And here we come on what we should do. Obviously we can’t just let the present situation as it is. We can’t just let that cheating paranoia that we all have the last few days exists. I am afraid that in this case it is black and white. Don’t get me wrong I consider myself as an open minded person who believes that the truth in most cases is somewhere in the middle. How ever there are 2 solutions that I can see. First solution is to stop care about it . Just make cheating “legal” by letting known cheaters play on competitive level with out getting banned or even recruit them to your clan or just play your game and don’t care if the opponent plays fair or not. The second solution I can think is this over discussed “zero tolerance policy”. Its sad but true that many known cheaters are still playing in cb or wl or esl with out getting banned even if we got enough proofs or even if they admit it them self’s. My opinion is that we don’t apply “zero tolerance policy” correctly. Unfortunately we don’t have much anti cheating software help so we are forced to watch demos with wolfcam or other tools in order to gain enough proofs. And obviously spending our whole time watching demos it’s not a solution. That’s why we must not tolerate anything and we can’t give “second chances”. All I am trying to say is this: are your really but really suspicious of someone ?. And I don’t mean “I am getting owned he must be cheating” suspiciousness. You got enough and certain proofs before you accuse someone? If yes send them to an admin. Admin’s job ( among others) will be to ban for ever players that we have enough proofs of them .Also community’s jod will be to isolate these players and not make them celebrities! I don’t care if it was a duel or pub or clan war. And I don’t care about always the same excuses: “ I was just testing “ ‘ I only used hax once” “ I am not cheating anymore”. If you are curious or you want to have fun just cheat on a lan with a friend of yours not on inet! No second chances. Just ban. If not, what is going to make me think twice before cheating? Nothing…I will cheat and if you bust me I will say “I am not cheating anymore” and I will continue playing with out any consequence. And I am sure they will come back after a while with other nick/guid but this way I describe above we will make it harder!