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Australia < Japan

image: _41116520_japan_xbox203apAfter being defeated by Australia in last years world cup, Japan has come to get payback, ET style.

Last weeks defeat to Europe left Australia licking their wounds and Japan has stepped up to the challenge.

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CyberGamer Australia Premier League Preview

image: 2a4r9tc

Australia Biggz in conjunction with CyberGamer has set up two new leagues for ET in Australia with a total prize pool of $750. The main objective was to get new and returning teams involved and breathe some life into a dwindling community. In this article I will focus on the Premier League which pits the 5 best Oceania teams and 1 European team against each other in a winner take all scenario.

Recent Comments (8)

  1. [flag=au] Shr@pnel 5 Jul 2012
  2. People don't... 19 Apr 2012
  3. only saw butchji... 7 Jan 2012
  4. butchji 2g 6 Jan 2012
  5. Keep Calm and Chive... 16 Dec 2011
  6. how does heskey... 3 Jun 2010
  7. selling alonso (i... 3 Jun 2010
  8. won champions... 3 Jun 2010