for your uploads, as by providing the site with your demos, you will be helping to provide the site, and the community with a widespread variety of demos, and helping to make the site of use.

Demos uploaded so far have been the POV of myself from Greece grof, Fenda from United Kingdom point blank & Doomsteri of Finland pelit, and include both 4v4 and 6v6 gamestyles. Current demos are against teams such as Europe dignitas, Europe cash please (now h2k) & Germany Speedlink, and requests for more demos from other teams have been put forward recently.


Challenge TV
CHTV Upload

Junk52.etqw Folds

Back in August, Junk52 announced the edition of an Enemy Territory: Quake Wars squad, and now the team can announce that they are latest in a number of teams who have failed to progress from the demo to the fullgame.

With the departure of Sweden Murre earlier this week for the reformed Sweden One2, citing his reasons as wishing to play with an all Swedish lineup, United Kingdom Point-Blank went international and added former Junk52 captain and tanker Denmark Dranzer in order to complete their lineup. With Sweden Guru also due to go inactive soon, the remaining 3 members of Junk52 decided to call it a day, and are understood to be looking for new teams.

The former Junk52.etqw lineup was:
Denmark Mike 'Dranzer' Büsing (Team Captain)
Belgium Bart 'Jaede' Van Remortele
Sweden Martin 'dohfOs' Lundén
Sweden Erik 'Guru' Staffans
Sweden Johan 'Snejk' Svensson
Sweden Tobias 'Murre' Balenius

4kings return to CoD

One of the UK's leading gaming organisations has today returned to the Call of Duty scene picking up an all UK lineup. The organisation has not been seen in the game since CoD1 when the remains of their RTCW squad took on the new title. They were never replaced despite many rumours contrary in CoD2. Yesterday they announced the following lineup for Activisions next title;

Ireland crow
United Kingdom palmz
United Kingdom junior
United Kingdom corp
United Kingdom wiz

The lineup is not as flamboyant as an organisation of their caliber could have attracted, however their CS history has shown that flamboyance is not always a winning attribute and they'll be hoping for a secure and stable future with the lineup. This is 4kings second pickup this week after taking a finnish CSS division from the now dead Insignia Cadre.

You can read the official announcement on the 4K homepage here.

Just a Hype

image: cod2banner

#Fragvision-studios proudly presents to you their very last cod2 project. This time we feature one of europe's best players.

Netherlands Nick" solz" Schurink is currently playing for the srs organisation and is truly an amazingly skilled player which you'll notice right from the start. "Just a hype" will show an enormous amount of frags against the very best cod2 teams in europe.

The movie is very fast pased and eventhough its a one man movie, you wont get bored at all. We hope you guys enjoy this as much as we did making it. HAVE FUN!

>>> Directed by

Mathias "goLd" Thijs

René "Chief" Heideveld

>>> Info

Size: 630MB
Length: 12:10 min.
Codec: Xvid
Resolution 1280*720
FPS 200

Produced by #Fragvision-studios, a moviemaking corporation
branded by #TheLastResort.

>>> Performer

Nick "solz" Schurink

>>> Shoutouts

Mick Laqunalle cem frijec davy bocerbo jetset r1k rapz zem nutec

Chef karlos diablo roelos ralf kevin h4rdy evil jacamaca blitz

And everyone else I forgot!!

>>> Music

Skillet - Rebirthing
Armor for sleep - End of the world
Three days grace - It's all over

Nickelback - If everyone cared

>>> Programs used

Call of Duty 2
Adobe After Effects 7.0 pro
Sony Vegas 7.0
Sony Soundforge 8.0
meGUI media encoder
Macromedia Fireworks

Download Links:
TLR Site


#thelastresort The Last Resort IRC
#fragvision-studios Fragvision-Studios IRC


Quakewars 1.2 released

The Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars 1.2 Update has just been released! It weighs in at just over 280MB and comes with a multitude of improvements, fixes, and new features, including full voice communication, an improved server browser, and a variety of XP balancing adjustments. More information on the 1.2 Update can be found in this developer blog update. You can download the 1.2 Update either via the in-game updater or from the mirrors below.

In addition to the client update, there are also updated server files available - please note that due to the amount of changes, there is no server update this time around, only a full installer.

