Netherlands Serious-Gaming
Sweden Teamoxid
Czech Republic eSuba
Netherlands Team-EDiT

Group A features the current number one team in Europe, Serious-Gaming, as well as three others who are not that far behind. EDiT qualified for the event after winning the WZZRD Utrecht qualifier and their addition undoubtedly makes this group one of the toughest at this event. Both Oxid and eSuba will fancy their chances to progress though and the Swedes in Oxid will particularly want to prove a point against the former digitalMind side who replaced them in Serious. Unlike their Czech rivals nEophyte, eSuba have proven themselves at lan before, performing well at Milk.LAN, and will at least fancy their chances against Oxid and EDiT.

The real question here though is how Serious will perform. Their victory at Netgamez suggests, on paper, that the departure of Solz isn't affecting them but a loss to the new H2k.Qpad team in the upper bracket tells a different story. Kasparov is a top player and a useful addition but Solz was really in a class of his own that perhaps only zEm and Raz could now claim to belong in. Whether there is enough talent left in the former digitalMind side to carry on where Solz left them off is up for debate and this weekend's performance will give a good indicator of that. Whether they really are the number one side in Europe or not, they are still a formidable opponent and have to be favourites to come out on top in this group with either eSuba or Oxid taking the second spot, depending on whether you want to bet on experience and teamplay or the raw talent of Swedish gamers.