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Abnormal Monkeys join #sFx.Gaming

image: sfxbanner

Finland Tiigeri
Finland Mystic
Finland Xpaz
Finland Jauhis
Finland Saintt
Finland et1
Finland torspo

The sFx management team would like to welcome its latest squad to the organisation, Abnormal Monkeys. The players themselves need no introduction, their achievements are well known and we believe there is plenty more to come from this all finish squad. Along with competing in this years Eurocup you can also look forward to seeing this team gracing next years CPC2 Lan.

England eVo
Quote Ever since I was asked by United States of America Jacques Antoine (sFx Managing Director) to recruit another ET team into sFx I knew I had my work cut out for me. We already had one squad Finland sFx Murso competing in Eurocup and although I am regularly asked by teams looking to join sFx I only really wanted a top team to bring into the organisation. Given my previous dealings with Tiigeri both when he played for the FinlandsFx Skit Evil and EuropesFx LAN squads and due to the sheer strength of his current team (Abnormal Monkeys) it made sense that I would approach him to once again play for sFx. The team has practicing hard and I believe are a true threat to the Idle Eurocup crown.

Finland Tiigeri
QuoteWe want to go a bit further than just playing EC. We've been discussing about upcoming Crossfire Prizefight Challenge and decided that we need a professional Multi Gaming organisation to give us support. Following several weeks of discussions with eVo, we decided to join sFx, afterall sFx supported sFx.LAN for CPC #1.


COD2 with GIGA2 tonight!

image: match_g2div2

With a match in the second division we are going to bring you the first GIGA2 live stream with CoD2's S&D tonight at 23.00 CET. Two ambitious teams will face each other to win the match on Caen to gain a better position in the rankings and higher chances to continue to the playoffs. Both teams are still on the top in group D with 3 wins and no single loss. Only the score makes the difference and tonight you can check out which team is able to get the first place in their group.

With a high quality 1mbit stream, GIGA2 will is the best alternate to not existing tv mod for our beloved game. Therefore, you should get up and invest some cents each day to get hot on GIGA2 with CoD2 matches in every upcoming week!
:: GIGA 2
:: Tune In

ESL ET Fall Series Playoffs

When the groupstage is gone the playoffs are not far away! This week we are gonna start the playoffs for our beloved 6on6 stopwatch to run into success with having the top teams of each division in to fight for no ads with hot premium accounts!

Division 1
8 Teams will participate in the playoffs to find the elite of the ESL fall series and with the summer's top team Italy Retroactive and the new european top team Germany one4one in as favorites to get one of the top ranks and the chance to participate in a possible IPS season #2 we will have a very hot action coming up before Santa Clause is here. Check out all participants of the playoffs:
:: Rankings
:: Playoff Tree

[img|left]http://www.webstylestudio.de/cod2news/div1.jpg[/img]Czech Republic Universal Warriors vs. Retroactive Italy
Poland FBI - Team vs. Azure Fate Spain
Spain aurea Jamaica vs. roYality - eSports Germany
Czech Republic infrag vs. one4one.ET Germany

Find all details about the upcoming playoffs on the ESL website.

Eurocup Again!

image: eurocup Tonight there will be a match thats maybe the best match the EuroCup got in this first matchweek between two teams that did show lately what they made of.
Ofcourse im talking about the game Germany one4one vs Europe aMenti. Lets start with the match info!

England Sheep
Italy dAnOnE
Belgium Kevin
Finland Iron
Finland Squall
Switzerland vegi
Croatia aCoZz
Czech Republic marv
Belgium dAv1d
Spain Winghaven
Latvia C|own
Israel Crozz/Zeus

Germany one4one versus aMenti Europe
Time 21.00 CET
[img|left]http://home.arcor.de/bullvox/swgoldrushteoq6.jpg[/img] image: adlernestsk9

Admin Netherlands bullvox

Here are two short interviews with aMenti`Winghaven]
What do you think about tonights game?
we're gonna face off stable and strong team, and after we got some lineup / activity problems we don't know what's gonna happen but we'll do our best. Anyway, after our victory vs hx, we got some motivation back for do smth at this Eurocup

All of your players are playing in the NC too. Is this a problem for the team?
Well kind of, tomorrow we've 3 games, me with spain, clown with latvia and acozz with croatia. Also david needs to play with belgium at sunday. We try to play with Nations and also with clan, but that's very difficult because we're all 6 in a NC team. So somedays like tomorrow 3 of us need to play with NC, so can not pracc with clan

Who is the player you fear the most in one4one?
I don't fear any special player, but yes as a team, they are really strong and stable

Whats the team your fearing the most in your group?
and one4one`Squall]
What do you think about tonights game?
Well i have no idea, cos we havent rly played against amenti before, it will be tight match thats for sure

Alot of your players are playing in the NC too. Is this a problem for the team?
Not rly, cos everyone wants to prac with 141, and nc is just for fun =)

Who is the player you fear the most in aMenti?
winghaven with his lag and panzah

Whats the team your fearing the most in your group?

