My point is : Are there many cheaters out there? Yes and we must open our eyes to the truth , but stop this cheating paranoia and stop accusing someone that is just better than you for cheating . This way you give cheats fame. And fame even if it’s negative it stills fame. If we have enough proofs about someone we must make it hell for him to play again…we must not tolerate anything considering cheating . Because if we do we don’t give a solution to this big problem and we just leave it there to destroy slowly the very foundations of the game we love. I will close with a quote form a friend of mine that he Is recently started to play et again : “is there a lot of cheating going on these days? Cause I saw some really strange things!” And the funny thing is that the last few months he was isolated with WoW he didn’t knew what was going on with that cheating thing….