I don’t really know sheep and Raskl and probably they haven’t even heard of me .ofc sheep's position is not easy and I am not the one to tell what he should do. I tried to put my self in sheep’s position. What if a nice day a random "guy" come to me and say "look u have a cheater on your team" lets say for example Presbyter or Sandman. I know these guys since rtcw mp_demo and i have met them in rl many times. I know that their way of thinking is far from cheating and also i have played many times on LAN with them. So i would tell this "guy" to go to hell. But if he brings me sure proofs of cheating + the accused mate admits he hacked but now no more I wouldn’t be so blind and turn my back on this! I can’t imagine my self let something like this go away …