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Another show incoming - ESL.de 3on3 Spring Cup

image: teaser_xifre Tonight, we are going to prepare you for the upcoming nationscup match with some 3on3 rockets coming up from the german 3on3 ET spring cup.
We are going to see the team of Germany viol (bhstyle), who are getting ready for the match against the new United Souls squad with Switzerland gifty, Germany mjo and Finland Rhoc.
In the other match, we are going to see the german powerhouse Germany BETA playing against Germany Team sen5or, who recently saved up there 2nd place in the ESL Ladders, but we don't know yet if they are strong enough to have any chance in this match.

Match 1
Europe united souls vs. Dfiance Europe
Time: Today, 18 Cet
Maps: Supply Depot 2, ET Ice
ETTV: http://www.gamestv.org/war.php?wid=363
Result: 4 - 0 (uS won)

Match 2
Germany Tean sen5or vs. BETA Germany
Time: Today, 20 Cet
Maps: Supply Depot 2, ET Ice
Result: Def win Beta

ESL News

Clanbase announces Eurocup XIII

This newpost is completely ripped from Esreality and Erazor.

After the recent announcement of the ClanBase Spring Season 2006, ClanBase has now announced the 13th incarnation of their prestigious EuroCups.

This thirteenth season of EuroCups will again feature LAN-Finals for some of the games. This time, there will be no Transatlantic Showdown and ClanBase will carry out the LAN-Finals on their own at a yet unknown location in Europe.

The prizemoney ClanBase can offer this time is $50.000 in total for both the games with LAN-Finals and those with Online-Finals.

Eurocups with LAN Finals

- Counterstrike 1.6 - $15000
- Call of Duty 2 S&D - $9500
- Quake 4 TDM - $9000
- Warcraft III 1v1 - $4000

EuroCups with Online-Finals

- Battlefield 2 Conquest 8v8 - $1100
- Counter-Strike:Source - $1000
- Enemy Territory - $1000
- MoH:AA Obj Real - $1000
- MoH:AA Obj - $1000
- Quake 4 1v1 - $1000
- Spearhead Obj Real - $1000
- StarCraft BW 1v1 - $1000
- Unreal CTF - $1000
- Unreal TDM - $750
- Day of Defeat:Source - $1000
- FIFA 1v1 - $550
- PES 5 1v1 - $550
- UT2004 1v1 - $550

How to Sign-Up:
In connection with this announcement, the signup period for OpenCups and EuroCups has been increased until Sunday, 16th of April. All Clans and Players that want to participate in the EuroCups or OpenCups can sign-up here. Please keep in mind, that the EuroCups are "invite-only" tournaments and there is no way to directly sign up for a EuroCup.

You can read the full announcement on the EuroCup XIII here on ClanBase.


image: scrn_1 There have been some pretty noteworthy movies of late that have made it down the copper wires and cables into our whirring harddrives: we've had the recent FFStyle, sexyhot's flick "RomaSanta", kris's fragmovie and a number of others worthy of a mention.

When Switzerland Gifty contacted me to help promote his movie, I could hardly turn the offer down - after all, in return I was promised he would take a camera around to Coffin's house, and record the dealing of a few "neutral" Swiss slaps. Although, unforunately, it seems this prize is unlikely to make it to me, the fragvid itself surely helped to appease the angry person in me, delivering nearly twenty minutes of high quality film at 2.30 in the morning. It features everything that any great video requires:
[*] Frags against top teams including infensus, demiurge, idle & more..
[*] High quality editing & encoding by the maker vaGgi
[*] Music syncing throughtout
[*] Corny music, Junkie XL Elvis Presley anyone? *tick!*
[*] Rifle trickshots!

And on the note of rifle trickshots, some are geniunely very impressive, with the most unlikely of grenades killing their target, leaving their victim left to mutter a quiet "wtf" to his monitor.
As stated earlier, the movie is around 20mins (19.31 exact), and so the download weighs in on the heavier side, although the encoding keeps the file down to under 500mb, which seems to me an impressive achievement given the quality on-screen. So then the gory details:
Quote[/i]Duration: 19:31 mins
Size: 504 MB
Resolution: 856x480
Frame Rate: 100 frames per second
Video Codec: XviD MPEG-4
Audio Codec: MPEG Layer-3 56 kBit/s
Used Disk Space: 127 GB


Gifty: "Greets all my friends and teammates/ex-teammates!!!!!111
Thanks to vaGgi for making my vid!"


cVs.ET 6c6 1day CUP Today!

image: cvs_cup

Finally great day has come!

Tourney kicks-off Todat @ 2.00pm CET .

ETTV servers ip: (80 slot) (80 slot) (120 slot)

for other stuff:

#cVs.cup on quakenet.

Skill will be on field this time, we are waiting for you!

Busy times in the GamesTV.org stable

[img|left]http://www.gamestv.org/images/links/small_3d.gif[/img]It's the lull before the storm, and the folks over at GTV have been going about their work with a degree of industry before the coming OpenCup, and Warleagues season. The site has been constantly tweaked and upgraded over the past few weeks without throwing up much noise at all, and so I took it upon myself to ask gamestv's development man, Germany Arni, just how things were going exactly.

