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Cracow Gamespot Group results

Day 1 CGS Group stage's results .

ESL Summer Series - Kick Off

image: summercupbanner

Sign ups are over and cup starts in 2 days! You can still switch divisions. The first matchweek starts on Monday - 30.07.2012, you have seven days to complete the first round. Do not forget: There is a lower bracket too!

Cracow Gamespot Live Update

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There was a lot of speculations about delays at LAN and that no games have been played. We will try to keep you updated with the situation at LAN. I will edit this post during the weekend with updates, so you won't miss that anything that occurs here. We will do our best to setup GTV for ET games, United Kingdom Marcus is doing his best to fix it but we have some problems with network (this is now resolved).

Cracow Gamespot LAN Groups!

Alright boys and girls, the moment you've all been so eagerly waiting for is finally here. After weeks of flame, lineup changes, flame, seeding tournament and more flame the groups for 1st CGS LAN have arrived. Before announcing them, I would like to thank all the people that were cooperative and tried to ask some questions before jumping into flame and whine.

This Week in Gaming - July 23rd

Each week I plan to cover the past week's latest news surrounding the world of gaming, including major tournament results, headline gaming news & headlines and notable games releases and updates. It's been over 6 months since I've written this and Crossfire is a very different place right now.

Today's top ET games!

Today is Sunday, it is summer and it is hot - not just outside but ingame! This sunday will bring us a hell of image: et Enemy Territory action with - up to now, 14 games overall broadcasted by GamesTV.org. Thus means you can chose between 84 players or 28 teams who to spec! And that`s not an easy task because we do have the CGS Seeding tournament running, the Clanbase SummerCup is under way, the Australian CyberGamer ET Draft Cup got it`s big final and the ESL Evolution Challenge is, with it`s upper bracket round 3, at it`s peak.

Lazio & Griim Fragmovie by Spankie

Clash between OVERLOAd and BDSM!

With Netherlands OVERLOAd vs. Europe BDSM the #et.tourney second edition is at it`s peak! Those two teams have battled their way through the double elimination bracket without a single round loss but today at least one of their winning sprees will end. Both teams have undergone some changes due to the summer- and vacation time but according to GamesTV.org they managed to activate one of the finest image: et Enemy Territory lineups one can find nowadays and with great stars like sqzz, FLoPJEHZ, saKen or twidi (to just name a few) playing I am sure most of you will find a suited player to spec and learn from!

Cracow Gamespot Seeding Tournament!

Signups for Cracow Gamespot LAN 2012 have been closed and it's now time to move on to the next stage which is The Seeding Tournament! We are very happy that we have managed to get 14 sign-ups for this event, all teams have already paid their entrance fee. Why The Seeding Tournament is that essential? With this cup it would be easier for us to create the groups on the main event. Also do not forget about the prize for the winning team in The Seeding Tournament, which is 300zl - returning the money for entrance fee!

This Week in Gaming - July 16th

Each week I plan to cover the past week's latest news surrounding the world of gaming, including major tournament results, headline gaming news & headlines and notable games releases and updates. It's been over 6 months since I've written this and Crossfire is a very different place right now.
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