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EuroCup - week's summary and current situation

Since the group phase of the EuroCup is almost over, I think we should have a look at what has happened this week and what the situation is so far.

Group A

Estonia idle.ee
Germany oceans6
Russia TEAM-ZENITH Black
Germany instant defeat

Estonia idle.ee have clearly dominated this group. Showing impressive victories in their first two games, their last game against Germany oceans6 left noone in doubt that we have to consider Estonia idle one of the most likely candidates for the victory in this EuroCup XII, although group A was widely considered as the weakest group. The second clan to move on to the playoffs is the Germany oceans6 team, who have won their qualifier and only lost to Estonia idle so far. Not moving on to any future matches, but nevertheless to be mentioned here are Russia TEAM-ZENITH Black and Germany instant defeat, who had a very intense match just yesterday, which ended with Russia zenith being victorious and Germany id.no announcing their departure from the ET scene.

Group B

United Kingdom one4one
Europe Team-Helix
United Kingdom uQ Gaming
Europe legend

This is surely one of the most exciting groups. No team has yet played its third match, and we have still three candidates who might move on in this EuroCup. United Kingdom one4one claiming victory over United Kingdom uQ Gaming was responsible for the current situation. We will see United Kingdom uQ taking on Europe legend on Sunday. Assuming they take a 4-0 victory, we have a number of possibilites for the United Kingdom 141 - Europe hx game. If it is 4-0 or 4-2, United Kingdom uQ and United Kingdom 141 move on. If it is 0 - 4, Europe hx and United Kingdom uQ move on. If it is 2-4, we will have all three teams exactly tied. So let's hope for a very exciting Monday evening with this game (which will, as a Christmas gift, be cast by United Kingdom TosspoT himself). legend, however, won't make it into the playoffs, although they put up a good fight in all their games.

Group C

Europe IDKFA
Europe rAtatosk
Poland Logitech UVM
Israel insanity!

All clear here. Europe IDKFA have won their third game, taking down Europe rAtatosk, who are now in second place with two victories. Those teams have shown strong performances and they will surely be exciting to watch in the playoff phase. Not moving on to the finals are Poland Logitech UVM, who beat Israel insanity this week in a 3-mapper, so we won't see any Israeli or Polish team being the winner this year.

Group D

Finland gods.incorporated
Spain wArning!
United Kingdom Clan SoF
Germany pstarZ

This group has its difficulties: While United Kingdom SoF have already played all matches, the last one being a victory over Germany pstarZ this week, Spain wA have two games to play still: vs. Finland god on Sunday and the rescheduled game vs. Germany pstarZ on Monday. Finland god have a safe spot in the playoffs, but if Spain wA lose both games 0-4, we will have three teams tied once again. If, however, Spain wA win just one game, they are in the playoffs.

This is it for the groups. Four matches still to be played on Sunday and Monday, then we will know for sure who is among the 8 best teams here.

In addition to that, map choosing rules have been made public: Teams may choose their maps in the playoffs, but if both teams choose the same, a second one will be chosen at random. If a team has played one map, it may not choose this map for another two games. So we can be sure to see a wide variety being played as the Clanbase EuroCup XII continues.

ET QW First scans !!

Today the First ET Quakewars Scans have been released! They suggest a much larger scale of battle, with 24-32 players only. The Screens are taken from January's PCZone article all about ET:QW however the article does not specify a release date.

Scans have been removed on request of Future Publishing Limited

More infos here.

Wolfenstein...The Movie!

After the success of Universal Pictures' Doom, which has made $49,507,900 globally, it comes as no surprise that id Software wants to fast track a film based on another one of their popular video games, so why not go for Wolfenstein. According to the article, we'll be seeing a film based on the most recent Wolfenstein game entitled Return to Castle Wolfenstein. It seems there's a chance we'll be seeing some zombie Nazi's getting their heads blown off... nice!

Todd Hollenshead, the CEO of id Software, tells Twitch Guru:
Quote"Our next order of business is to try to get Wolfenstein made into a movie; I think it could make a very interesting film. The game design for Return to Castle Wolfenstein is basically set up as a film script. Where we'd go from a movie standpoint would be to incorporate a lot of the elements from Return to Castle Wolfenstein along with what we're going to be doing in the next Wolfenstein game that we announced a few weeks ago. It will probably have a little more similarity in terms of the direction of the movie script to the upcoming game.

That was a challenge for the Doom movie, because the license was based on what people already knew and had seen. Some of the things we're looking for is actively soliciting a Hollywood trained writer to help us out with the story and the dialog on the game. It would be cool if that person could potentially be used as a writer or a consultant to whoever writes the movie, if that were to come to pass".

The final defeat

Tonight the ET-section of the Norwegian multigaming clan Instant Defeat announced their retirement. It was the clan that during the spring and summer set their mark on the European Enemy Territory scene. The highest point might have been when they placed second in their group in the toFOUR, only defeated by splashDamage; they were however stopped in the quarterfinal by Kreaturen.

When the invitations for this season of ClanBase EuroCup was announced, id.no was amongst the 8 clans who got a direct invitation to the V.I.P. room.

The final lineup of id.no was:
Germany meTal
Germany biqq
Germany viol
Germany evil
Germany porno
Germany drago

I got a hold of biqq for a short interview about the decision and the future of the team, here is a short copy/paste of that interview:
QuoteSo even though many might think this, it had nothing to with the fact that you lost your 3 matches in the EuroCup?
No of course not. We all have a life behind the game and some the members are almost 30 years old, and this is the time where they think about a life without computer.