What do we know about the teams?
A lot of people are talking nothing then good things about one4one. They did show us they are a team with a stable 6 man line-up. They all think one4one can come far this season because of the stable line-up and the teamwork they got.
Will it be enough tonight?

We all know that aMenti had some activity problems and they did recruit new players in the form of Latvia C|own and Czech Republic Marv. They did suprise us earlier this week with a 4-2 win against Germany Team Helix. Like Winghaven said because of that win they got some more motivation and are ready to take the first win in this EuroCup.

Hello Eurocup!

[img|left]http://www.student.dtu.dk/~s020561/img/eurocup.png[/img]image: crew-icon Tonight the very first game of the 14th edition of the Clanbase Eurocup will be brought to you on a screen nearby! At 2100CET Sweden zeroPoint! will take on Europe Morrigu. Now as you can see on Clanbase zP! are the major favourites. Will Switzerland gifty and co be able to beat this 'unknown' Morrigu? Have they regained their faith after their defeat in Poland? Have they pracced enough for this game?

Morrigu on the other hand, as major underdogs, have 1 special card they can pull out. His name is Netherlands tekoa. But wether or not tekoa will actually play is not certain at all. Tekoa has quit gaming, and will only come back on some occasions. He will therefore not really train with the morrigu guys. So even if he plays, will his talent alone be enough? So the question is here too, will the dutchie Canada Wesbo and co be able to take down this team?

When you look at their group for both teams losing does not necessarily mean being kicked out of the EC. But if mQ wont be able to beat zP! they will have a very hard job in beating NETR. Atleast when you look at what happened at the LAN ;-) For zP! if they lose it will be very hard aswell. But as they say over at Adidas, impossible is nothing.

So there you have it folks, tonight you know what to do! Your evening is a evening full of EC! At 2100CET you can go connect to the ETTV servers. Of course a Eurocup game is not a Eurocup game without a shoutcast from Inside the Game. At 2030CET you can tune in to Inside the Game where Wesbo will be joining me for a quick preview on the game.

Austria Darky
Austria Rapture
Austria Potter
Germany Butchji
Germany hatred
Switzerland Gifty
4-2 morrigu[/b]]
Canada Wesbo
Poland nrs
Norway Lakai
Netherlands joop
Germany Brot
Denmark gyzr

Time: 2100CET
Maps: sw_goldrush_te, adlernest

Netherlands iTG`stewie (english)
Poland HS-Thoro (polish)

GameArena ET Season 8 finals

image: galogouk9 Across the globe Australia Australia and New Zealand New Zealand's GameArena ET Competition has just begun it's season 8 finals series.

In the GameArena league, the 8 highest teams at the end of the regulation season play through brackets to reach the Grand Final.
This season, the maps chosen were frostbite, ga_el_kef and braundorf. The Grand final maps won't be announced until the teams are decided.
Like the regular season, GameArena finals matches are played best of 5 (first to 3) on a single map.
The Grand final best of three maps, with each map decieded by best of three rounds.

Teams which qualified:
1. Australia adversus.et
2. Australia Team Modus Operandi
3. Australia Team Potentia
4. Australia Regiments of Khaos
5. Australia Das Reich Elitetruppe
6. Korea, Republic of dEviance
7. Australia novüs klamateürus
8. Australia teamredux

These finals will see some strong competition between adversus.et - winners of the previous season, Team Modus Operandi - known internationally through quakecon, and teamredux - Australia's third highskill clan.
ETTV demos will be available for almost all matches.

GA Ladder
Unoffical finals Draw
Official finals info
GameStah Shoutcasters

Bye Bye Serious!

In a bizarre twist of events, the team who can claim Eurocup as their biological father 'serious gaming' have stepped out of the firing line for this seasons Eurocup. Their departure has given birth to a new team 'Entropy' who feature some of the stars of Serious whilst they take a break.

Team Leader Ireland Crow stated:
QuoteAfter a lengthy discussion last night, we have decided to drop out of this season's EuroCup due to real life commitments. In the past we have put such things aside but with no major LAN events left in 2006 and no prize money or LAN finals for this season's EuroCup we feel now is the right time to catch up so to speak and take a break. For us the most important thing is to go into events such as Playz early next year at full strength and we believe this is the best way to do that. As a team we are sticking together and you can expect to see us back in action again soon. I would like to thank the management of Serious-Gaming for their continued support and understanding and to all our supporters and friends... see you in 2007!