Extreme players
Student Net Twente
Worth Downloading

* Added voice over IP (VoIP). A new menu has been added to the settings menu that will allow this to be configured. The PC must have a microphone configured properly via the Windows Control Panel in order for it to work in game.
* Comprehensive bot improvements
* Medic revive/health drop XP bonus (20%).
* Light weapons xp bonus (10%) (reduce the cost for each upgrade by 10%, not increasing the actual xp given).
* Threaded renderer: enable via r_useThreadedRenderer 2, when from console in main menu, can not enable in game.
* further optimization of pre-generated shadows, across all maps.
* Alternative mouse input method (enabled by default) using the Raw Input API. Disabled by setting m_rawInput 0.
* Fixed high DPI mice dropping input in certain situations.
* Added support for quadraphonic and 7.1 speaker setups.
* Made vehicle wheels appearing to clip through the ground less common.
* Fixed Titan engine shutdown sound getting cut off when switching seats.
* Spectators come to a complete stop instead of infinitely drifting slowly up or down.
* Vehicle horn sounds don't play when the vehicle is underwater.
* Fixed respawning player being visible in a standing pose over their corpse briefly when they respawn when unlockFPS is enabled.
* Sniper rifle & railgun tracers appear no matter how far away you are from the firer.
* Technician can now switch to other tools while sprinting after changing to his stroyent tool.
* Fireteams are saved across map transitions.
* Fade in vehicle panel/fireteam dialogs.
* Added tool tip explaining the time limit functionality in the play computer shell.
* Remember the chosen class when the admin forces a player to the other team.
* Added EMP effect for all deployables/vehicles while they are disabled.
* Added total XP tool tip for the different proficiency types when mousing over them in the overview tab in the stats.
* Gray out quick chat item "I'm disguised" when not in disguise.
* Lighting Pistol: Fixed not overheating at the same rate if tapping the fire key instead of holding it down.
* Fixed not graying out drop down button in admin menu when "Add bot" is disabled.
* Hide friend/foe indicators while going through the Slipgate teleporter.
* Fixed occasionally seeing a spectator's command map icon if there was a radar deployed.
* Health Packs and Stroyent Cells now have separate uses count on the stats page.
* Fixed treating mining laser objective as a destroy objective instead of construct objective with regards to stats.
* Fixed not resetting radial timer on deployable notify icon when the icon is created.
* Send a tool tip instead of a chat message when a fireteam is disbanded.
* Fixed players seeing the enter vehicle icon on the MCP when it is deployed at an outpost when another player is occupying the gunner seat.
* Fixed driver not getting a tool tip when he is kicked for driving in the wrong direction.
* Grenade Launcher: Always display "Grenade Launcher" obituary even if using bullets.
* Plasma Launcher: Always display "Plasma Launcher" obituary even if using Lacerator.
* Fixed when a Strogg player delivers an Energy Cell back to the Strogg ship, the objective icon next to his name in the scoreboard does not disappear until he dies.
* Fixed not resetting decoy charge bar when switching from driver to another vehicle seat.
* Notify client when client has been muted/unmated from text chat or VOIP.
* Joining a game in progress displays "Warm up(Waiting for more players to ready up)" in the in game scoreboard.
* If a spectator switches to spectate a player firing a one-shot per charge bar vehicle weapon the charge bar will not update properly.
* Now hides energy segments when holding the landmine.
* Fixed the charge notify icon disappearing for someone who has planted a charge, that is dead and spectating someone else while the spectatee charge explodes.
* Fixed charge notify icon not disappearing if you arm a charge you are not the owner of.
* Added option to save account password.
* Added a message history to friends/clan chats.
* Added an option to keep the message friend/clan member window open after sending a message.
* Added a Favorites source, similar to History.
* Added Time/Date information to the Replay page.
* Added Delete button to the Replay page.
* Added option to disable the Complaint popup after you are team killed.
* Added built in support for 1280x960 and 1400x1050 video modes.
* Fixed the server list getting a new list every time Play Online was entered.
* Fixed the server list getting a new list every time a filter changes.
* Fixed display of servers with < and > in their names.
* Changed bot filter to filter out a server only if it's completely full of bots.
* Changed obituary and chat text to a smaller font size.
* Changed menu transitions to make it more obvious that there were new choices when entering the options menu.
* Adjusted energy cell drop-pod rubble in Quarry so players can't clip through it.
* Added EMP sparks and effects to "disabled" vehicles and deployables.
* Added unique hit sound for headshots.
* Slight increase in damage distance falloff for all Lacerator variants.
* Reduced damage distance falloff start point to 25% of weapon range for the Sniper Rifle and Railgun.
* Slight reduction in maximum spread for standing and crouching stances for standard Lacerator and Plasma Launcher variant.
* Reduced firing rate for Grenade Launcher variant to match the Scoped Assault Rifle.
* Reduced firing rate for Plasma Launcher variant to match the Accurised Lacerator.
* Improved initial accuracy for Pistol and Blaster.
* Slight increase to fire rate for both Shotgun and Nailgun.
* Anansi and Tormentor take longer to repair.
* Constructing the mining laser should count as a primary objective for stats purposes now.
* Outskirts: removed two deploy squares that were directly below Strogg spawns.
* Slipgate: fixed fogging on decals on the Antarctic-side structures.
* Valley: raised flight ceiling to allow aircraft to navigate more of the map.
* Volcano: fixed a number of holes in the terrain and missing faces on geometry.
* Roughly 1/3 Drop in Light Weapons and Battle Sense requirements for each level unlock from:

Level 1 10
Level 2 20
Level 3 40
Level 4 80


Level 1 8
Level 2 16
Level 3 32
Level 4 64
* Roughly 1/4 drop in all class requirements for unlocks. This means that Soldier, Medic, Engineer, Covert Ops, Field Ops and Strogg equivalents would change from:

Level 1 15
Level 2 30
Level 3 60
Level 4 120


Level 1 12
Level 2 24
Level 3 48
Level 4 96

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