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Crevasse_b3 Released

Crevasse b2 has featured heavily recently in various competitions, and following feedback in a Crossfire poll Australia Dersaidin has released an updated Crevasse_b3.

Overwhelmingly winning with 252 votes (38.1%) was to change the final stage objective from grenadable in _b2 to a doc run - which has been implemented.

Major changes include:

- Final objective is now a doc run. Transmitter near axis spawn.
- Axis can no longer boost into the room at the bottom of the elevator shafts.
- Allies can no longer TK-revive over the cage to get to the second phase.

For more information on the changes, see the readme.

This latest version will be used in the current ESL season. As ever Australia Dersaidin is looking for constructive feedback, be it positive or negative.


Dignitas top Gotfrag CoD2 Rankings

image: casso_cod2euro_597x110

With the 2006 LAN season coming to an end, Gotfrag have announced their highly anticipated top 10 rankings for European Call of Duty 2 once more. This month has seen a number of surprises including the success of Serious and Tek-9, both with new lineups, as well as the emergence of Logitech.fi, the former Idle.ee side, as serious European contenders. Alongside all this though it is Digntias who have obviously been impressing the most and it is the UK side that takes first place in the rankings. Speedlink drop 4 places to 5th after a string of weak performances and alongside last month's high achievers H2k and Doubleslash, are under pressure to step up their game. Below you can view the full rankings.

image: top10az7

You can read the full article here.

Last but not Least - Team Germany!

image: nt_neu

Since the loss of last years captain biqq, qraigu chose the "germanwunderkind" butchji as his new team-ger etcap. In a really short time they managed to build up the new et crew consisting of at least 1 helix player, 2 zP! boys, 3 HB guys, 1 cdap - pi player, 1 from o8 plus one cless player.
As you can see in the lineup below team germany has to play with a nearly complete new lineup this season. But the community is the 7rd player on the server and we whish them best of luck! ;D


Germany Qraigu [M] (rewind, o6)

Germany butchji [C] (zP!)
Germany hatred (zP!)
Germany keran (o8)
Germany conan (Team Helix)
Germany ohzor4 (Highbot)
Germany snoop (cdap - pi)
Germany _shy (ex-beta)
Germany criatura (Highbot)
Germany murDa (Highbot)

Germany annaj as official cheerleader

idle: #team-ger.et


Qraigu told meh to do teh boobs bigger :< but had no time... sry doods.. ;D

ClanBase NationsCup X ready for Qualifiers !

image: clanbase_white
Signups Closed

After a signup time of 2 weeks, ClanBase Enemy Territory NationsCup X Signups are now CLOSED.
We have received a total of 30 signups which have been processed and accepted during the preparations for yet another great NationsCup Event !

Selected Nations

We have received all the needed CIDs as well as all the selected teamcaptains for the season. However, due to late subscriptions we had to put Denmark Denmark & Bulgaria Bulgaria on the waiting list. If a team drops out for whatever reason, they are most welcome to replace them.
But we do welcome back Brazil Brasil and Slovakia Slovakia to the season !
Now the moment you have all been waiting for, the announcement of this Season's Nations and their captains as well as the Qualifiers:

Croatia Croatia - amserious - Accepted
France France - chtstorm - Qualifier
Hungary Hungary - Bor!sten - Accepted
United Kingdom United Kingdom - Ste - Accepted
Austria Austria - n3co - Accepted
Iceland Iceland - Pearl - Qualifier
Czech Republic Czech Republic - Butch - Accepted
Belgium Belgium - Shewie - Accepted
Switzerland Switzerland - gifty - Qualifier
Italy Italy - Jolly - Accepted
United States of America USA - Vader - Qualifier
Latvia Latvia - cl0wn - Accepted
Sweden Sweden - LoTiX - Accepted
Finland Finland - simamies - Accepted
Norway Norway - Snuble - Accepted
Malta Malta - Yancho - Qualifier
Estonia Estonia - asd. - Accepted
Netherlands Netherlands - kris - Accepted
Poland Poland - Thoro - Accepted
Portugal Portugal - kMt - Accepted
Spain Spain - JoNa - Accepted
Russia Russia - hypnotix - Accepted
Germany Germany - kuraigu - Accepted
Slovakia Slovakia - Masta - Qualifier
Ireland Ireland - sol - Qualifier
Canada Canada - Blazenn - Qualifier
Ukraine Ukraine - Protector - Qualifier
Slovenia Slovenia - c0ld - Qualifier
Brazil Brazil - Spawn - Qualifier
Israel Israel - Crozz - Qualifier

