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CB ET Spring Maplist

image: tblairClanBase ET 6v6 OpenCup Spring 2006

The polls are in! It was pretty clear when we published the first OC maplist that people weren't all too happy with the decision. The second one wasn't really too popular either; even poor Tony felt guilty.

So, here we are with a count of all votes and a final maplist for this season's 6v6 OpenCup. Note that maps with a full vote are given one point where as maps listed as "maybes" are given 0.5 of a point.

The Result - Score / Popularity
- Adlernest B7c - 145.2 / 0.78
- Battery - 80.2 / 0.43
- Braundorf B4 - 169.0 / 0.91
- Frostbite - 120.1 / 0.65
- Radar - 168.9 / 0.91
- Supplydepot2 - 112.5 / 0.60
- SW Goldrush TE - 169.5 / 0.91

Sadly, SW Oasis B3 just missed it's chance to appear in another season with a voting score of 66.4 and popularity score of 0.36. Many thanks to Adacore for the freakishly professional poll statistics.

The ET 3v3 maplist will be decided shortly while the EuroCup maplist is likely to look similar to the above with a few minor changes.

Enjoy the season, chums!

In Estonia we trust!

image: estonia-artwork2
The country no American had ever heard of until they took a combined $35,000 out of Texas (Oh no J.R.), has today announced its return to Enemy Teritory in a big way!

First of all, idle manager Galahad has put together his all Estonian lineup for the upcoming season! The man that single handedly masterminded the teams trip to Quakecon this summer, has pulled out another trump card with the return to activity of rifle nading supreme r3vers!


Estonia Galahad
Estonia r3vers
Estonia l6ng
Estonia reload
Estonia t6nis
Estonia vikat

I asked Galahad: "What was your motivation not to take this team under the wing of the idle team who right now are going from strength to strength as a multigaming organisation?"

QuoteWell the main reason is that I am not a fan of two teams in the same organisation who are in direct competition. And even though we are very active when compared to the current ET scene, I do not think that any of us in kujuneb is taking playing ET as seriously as a true gamer ought to. Kujuneb basically consists of people who just can't seem to be able to walk away from the game completely, but due to other responsibilities can not focus on ET as much as a player in idle should.

Over on the other side of estonia, last seasons Eurocup silver medalists and team who officially never folded, are picking up their mp40's and whilst they're at it a former ocrana player! Thats right, #idle.ee are back in town!


Estonia Night
Estonia Holz
Germany urtier
Germany senji
Netherlands teKoa
Netherlands mike

Perhaps no longer routed in estonian heritage anymore, however the team is apart of the idle organisation who after impressive performances from their CS division at the shGopen and with much hype surrounding the Quake 4 potential of former reload ET star Belgium mAx, the team are on the up and up! Could this be the safest place to be for an ET team right now ahead of any potential dream of Quakecon?

Never the less, Estonia challenges you to come get some or die trying, as they go out to maintain their status as ET's number 1 nation!

Picture courtesy of mAx!

Link to Idle's official statement

Xfire layout problems

The problem has now been fixed[/b]

If you are currently using Internet Explorer to view Xfire, now is yet another reason when it is highly recommended that you download Mozilla FireFox you can download it here www.mozilla.org

This problem will be resolved when Raza reads Fusens comment over Here

The layout problems that xfire is experiencing is for IE and opera users only.

FFStyle by K2r

image: FFStyle
I wanted to show you a movie I really liked created by K2r (from Real!ty team) in March 2006 : FFStyle. It's not a movie with leet fragz and rampages but a well built, original and creative one.

FFStyle is about 23min long but it's very pleasant to watch it and time passes really fast (thanks to effectives scenes sequences). There are not just frags showing K2r's actions but also with some other french players.

Informations :

· Duration: 23,28 min
· Size: 595mo
· Resolution: 856"630
· Framerate: 30
· Video Codec: XviD
· Audio Codec: LameMP3 128kBits/s



It's the Spanish!

image: azurban

Following the recent tradition of renaming a NationsCup team to form a new clan, the Spanish players have decided to form the second Spanish team that is heading for EuroCup domination.

Spain Spain has shown an impressive performance in this NationsCup, beating the winner of the 7th NationsCup, Poland Poland, in the group stage and putting an end to the aspirations of last year's silver medalist Hungary Hungary.
Unluckily for them, Finland Finland proved to be a little too strong for them, so that they had to bury their hopes for a medal after the quarter finals.

This has not prevented them from realising how good they have all worked together, surprising many of the ETTV viewers and the other nations' players. That is why they have decided to stay together, immune to all "2 weeks" complaints because they have already played together for much more than that.

Watch out, ladies and gentlemen, for a new star in the sky, literally coming from above: Azure Fate!

Their lineup is known to all who have watched ETTV in the last months:

Spain Winghaven (ex gods.inc)
Spain pzyqo (ex 37th)
Spain Radifz (ex wA!)
Spain Dude (ex wA!)
Spain a1rs (ex 1p)
Spain JeFaZo (ex 1p)
Spain MaRTe* (ex 1p)

Having the advantage of communicating in their native language, let's hope Siesta does not prevent them from taking on contenders like Portugal 6s or Hungary underscore.

IRC: #azure

Image courtesy of my amazing PaintShop skills.

And this is no joke or whatever. April 1st, burn in hell.

cVs.ET 6c6 1day CUP Incoming!

image: cvs_cup

So here we are guys!
Just a little bit more than a week to signup to the 1st cVs.ET 6v6 1day CUP Powered by Xrent!
More skill, more fun and more girls stuff than u can imagine in an aftermoon to spent with your nab opponents :D

So, just a little reminder of main infos..

32 slot available ( @this moment about 16, gogo to signup!)