Experience dictates that this is always a dangerous path to walk, rarely is it that any team come back from a break in the same shape or size that they went into it, however for a team born in the face of controversy this is just another challenge!

Entropy have replaced Serious in Eurocup with the following lineup that bares no conflict with serious gaming obligations:

Finland dark
Finland stim
Finland Sacrim
Finland -
Finland pakZr

In other CoD2 Eurocup changes Team fukyuu have been replaced by Reason-Gaming

ESL IPS - aMenti vs. Team-Helix

image: 30599The sixth and second last playday of the ESL International Premiership Series will end today with the match between Germany Team-Helix and Europe aMenti. After showing up with only 5 players and loosing clearly against the Estonian powerhouse Estonia idle.ee on last playday, aMenti has today another chance to come back into the fight for third place and increase their chances for the next and final match against Poland The Netrunners. But everyone's favourite team today is Team-Helix. The Germans are good in shape and should sail to victory. A win tonight and everything would be made for the ultimate match between Team-Helix and idle.ee on Thursday. But before we will direct our attention on this final we have another great match today. With more than 1000 ETTV slots and three shoutcasts all eyes are turned on this match, especially since the well known radio station Radio iTG and ET's most known person and the voice of ET United Kingdom TosspoT will broadcast it. Stay tuned for another full evening of action coming your way!

image: hx image: et Team-Helix Germany vs. Europe aMenti image: amenti

Germany Team-Helix.biqq
QuoteaMenti is the last opponent we've to defeat to be atleast on the 2nd spot in the IPS. That's why we'll do everything to defeat them. Auf zum Atem!

Spain aMenti.Winghaven
QuoteWell, after a month full of inactivity due some personal and inet problems we seem to be back with a lineup, this match is kinda premature to test our power but we'll do our best"

Germany Team-Helix: biqq, drago, evil, riddla, ramin, conan
Europe aMenti: Winghaven, dAv1d, Clown, CrozZ, aCoZz, marv

Time: 22:00 CET
Maps: Radar, Adlernest

United Kingdom Radio iTG - TosspoT
Germany FlyingDJ
Poland HeadShot Radio - bandit

image: game1660

HomeNations Enters Second Week

image: general The Gamersnation HomeNations Cup is entering its second week. For those that don't know, the HomeNations is an ET version of the ruby union annual competition the 6 nations (originally known as the HomeNations, when it consisted of only England, Ireland, Scotland & Wales). This is the first event of its kind, allowing players not selected for the United Kingdom NC team to strut their stuff on ETTV.

Though the names may not be, the games have been anything but uninteresting. The opening match, known as the Calcutta Cup between England and Scotland ended with England receiving a forfeit loss and one English player being disqualified - nearly leading to the team withdrawing from the competition in protest. Since then things have calmed down and England took a close win in their second match against a strong Irish team last Thursday, followed by a victory over Wales last night. Leaving them top of the group and qualified for the final, having played all their matches.

Currently, Scotland are the only team that can still achieve a Grand Slam, having won their only match. Tonight they play Wales in a rescheduled clash which they enter as clear favourites. Though this will be no walkover due to Wales fighting to avoid the wooden spoon.

Scotland vs. Wales Wales]
image: game1663
Maps: Tba

The current group standings are...

image: nationsbo7

The final and most likely determining match will take place on an unscheduled day this week - the winner earning themselves a place in the final to face England. Though Scotland are favourites to achieve this, Ireland are not to be underestimated. They recently took an impressive win over Slovenia in the NationsCup and are arguably the most active of the four. Keep watching Gamestv.org for match details.



England hentai (c)
England Scotty
England unblind
England rch
England antalis
England miXer
England legend
England XenoMorph
England Hype
England meez


Scotland Vexx (c)
Scotland Pedro
Scotland slasheh
Scotland DocHoliday
Scotland phonics
Scotland stormeh
Scotland kevlar
Scotland razz


Ireland sol (c)
Ireland Skydeh
Ireland Electro
Ireland Joe
Ireland Malus
Ireland apple
Ireland Herbal
Ireland Etnies
Ireland Allu


Wales Jake (c)
Wales LoZz
Wales Mavrick
Wales Mael
Wales L0ck
Wales Kilo
Wales Xage
Wales Bellza
Wales spit

OpenCup delayed

image: clanbase_white We've received a lot mails about groups and league switches. We would really would like to apologize for not doing anything about this, due to Belgium NightRavers' unforeseen absence and my work at lan. To accommodate most clans with their requests and fix any mishabs as good as we can, we're forced to delay the first OpenCup matchweek. This means the first matchweek will start on Friday, 4th December and not 27th November as we previously planned. In this week we will try to check all requests and make some clan switches to improve the groups.

ClanBase ET Crew
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