[*] We've seen updates to the site, such as the layout, and other new features, is this part of one big gtv makeover in anyway, and what is left to be done?

arni: Yes during the past few weeks quite a lot has changed in the visual apearance of the page as well as we've added new features to the site. We thought it was about time to give the old layout a freshup which favours bigger screen resolutions. We are constantly working on new features and design improvements, so keep your eyes open ;-)

[*] Throughout its history, gtv has stuck with enemy territory, despite moving from the domain ettv.org --> gamestv.org. How soon do you expect it'll be until other games are introduced int othe schedules, and what games to you expect to go to first?

Arni: At the moment no broadcasts for other games are planned - apart from contacts to the cod(2) scene we are simply missing some people who know the other scenes and could get things going - so for now no other games apart from et are planned but are always welcome.

[*] And if you had the people in place to make it happen, it'd be CoD2 and any others?

Arni: We've had talks to people from cod2 (missing a broadcast tool at the moment) but also brief talks to people casting cs(s) with hltv - as i said, we are open for everything that might come but the gamestv management is only involved in et at the moment - we are currently comfortable with beeing the number1 source of ettv.

[*] Finally, have you been getting any sense of recognition for your services from the big name sites, for example ggl.com, esreality, etc?

Arni: I think the fact that the whole community links our schedule (which they are free to do, check out our new buttons) gives us quite some recognition in the scene, whever there is some big event in the scene, we are the ones to ask for coverage, on the other hand we want to stay fully autonomous which im my opinion secures our agility to respond to changes.

Quote[/i]Check out all the happenings over at gtv.

Quakecon wants your opinion!

The lovely Milez has asked for peoples opinions on how Quakecon distributes its prize money, hes interested to see whether people agree with the logic that individuals should get more than teams, something most relevant to 6on6 gamers:

QuoteCurrently, prize money has been distributed with the subtle, but important, suggestion that 1v1 players are more important than team players. The past 10 years or so of events have always given the 1v1 players more money than the team players. Doing so sets a precedent that 1v1 players have more of a challenge than a team player.

QuoteI am up for evening up the prize distribution in the attempt to treat the players evenly.

Read the full thread over Here

Warleagues Season VI Groups

image: top_logo

There are some things in life that can be guaranteed, and others which are not so predicable. But, boys & girls, the organisation which was recently beaten by the Clanbase crew has finally delivered on its promise and published the groups for the upcoming season VI.

With the usual eight teams to a group, and going from Alpha through to Juliet, it seems even the most dogged problems of dropouts and forfeit wins will do little to slow the upcoming Warleagues season, with the NationsCup coming to a close, and the OpenCup still debating its map pool. Clanbase might claim the prestige, but it is WL who surely run the show in the style department.

If your team signed up, be sure to check out your draw on the groups page. So with the players all ready, the ETTV ordered, and the admins set for another spell of mp40 love, all thats left to be said is bring on the games.


Invite 6v6 #ET-Cup Announced

What a great time! The pre-EC fervor is in full flow and we’ve some exciting matches in store. It’s do or die time, can these newly formed clans prove their worth?

In recent weeks there’s been a mass turn around on the previous exodus, old clans reforming - new teams taking the two week challenge. The debate’s already raging, who deserves an EC invite? We’ve rounded up the sixteen hottest clans of the moment giving them one last chance to prove themselves. A map list echoing that of EC and full ETTV support ensures we’ve an exciting week ahead.

ESL 3v3 Spring Cup: Helix vs. empuLse

image: teaser_xifre In just a few minutes the first quarterfinal of this seasons first spring cup gets underway.

The road to the finals
Team Helix, known as a stable and strong team are the strong favourites tonight as they take on an unproven empulse team. A roster brimming with German national players, including the captain of hx, riddla, who under performed in the first match against YaC, dropping 1 map. However since then they’ve gained some momentum and looked impressive against a lacklustre Team Lazy, taking an easy win 4:0. This match, will be another waypoint on their road to world domination.

Empulse is another clan with a long illustrious history and are pulling out all the stocks for tonight’s match, as roYal, qti and the recently added player fl3x take centre stage.

Teams: Germany empuLse vs. Team Helix Europe
Time: Finished
Maps: ET Ice, SupplyDepot2
ETTV: http://www.gamestv.org/war.php?wid=354
ESL News: http://www.esl-europe.net/de/et/news/22042/
Result: 2 - 4 (hx won)

RtCW OwnitschCup II Playoffs started!

The playoffs for the RtCW Ownitschcup II are here!

The 1/8 Finals look like this:

France svperfrogs vs. Europe SuperNoobAimers
Europe Team Zwaffel vs. Europe Devil's Tail
Sweden Knö i Hörn 4-0 Europe Elite Nordic
United Kingdom scelesto 4-0 Europe Dying.Wish
Europe Fallanx vs. Europe eDged
United Kingdom one.soldier vs. Europe Team HighBot
Germany TeamZenith vs. Germany wo0t
Europe oceans6 vs. United Kingdom TeamAffray

Some truely top notch games to look forward too, with a mixture of old and new talent! Not only that but there is the prize of a 6 month RTCW server up for grabs!

Match of the Week

Date:Wednesday 05 April - 21.00 CET
Teams United Kingdom scelesto vs. Europe Dying.Wish
Shoutcast Download: iTG`TosspoT Here

OwnitschcupII Website
Inside the Game
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