Some people say that the amount of cheaters from early et/rtcw years is the same as now and the only thing that have changed is how much other players care about it. I completely disagree. It’s a fact for me that at the moment we got more cheaters in competitive et than ever (ofc not the majority of players) and I am afraid that some of them may be at top level. The first step if we want to make this game more fair is to find the real reasons of that. Why so many cheaters are out there and why are so many players out there that can so easily without any proofs accuse other fellow gamers of cheating. Why? Just because they are better? Since I am an oldschooler I am going to make a different approach. Why in rtcw community ( in eu at least because as far as I know in USA the whine was huge at this time ) we didn’t had so many cheaters and that type of behaviours? Some may say that we had , but at least as far as I remember thing were different. Back there our socialization in the community was different. From our early competitive steps we had learned to respect each other. Our goal was not only to win with fair means but also to have fun. When a clan was getting owned most of the times “losers” accepted the fact that the opponents were better. Also top players were not as arrogant as they use to be now. Consider the fact the players base was 18 or more years old and even the teenage players were mature because they had the older players as models. Now we have ET.
With most old schoolers left et scene ,we have a big community of players coming from CS , cod ,sof2 . These players are mostly from 13 to 18 year old . I don’t have problem with that ages but I don’t expect them to have a mature attitude , although that I know many teens that are mature for their age . The big difference from rtcw is that when a player starts competitive et , is trapped in a very bad way of thinking . Who is owning and who is getting owned it’s the only thing that matter in our “modern” et scene . We have to admit that a big part of the community it doesn’t really care about the actual game it only cares about who is owning and who is getting owned! For example when etpro or cb wants to change something in et we have always whine. Max packets and prone are 2 brilliants examples of what I am trying to say . From one hand people that use low max packets and prone in order to play better and from the other hand people that getting owned because of this. So do they care about the game and they tell their opinions on how the game will be better? No they whine because they want the game the way it helps them to play better! When this matters the most, sportsmanship goes away and leads people to cheating.