In this modern time we seem to be at a stage when people are noticing the importance of hardware; no longer is the Intellimouse explorer 3 standard but there's a large selection of different products from different companies appealing to many differen't aspects. The purpose of this article is simply to clear some of the confusion often in journals because of people bias/uninformed opinions (why am I doing this you might ask? i've owned most of the new generation of mice and i'm ill at home!).

Logitech MX510[/u]
One of the most popular gaming mouses today popular for having no negative acceleration, shaped in the form somewhat of a beetle although it's comfortable to hold there's plenty of grip for your fingers. The mouse is not ambidextrous so this is not for you left handers, there's also two buttons on the left hand side the perfect amount. The mouse are made of quality teflon and hopefully will last a very long time however this all depends on the mousemat your using (if it's an icemat don't expect them to last too long). Runs on 800DPI*

* 800 dpi with drivers 400 without although there is an external program, which i've forgotten the name that allows you to switch

The Negatives
The MX510 however does have it's flaws the side grips can become after an intense gaming session moist and slippery same with the two front buttons, which when this happens there is practically no grip.

Secondly the weight is also another issue with the mx510 it's not the lightest of mice there's a small weight placed inside of your mx510, which a lot of players take that step further of removing it. Personally myself I tried this to find I didn't have any weight in my mx510 and simply had just voided my warranty.

Furthermore the drivers we all know mouseware has a notorious reputation for plainly being rubbish. However removing the drivers also halfs the DPI of the mouse from 800 --> 400. The solution to this is availible online as I explained earlier a quick google should help you find the necessary programs.

Lastly the mouse rate. When tweaking the mouse rate to 500Hz the mouse actually has a cap of 450Hz so you might say big deal? well it does leave things out of sync and 500Hz constant has a very different feeling to 450Hz, I don't want to get into the theory since i'm not an expert on that but it doesn't take a genius to notice 450 doesn't exactly divide into 100 or 125.

It's a very good all round mouse the precision is good the shape is somewhat comfortable offers you some amount of customisation with several buttons on the other hand it is very much flawed and old technology I don't think it's worth buying nowadays unless you're on a very strict budget and even then it's silly.