The whole article including the Qualifier matches can be found at the ClanBase NationsCup X homepage

Good luck to all the participating Nations,

Anaconda & lab

Team Canada eH

image: canadam

I am pleased to announced Team-Canada which will pwn j00.

On a serious note I believe this is the first time in Canada's NationsCup history where the roster is made up of all high skilled players and at the same time completely dedicated to making a statement in NationsCup X.


Canada Blazen (Captain)
Canada Anim
Canada Boi
Canada Trapt
Canada Vegetable
Canada Tyrant

Canada Wesbo (7th)




image: reprawu8

Today I am proud to announce, that new Team-Poland.ET is ready to battle for next NationsCup. We are the winners of NationsCup VII and we are going to do it again this season. We have big lineup, full of experienced and high skilled players from best polish teams, like FearFactory.X-Fi or Netrunners. We will do our best to make our community proud of us.



Poland Thoro (FearFactory.X-Fi)


Poland kot (Netrunners)
Poland Wrobel (FearFactory.X-Fi)
Poland krisek (FearFactory.X-Fi)
Poland Robol^ (inVert Multigaming)
Poland wiesiek (FearFactory.X-Fi)
Poland gotti (Netrunners)
Poland buzka (Netrunners)
Poland S4rna (FearFactory.X-Fi)
Poland chester (Netrunners)
Poland r1co (FearFactory.X-Fi)
Poland oic (Netrunners)
Poland dialer (Logitech UVM)

Public Relations:

Poland WookasH (HeadShot Radio)
Poland Set (owned.pl)
Poland soofka! (eSports.pl)



Tea & Crumpets Squad UK

image: TEAMUK1

At long last the UK can announce its ET squad for this up coming NC, with a few new faces joining in the lineup and the return of a few old faces too. Also this is the first time 2 players of the squad of 8 will first see there names in the lineup after yesterday night trial. Ste and I would like to welcome Meez and Hentai we are sure they well be a vital part of our squad, gratz guys!


United Kingdom Ste (c) (cdap.oddjob)
United Kingdom Marvel (cdap.oddjob)
United Kingdom Ngotie (cdap.oddjob)
United Kingdom Adzz (idle)
United Kingdom Sheep (one4one)
United Kingdom Fazz (dtekt)
United Kingdom Meez (ec4)
United Kingdom Hentai (ec4)


The Final - #17 ET-Cup

image: 6o6futurecup6xri

So here we are, the end of the #17 ET-Cup. After a battling group stage and a grooling knockout phaze, we come to the final.

But how did Germany one4one and Europe cdap - Pi get to where they are now?

Germany one4one > Winner (Group Charlie), eSrael, uQ, Highbot
Europe cdap - Pi > Winner (Group Echo), sFx Evil, 2eaz, eC4

Before i give you the details on how you can watch the final, i decided to ask both captains for a short statement on the final itself, its team and the cup as a whole.

Quote by one4one.SheepWell I have no idea what our chances are because we have never actually played them. Having specced them before they look a very strong team, and after beating idle (probably most famous game this year) some may say they are one of the top, TOP teams. The competition so far has been pretty straight forward, after a relatively easy first game vs eSrael, we should have been playing vs. uQ - a game which we were not particularly worried about. However uQ had to forfeit and that give us a spot in the semi's vs. Highbot. We disposed of highbot and now look forward to playing cdap-pi. In all cases it's not about a single player, like the saying there is no I in TEAM. We have stuck together and played as a team and it has been a jont effort to have got where we are now. If there was one player I would ahve to single out it would be either DaNoNe or Iron. Iron for being so consistant and showing everyone what he can actually do with a rifle, or DaN having never had a 6v6 clan before coming in and improving day by day.