You can read the entire interview over at ET.Played.dk.
- Instant Defeat
- ET.Played.dk

Gamersdatabase ET Cup Quarterfinals

image: etcup

Tonight was supposed to be an exciting night, with Estonia Idle.ee and Israel Insanity fighting eachother for a place in the next round of the playoffs for the Gamersdatabase ET Cup. Unfortunately it turned out differently. Israel Insanity couldn't find a 6th player, and therefor Estonia Idle.ee wins this match. Now that all matches are played, here is what the quarter finals look like:

Estonia Idle.ee vs Croatia Reality-Squared

Finland Reset.et vs Finland Gods.inc

United Kingdom Uq.Gaming vs Poland Everto

Finland Team Angel Dust vs Finland elite Fatal Aftermath

Those matches are planned in week 50. Gl to the clans!


etadmin_mod 0.29

image: d1p_minibannerBy Germany[d1p][United][VP]Potter aka Mark:

After 6 months of work and lots of testing i finally have a new version of the etadmin_mod for you. With lots and lots of new features to make your serveradmin job easier!

Upcoming Games & ETTv - GD / OC / EC

One game tonight presented by the GamersDatabase guys, still trying to prove their worth on the 'gaming scene'. Such is the setup of the competition that tonight's result would seem a foregone conclusion.

Former EC runners-up Israel insanity have fallen a long way, after peaking in that memorable game imortalised by sock's 'Welcome to ET', whilst Estonia idle are still riding on the crest of a wave, and still seem the team most favoured to go on and take the Eurocup crown.

Israel insanity vs Estonia idle.ee
Date: Tonight, 7th December 2005
Time: 20:00
League: GamersDatabase ET
Maps: supplydepot2, braundorf_b4
Confirmed ETTv: Link

Eurocup time now, and tonight's other game sees two teams hoping to raise their profiles to something near what they were before:
Germany pstarZ vs United Kingdom SoF

Moving onto Thursday, we see the ever busy Estonia idle take on Germany Beta, and Germany Instant-Defeat against Russia Zenith Black, two matchups which in principle seem again, one sided, but have the potential to swing either way.

Sunday however sees the return of four other high-profile games, all of which form to give a great weekend's coverage, with plenty to choose from:

Finland Gods.inc vs Spain wArning - EC -
Finland uQuest vs Europe remedium - EC -
Europe helix.et vs United Kingdom one4one - EC -
Estonia sYnc vs Finland angelDust - OC -

and on Monday:
Germany pstarZ vs Spain wArning
Confirmed ETTv: Link

Currently only the god/wA game has confirmed ETTv out of the Sunday games, but stay tuned to GamesTV for future developments.

XonX-Network IRC channels are set -r.

Dear enemy-territory players,

Finally we found an solution to stop the spambots who were joining #3on3.et and #6on6.et all the time:

The spambots were joining with hosts like *!*@ or *!*@
You may ban them but they change their IP's so this has no effect. When i was smoking my weed i suddently found a way how to ban them, even if they change their IP's.
It's quite simple: you just add a ban like *!*@85.10*.*.*, all spambots IP's begin with these numbers. Also we've setup an new antipjen-bot so these bans cannot be removed!

Effective bans:


Both channels are set -r, so everyone is able to join again.
Find your war without being spammed all the time !

Your sincerely,

XonX-Network founder


#3on3.et @ QuakeNet
#6on6.et @ QuakeNet

Pistols ET Movie

Russia Pistols - ET Movie image: xfirepa

download link - thanks to Romsan
additional link - thanks THG

Duration: 5:19
Size: 141 Mb
Codec: XviD
Featuring: Russia slaw, Latvia fuzz, Russia kurilka

Music used:
Norther - Frozen Sky (Mirror of Madness)
In Flames - Worlds Within The Margin (Whoracle)
In Flames - Behind Space `99 (Colony)


Talk ET 6v6 Cup Semi Finals Drawn

#Talk.ET 6v6 Cups Semi Finals have been drawn!

The Four Teams Competing for a spot in the Talk ET 6v6 cup Final are:

Finland Euthanasia
Finland Team AngelDust
Europe Signum

With all four teams setting impressive times for the maps they have played on aswell as putting together some excellent defenses, the Semi-Finals are set to be a very exciting time.

To see how each team reached this stage of the cup, click the names of the clans below:


FinlandEuthanasia vs EuropeOutRaged - 4/0
NetherlandsProdigy vs FinlandEuthansia - 0/4

Euthanasia will now be facing Team AngelDust in the Semi Finals

FinlandAngelDust vs EuropeOvernine - 4/2
FinlandAngelDust vs United KingdomXelite - 4/0

Team AngelDust will now be facing Euthanasia in the Semi Finals

United KingdomLegend vs FinlandSKIT-EVIL - 0/4
FinlandSKIT-EVIL vs EuropeLithium - 4/0

SKIT-EVIL will now be facing Signum in the Semi Finals

EuropeSignum vs EuropeIlluminated - 4/0
EuropeeXim.ET vs EuropeSignum - 0/4

Signum will now be facing SKIT-EVIL in the Semi Finals

For more information feel free to check out

#Talk.ET @ Quakenet

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