• Radar
• Oasis_b3
• Goldrush_te
• Braundorf_b4
• Supplydepot2
• et_ice
• Tc_base
• et_beach

Kick off will be Sunday 9 April 2006 at 14.00 CET.
For ETTV ip servers (it might be a fine coverage) and other:

Conversio Cup Web site
• #cvs.cup @ Quakenet

#Dignitas return!

In a shocking turn of events the dignitas team have returned to Enemy Teritory! The side that are unbeaten in official competition under the name dignitas (they lost as rewind to Finland Broken in CB). After attempts to continue their glory in both a number of games (CS:S) and in a number of rosters in ET the team has finally returned to their roots of ET and will be gunning for both EC and Quakecon titles this year!

Their roster is as follows:

Norway Zenon
Finland Sanctity
Estonia Intact
Denmark Darkie
Denmark Ankel
Sweden Pjoter
Netherlands Darv
Finland Feuersturm

How far can they go? We'll soon find out as EC XIII draws nearer!

Finland Feuersturm had this to say

QuoteIts great to be playing ET again after a lenghtly lay off since leaving Saevus. This roster has alot of potential, it has alot of expererience in both ET and RTCW and within a couple of months we hope to be up there with the best of ET currently has to offer! And then maybe Quakecon IF they pick a game we can play!

Best of luck to the new team in their endeavours!

Warleagues.com Cup of Nations Signups OPEN

image: nationsc

The signups are now open!

List of Nations-Captains

Austria Austria: Godfragger
Belgium Belgium: Edge
England England: Dusty
Estonia Estonia: Mata
Finland Finland: Sipperi
France France: Mote
Germany Germany: Qraigu
Hungary Hungary: Dody
Ireland Ireland: Reznap/Dee
Italy Italy: Mtvm/Warp
Latvia Latvia: Dunno
Netherlands Netherlands: Yulaw
Norway Norway: WikingTOR
Poland Poland: JC/Z3ro
Portugal Portugal: Patton
Scotland Scotland: Hoontah
Spain Spain: Txabi
Sweden Sweden: Jultomten
Switzerland Switzerland: Hitman
Turkey Turkey: Atarax
Wales Wales: Sparx

If you want your nation to be included, send me a pm via WL mail, or send me a message in IRC.

If you think you should be playing for your nation, contact the captain for further information!

All nations need to setup a new clan account. There will be four groups, the top two nations from each group will go through into the playoffs. Only approved clans will be accepted.

The maplist will be the following:


The standard WL Rules will apply, apart from one addition.

No more than four players from the same clan may play for one nation. If this causes a problem which makes one of the smaller nations unable to compete, PM an admin, and we will make an exception, the more participants, the better.

Details of Group announcing will be posted shortly.

underscore is back...

image: logo

When we created Hungary underscore like 15 months ago, we never thought it will be so succesful than it was, and after we quit, we never thought we'll be back again. But now, it seems things changed, and formerly Thunder Force - underscore is back after a half year. We had several good results in the past, and it seems we could show that we haven't forgotten all yet.

Our goal is to play in the ClanBase EuroCup XIII, and that could help us a lot in reaching our main goal: take part in one of the biggest LAN events on the world, called QuakeCon 2006 (if there will be ET). Currently we are looking for a multigaming clan, which has interesest in this situation, so feels enough desperation to help us finding sponsors for QuakeCon (if there will be ET).

image: team

#und.et - dont hesitate to join our IRC chanel @ quakenet

NxM Cup #2 - Final stage

image: xfirelogo

The 2nd NxM Cup #2 reached it's final stage this week and will show some Finals on ETTV.

» Division 1
The final match in the 1st division goes between the Polish top clan FBI and the Finnish team SKIT-EVIL. FBI played in Group D and won there matches vs HB and cs3r forfeit, but lost vs group winner FF in a tight match. SKIT aka mYstic Gaming played in Group C and won there first 2 matches vs Polewka team (4:0), aD (1:0) and didn't play vs sFx.
In the Playoffs, FBI defeated in the first round the German clan team-beta (4:2) and in the half-finals Polewka team (4:2). mYs won vs recoil (1:0) and vs FF (4:0).
This will be an exciting match, both clans have chance to play the upcoming EC and might participate in WL too.

Match details:
Poland FBI TheSyndicate vs mYstic Gaming / SKIT-EVIL Finland
Date: Tuesday 04.04 - 21:00 CET
Maps: TBA (Teams choose)
ETTV: GamesTV.org // id: 344

» Division 2
The final in the second division will go between ultima Ratio from Austria and the Swedish clan Disposable Orange. uR started in Group A and won vs rTs (4:0), el (1:0) and v3 (4:2). Dispo played in Group C and won vs epikuR (4:0), intense (4:0) and zR (1:0).
In the playoffs uR played in the Quarter final vs emerge (1:0) and in the Half-Final vs faith (4:0). Dispo played first in the Playoffs vs eC4 (1:0) and after the new aD squad (4:2).
Now both clans are in the final and fighting for the golden or bronzen cup.

Match details:
Austria ultima Ratio vs Disposable Orange Sweden
Date: Sunday 02.04 - 21:00 CET (After the 3rd final match)
Maps: TBA (Teams choose)
ETTV: GamesTV.org // id: 342

» Division 3 - Match details:
Finland Glow-Gaming / A-Link vs The Syndicate Finland
Date: Sunday 02.04 - 19:30 CET
Maps: TBA (Teams choose)
ETTV: GamesTV.org // id: 340

» Division 4 - Match details:
Poland Slayers Team vs Heartbreakers Europe
Date: Sunday 02.04 - 21:00 CET
Maps: TBA (Teams choose)

I hope that there won't be forfeits in any of these final matches like previous season, Good luck and Have fun to the clans playing the finals and show something nice!
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