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GTV Gets Fat!

image: newsiteGAMESTV.ORG

Based on a wealth of feedback from users, spectators and admins, work on GAMESTV.ORG has been underway.

With the main intention of keeping users informed as well as stretching the site to fit larger resolutions, a fresh wider layout was created.

While the face remains the same, we've moved the features about slightly. While you'll need to login to change your timezone, broadcast IPs can now be viewed publically adding to ease of use.

GTV now boasts a new system that lists wars that have been rescheduled or cancelled without the need to find the war yourself.

Be sure to check it out!

TV Sunday

image: small_3dContinuing with ETTV by the bucketload, GTV returns again with another well-oiled schedule.

While no slots or teams have been confirmed yet, two dtk Cup wars take place at 16:15 CET and 18:30 CET. swine's very own GET-Cup plays host to another elimination round at 19:00 CET followed shortly by the final rounds.

The climax of the evening, kicking off at 21:00 CET is the ET NationsCup 1/8 Final between Sweden Sweden and Poland Poland. Allthough Sweden have taken a higher win/loss ratio, Poland's losses have been to teams tipped to take gold this season. Can Sweden kick their socks off and go full-pelt against this acclaimed Polish lineup or will Mrozu's boys fight back?

Be sure to tune on one of the growing number of ETTV slots as well as our very own Netherlands lunachick's shoutcasting debut on FlyingDJ's Server.

Happy viewing, chums!

- ClanBase ET NationsCup IX
- ET GET-Cup
- Team dtk ET Cup

STARs.et goes HighBot



After a long time of inactivity of the Highbot ET Squad, who played as Czech RepublicSingularity before they joined the Highbot Clan, the Team leader and the Highbot management decided that its better for the Highbot Clan if the ET Team would leave the Clan.

Right after the Counterstrike 1.6 Squad left the Clan also.

Now EuropeHighbot is supporting only two games for the future.

The new ET Squad is also known as EuropeSTAR.et

The founder of that Team are also the founder of Highbot, which is another reason, why STAR.et is now known as Highbot.et.

The team STAR.et is playing since 5 weeks now, so it's not one of the 2 week teams , we are aiming to go one better and of course we are aiming for a place near the top teams of europe.

With the following lineup , we try to reach our goals !

Team Cpt.

Turkey fireBall (eX STARs.et)


Germany django (eX STARs.et)
Russia freezer (eX STARs.et)
Germany haZer (eX STARs.et)
Russia humM3L (eX STARs.et)
Poland seya (eX STARs.et)
Netherlands Lux (eX STARs.et)
Germany ketura (eX STARs.et)

We reached the 3 place in the last #et-cup (the 3 days cup) and we reached the 2 place in the last #et.gather.cup .

NationsCup Lockdown

image: small_lunaThis season's NationsCup has finally been a true show of Nation skill. While some unlikely teams have made it through to the playoffs, it's the good old fashioned faces that we see as the group toppers. Estonia Estonia, Finland Finland, Germany Germany and Netherlands Holland have returned to show the classic high-skill teams that ET has always seen.

While they'll have the chance to pick off the winners of the current round, a selection of this round's matches will appear on ETTV tonight.

Spain Spain 4 0 Hungary Hungary
20:00 CET - GAMESTV.ORG / id 315 - Shoutcasted by FlyingDJ
Spain have never been short of obvious talent but have yet to make it all the way to the top in a NationsCup. This season, however Spain have taken five wins and a single loss in group D of the NationsCup. Other than Germany, the leader of the group, Spain are unbeaten. On the other hand, Hungary also boast buckets oozing full of skill that made the silver in the previous NC season. It's a shame their success in the groups phase doesn't match their previous success.

ClanBase has placed odds of 5-5 for this match.

United Kingdom United Kingdom 4 2 Portugal Portugal
21:00 CET - GAMESTV.ORG / id 317
Being a Brit I'd love to be able to sing UK's praises but it has to be mentioned that their entry into the playoffs this season has been based solely on dropouts in group C. However while their lineup has changed, they pushed their way to a bronze last season; the highest success for a British team in a NationsCup. Portugal have popped out of nowhere and spread like a vicious batch of headlice. Their success this season, while being rather spontaneous, has been admirable. A loss to the group leaders stands against them but they're holding an incredibly strong lineup.

ClanBase has placed odds of 4-6 for this match.

An #ET-Cup match between Europe remedium 4 0 Europe one4one will also be shown at 21:15 CET. GAMESTV.ORG / id 329

Tune in, boyos!

- ClanBase ET NationsCup IX

New oceans6 squad!

After the old oceans6 squad left, o6 didn't search a new squad, but also nobody asked to join them. We as outRaged took the oppertunity to ask o6 if they were searching a new squad and also because Fazz knows the manager qraigu who played with him in an old clan he gave us the chance to proof our skills and to get some nice results under the oceans6 tag. The old squad with legendary players such as butchji, pumu and others left an empty place behind and we'll try to get some good results.

With our new lineup featuring some old outRaged players and 2 new faces we'll try to fight and prac to the EuroCup as it might be unreachable, also because there are many clans who don't know us / our skills yet. We've pracced high skill the last weeks and we're quite sure that we'll beat some skilled clans, also in the upcoming WL season to show the community what we're worth. The lineup consists of the old outRaged players Fazz, matz and antz who were here in the beginning after oR spitted into 2 teams. They were the old oR.eu team with also players such as blake, anim and b4ttl3. Anim is still in the lineup of this new o6 squad, b4ttl3 and blake went inactive in playing ET. The 2 new recruited guys are floris who came from other games such as RtCW/CS:S and snuble who was the leader of the oR.sca squad which folded some days ago.