Quote by cdap|aeq I think we have a fair chance of beating one4one knowing the shape we are in but, we will not underestimate them. We havent really had very hard games in this cup yet, but i think the final is gonna be quite tricky. We have had alot of def. wins so we sailed through quite easily. I think the fact that we have played this cup with the same lineup throughout the entire cup contributes to the fact that we are doing quite well at the moment. And having to point out a player of the cup is hard, since we all have our own part in the team, but I think the way perfo has manifested himself lately is extraordinary

So there we have it. Some fighting talk from both team captains now lets see how they do in the game itself.

Date: Thursday, 9th November 2006
Time: 20:00
IRC: #ET-Cup
Maps: supply, frostbite
ETTv: IP's
Shoutcast: iTG Stewie URL / Mashed & Sinuss url

Dont forget the winner will also recieve teamspeak servers courtesy of #revolver-hero.et

The viking squad of Denmark

image: dknc0at

Year 1992 AD.:
QuoteThis years Eurocup in football was held in Sweden, and one of the late teams to join the tournament was Denmark, who joined because Jugoslavia was not eligible to go, because of the war.
These finals was won by the Danish national team, who surprised all by beating The Netherlands in the semifinal, and the mighty squad of Yermany in the final.

Enough with the history leasons...

The Danish Enemy Territory community has become alot smaller since the previous nations-cup, but that doesn't prevent the community from creating a team representing the Danish flag. The lineup for this season is:

Denmark Squash (captain) - (Sleeperz)

Denmark Bamze (nSens)
Denmark bLAZ3R (coitio)
Denmark Fisken (Sleeperz)
Denmark Freezer (nSens)
Denmark gyzr (ex-SpreadingDeath)
Denmark Xcn (Sleeperz)

Denmark Arachon (backup) - (coitio)
Denmark Goscinny (backup) - (Sleeperz)

We hope that we are able to make some upsets during the entire season of ClanBase NationsCup. Who ever thinks different will be brutally raped by ze mighty vikings of ze north :)

- NC.EnemyTerritory.dk
- #ET.dk

ClanBase ET Fall 2006 season signups pass 250

image: clanbase_whiteJust 48 hours after they opened the ClanBase Fall OpenCup season signups have already passed the 150 team mark for ET 6v6, with more than 100 teams signed up for ET 3v3. The tight schedule for this season means that the signups won't see the one week extension to the registration period present in most previous seasons, so teams should sign up now to ensure themselves a place in the largest competition in Enemy Territory.

Despite the shortened schedule we are well on the way to surpassing the Spring 2006 season total of 350 signups for 6v6 (320 for 3v3) and we hope to provide the most fun OpenCup and EuroCup yet, with more coverage than ever before in ettv, shoutcasts, match reports, articles and interviews. These signups also include Europe’s best of the best like Estonia idle.ee (winners of EC XI, XIII and QuakeCon 2006), Finland #Murso SFX (Nr1 in 5v5 ladder), Poland Fear Factory (winners of 6v6 OC Spring 2006), Europe aMenti (Second place EC XIII), Germany sTREETFIGHTERS (winners of 3v3 OC Spring 2006) and many, many more, so it promises to be an amazing season.

There is still plenty of time to sign up and we are also counting on YOUR team to participate in the best cup ClanBase has to offer. The deadline for signups is the 19th November, and teams which sign up earlier will have priority when we create the groups, so be sure to get your team signed up as soon as you can.

Bear in mind that the start of a cup season is always a busy time for team registration, so if you need to create a new clan account to play, do it today!

Sign up now at ClanBase.com!
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