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Evolution Challenge - The Teams

The Evolution Challenge is about to start! The first matchweek will start on Monday. In this news we want to present the teams and what they think about the competition. The bracket will be online Monday morning and then we will know who will face each other!Below you can find all teams in alphabetical order.

CB Summer 2012 - Playoffs

After a couple days' hard work, we are ready to announce the CB 3on3 & 6on6 Summer 2012 playoffs!

Adroits ET LAN tournament information

It’s been a few weeks since our announcement of a new Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory LAN event by Adroits, and now it’s time to give more information for the tournament.
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Tournament information:
Dates: 19th – 21st October 2012
Opening time: 09:00 CEST each morning
Location: WZZRD Gaming Café, Enschede, The Netherlands
Tournament format: 6 vs. 6 Stopwatch
Prizemoney: £3,000 (at 16 teams)

Signup information
Tickets on sale: 16th July at 17:00 BST
Early bird ticket price: £240 (Ends 5th August at 17:00 BST)
Normal ticket price: £300


image: 2usg8dw

We will have to cancel this Cup. Since there is a lack of sign-ups, simply because people are not interested or because they're on holiday. Also PHOTO is unable to use his computer since it broke down and I can't do all the work. Thank you for your interest! We will certainly try something else with a different concept.

Introducing the Netherlands Warrios of the Windmill Cup, the first edition 6on6 format!

The Warriors of the Windmill is found by Netherlands PHOTO. Netherlands SimonKinsler and Netherlands TimbolinA. It is based on a BeNe Cup but now only with the Netherlands. With this cup we are trying to get an impression on how to organize a cup so we gain experience and of course have fun with all the Netherlands Dutchies and get to know each other if you go to the Adroits LAN in October.

Hoodz'12 teams *UPDATE*

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Sign-ups are pretty much done, players are in their places and teams have started to form. So it is time to ready, set, WAIT! We got lots of areas with just few people, so those players must join alliances to complete teams with 6 or more players. Players are free to do this as they want, but if nothing happens, admins shall force teams just by geographical logic.

You can take a look at the players & areas here. While you are at it, check that your info is correct and you can be found there. Also, if you notice someone missing, feel free to poke them and tell them to signup, it is not too late yet.

Evolution Challenge - Last Chance!

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Tonight the free for all sign ups will open! The last slots will be given out. Principle is easy: First come - first serve! So move, move, move and get one of the last available slots!
• 16 teams found!
• if you still want to join, convince a signed team to give away its slot
Signed teams

#et.tourney II - Kicks Off!

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Signups for 6on6 #et.tourney II are now closed and with 40 received applications
I am proud to present you a double elimination bracket for all 5 leagues!

Announcing the Evolution Challenge

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Ladies and gentlemen! We are proud to announce a very special prize featured tournament: The Enemy Territory Evolution Challenge!

ClanBase SummerCup 2012

We are proud to announce the start of the ClanBase SummerCup 2012 season! Signups open today and will be closed on Sunday, 1st July.

Another Adroits LAN!

Hey folks!

A short & sweet update to let you all know that WZZRD have confirmed the dates for the next Adroits event there. ET was our first choice of tournament, and we're also throwing in some Quake Live as well! More tournament information to follow shortly, but you can make sure you start booking the time off work and saving up!

Dates: 19th - 21st October 2012
Venue: WZZRD Gaming Café, Enschede, The Netherlands
Tournaments: 6on6 Enemy Territory, 4v4 Quake Live TDM, 1v1 Quake Live Duel (more tournaments to follow)

Btw, we will have no maximum team cap for ET, so do us all proud and fill this up to the best you can!

Make sure to give your thanks to WZZRD by heading over to their Facebook, liking them and maybe leave them a little message! They did an AMAZING job for Adroits ET Masters. You can find the link below. Until then, see you in October!

WZZRD on Facebook
Adroits on Facebook
Adroits on Twitter
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