After all, the lineup of Germany oceans6 consists of the next players:
United Kingdom fazz [Squadleader]
United Kingdom matz
Germany antz
Canada anim
Belgium floris
Norway snuble

Netherlands NxM [Manager]
Germany b4ttl3 [Inactive]
United Kingdom Lavender [Backup]

We placed 3rd on the 4th FastGamingCup and are going to the 5th edition of the Get-Liga cup Sunday and we'll show some skills in the WarLeagues season.

Btw: We'd also like if high skill clans ask us for a prac, we can play Su-Th at 20:30CET and 21:31CET versus your clan, msg one of our members on #o6.

Website | IRC

A bit of marmite...

image: small_lunaIt`s a long discussed debate, one said to be even older than the timeless Marmite classic. Like the imfamous food spread, everyone seems to have some sort of allegiance to either one of the big two Enemy Territory leagues: Clanbase and Warleagues. Clanbase with it's previous controversies over some hefty decisions, and Warleagues with its somewhat harsh "poor man's CB" tag, well, something had to be done. We couldn't allow people the needless free thought they had before. And anyone whos checked GamesTV.org or had the misfortune to engage in conversation with Malta ToX|c recently will know what I'm going on about...

Match: Europe ClanBase Crew vs Europe Warleagues Crew
Date: Monday 27th March
Time: 21:00 CET
ETTV: GamesTV.org / id 324 (incl. lineups)
SCast: FlyingDJ - Stream

Knowing ToX|c was a bit of a fan of his own voice, I dragged him out of a match and demanded to be told some more. Unfortunately, despite threats of taking his quotes wildly out of context, such as (21:35:55) (ToX|c`cless) "Well, we were going to do" "NightRaver" "to prove" "he" "is" "not" "normal", he's given me a whole lot of explanation, possibly partly written during a long spawn in one of Malta's NC games of late. Here's what he had to get off his chest:
Quote[/i]ToX|c: Well, we were going to do this at the end of the Summercups last season but then Yancho took over and we know the rest. Me and the rest of the CB crew did our uberpr0 tax for nothing, we even made IDLEcore [Adacore] to make them for us and he did, but at least now he is playing, luckily snuble got the idea of

Xfire.be is back

Our beloved domain name www.xfire.be is back! Turns out I misspelled a letter on my billing description. No reactivation costs, no wait. Just update your bookmarks again and remove the line you added in your hosts file.

Again, my apologies for the inconvenience.

Thanks to my brother, Sciere, for helping me out.

Just when you thought it was out, they could pull it back in

image: QC2005_logo_midJust days after Blazen's outcry for signitures on his petition to get Enemy Territory included once again at QuakeCon, his prays may be answered.

Nate Borland, the 'Director of Competitions' at QuakeCon has added a poll titled "Which one?" giving two options ET or RTCW along with the following text;

QuoteJust vote for which one you would want to see, IF either of them were to be at QuakeCon. This is CERTAINLY not any kind of hint at which games will be at QuakeCon - just my own curiosity.

No need to follow-up posts - just vote.

So now it's time for the wolfenstein community to put on their voting hats and get clicking, which game would you like to see at QuakeCon?

To vote, simply register at the QuakeCon forums and head over to this thread.

Clarification - Post what you think IS GOOD about your chosen game, do NOT flame the other game and/or community. This gives a bad reflection of the Wolfenstein community.

Played.ET in English

In the fall of 2004 Played.dk launched their Enemy Territory section of the site, since then all the news was written in Danish, till today. This will be marked in the history books, because from now on all Enemy Territory news posts will be written in English.

It might sound strange that a Danish eSports site will start writing news in English, but we think that Played.dk has such a great community that it would be a shame not to give it one more chance, to be used by the Enemy Territory community.

You might be frightened by the fact that the site is mostly in Danish and this is why we have made a simple guide on how to use the site. Another way to avoid that much Danish input is to enter the page at address ET.Played.dk instead of Played.dk, this way you will only get the Enemy Territory content.

The first news post in English is already made; a wrap up of the NationsCup playoffs.

- Played.ET in English
- Guide for English speaking users
- NC IX: Group phase ended

Pure Pwnage Episode 10 Hits Streets

Since there is little to none general gaming content on xfire.be, i thought it would be nice to steal a post containing the latest release of a concept we all know; Pure Pwnage!
image: SS_EP10
On GGL Netherlands Remao 'Cash' Tummers writes:

'March 17, 2006 - ROFLMAO Production today released the tenth episode of their webseries "Pure Pwnage". The humorous TV show touches on topics within the gaming world, and revolves around the life of Jeremy (aka "teh_pwnerer") and his friends.

The shows is a personification of the gaming lifestyle, filled with "gamer slang" where Jeremy is on a crusade to "pwn n00bs."

In this episode, "Teh Best Day Ever", Jeremy finds himself playing the "rl" game a bit too much. Out of money and not willing to work, he even ends up losing his girlfriend. But as expected, it ends happily ever after, with a touch of romance.

Based on a suggestion to Jeremy during the show, there is an actual auction on Ebay for his hair. The current bid is at $ 610, which also includes a signed bandana.

Episode 10 "Teh Best Day Ever" is now available for download. '

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