AuxiliA ]
7th-8th Europe ET Masters
Qualified for EuroCup XV

Sweden Blaze
Sweden Eddie
Turkey fireBall_
Russia humM3l
Portugal sexyhot
Norway snuble

The remnants of last seasons rewind and noll8 combine to form AuxiliA, with some fresh blood in the form of Norway snuble who will be given his first taste of Eurocup action against retroactive next Monday. Of the two former teams mentioned, rewind reached the play offs last term and two descend from there ranks in the form of hotshot Russia humM3l and his twin Turkey fireball_, and from the noll8 side who also competed in the same group but lost to rewind and didn’t qualify we see; sexyhot, eddie, and blaze. Making the play offs in the ET Masters and finishing 3rd in group D at CPC2 testifies that this team is by no means a bad team. Scraping through in a qualifier against Czech Republic Infrag who are known to be having problems with form at the moment, still gave AuxiliA a scare. Looking at their group, they will feel that retroactive are easy prey for a opening campaign and the best way to put some points on the board before eventually contesting Poland Fear Factory for the 2nd spot in the group, assuming zeroPoint remain strong enough to overturn AuxiliA like they did the rewind team. A versatile team who are big game players, maybe they can stretch enough to beat FF, I wouldn’t bet against them.

Fear Factory X-Fi ]
Poland Poznan Game Arena 2006
Europe CB Open Cup Spring Premier 2006
Eurocup XIV
Qualified for EuroCup XV

Poland nrs
Poland r1co
Poland krisek
Poland Mrozu
Poland S4rna
Poland Thoro
Poland wiesiek
Poland Wrobel

The only polish outfit represented in this Eurocup has quite the reputation to uphold as polish Enemy territory is having somewhat of a resurgence at present, finishing 4th last term; Poland NETRunners placed the highest any all polish team has in Eurocup history, coupled with a strong Nations Cup performance losing out to the eventual winners Finland Finland in the semi finals. Only one thing is certain when your on top, and that's coming crashing down again, with the hotshots and number ones NETRunners not competing its left to Fear Factory to defend Poland's honour, and didn't go and start with the most intent really. Fielding a below par side which eventually scrambled through against an Czech Republic EVSKA side who were at times a little of their depth despite full holding them and achieving a very respectable 1-3 score in the end. The big name players who did play defiantly stood out, especially Poland wiesiek. Hopefully come the EC, they will involve the stronger players in the squad else there chances of finishing anything other than remaining in the group stage is liable. If they give a good account of themselves then a straightforward encounter with United Kingdom AuxiliA, but the lack of experience will probably count against them despite being together for so long, I cant see them getting any further.

Retroactive ]
Europe ET 6v6 OpenCup Fall Premier 2006
Europe ET 6v6 OpenCup Spring 2nd Division 2006

Italy 4n$
Italy Asdino
Austria kanone
Italy LoTHaR
Spain Mamlukes
Italy vegeta
Austria xet

After receiving glowing praise in my Eurocup Qualifier Coverage In case you forgot, they duly received a qualifier against possibly one of the tougher opponents in the draw, in the form of Estonia suXus but they came through with a nice 4-2 victory. Once again, their were challenged and risen to it, whose to say that the retroactive guys, cant even dig really deep and pull off two of the best games of their lives and defeat two sides who are vulnerable at best! Its asking a lot and the results wont happen, but its nice to be surprised every once in a while. The experience and power brought to the team by Austria kanone who himself was a virgin to the Eurocup experience, until his breakthrough last season, will be a godsend, but even that will not be enough to carry this team.

zeroPoint Gaming ]

Europe Eurocup XIV
Denmark SHg Open
Europe PGA Qualifiers
Poland PGA Lan
Europe ET Masters

Germany butchji
Switzerland gifty
Germany Hatred
Germany keran
Austria potter
Germany unknown

Germany's captain and talisman Germany butchji has had it rough of late, consistently finding himself the only starlet in a side under performing and taking losses to there newest and closest rivals Poland NETRunners in the OGC show match, only to answer back in unconvincing fashion in the ET Masters with a rather timid 4-2 win in there favour before beingonce again knocked down a peg in the ladder by hosts United Kingdom Impact-Gaming. They will feel a little
sour grapes with regards to last seasons Eurocup and Denmark SHg Open, playing with a below par line-up in both events led them to settle for the silver in both competitions. This seasons test will be a little harder than last, the United Kingdom Dignitas side remain as formidable as ever, and with the “real” parodia revival in process, unlike last seasons attempt, not to mention Belgium mAus taking United Kingdom TLR.eSports to another level there job is made even harder just retain there status as the 2nd best clan in the world, not to mention challenging United Kingdom Dignitas. A tough and disappointing end to ET Masters saw them lose twice to the “new” kids United Kingdom Impact 0-4, and 2-4 respectively. This coupled with what can only be characterised as a shameful display at CPC2 in what was in there defence easily the hardest group and some surprising performances from the Belgians relegating them to 3rd spot, and a exit at the earliest possible stage. As announced in an earlier article by foonr, there are going to be changes in the zeroPoint camp. Taking criticism on most fronts, from even some of their loyalist supporters has seen change eventually forced. As before mentioned, Sweden feTTe and Austria Darky will not remain with the side and this was a decision apparently made before the CPC let down. Former cornerstone Germany hatred whose absence from the side has hurt there performances more than many think, and his brother Germany kEran step back fully into the limelight. This leaves the final 6th spot looming large, and the potential player has some pretty big boots to fill, hopefully they will pick someone strong enough (not just as a player) to carry this burden else I cant see them lasting long. An opening clash with Poland Fear Factory X-Fi in a somewhat mediocre group should see them qualify as group winners without too much of a struggle, but beyond that its hard to predict especially given the unknown status of the 6th, however any clash with one of the big guns is going to be a struggle. The side are going through a transformation at the moment, similar to what TRL (aMenti) had earlier last season, but at the end of the tunnel it saw a TLR side come out of the shadow and take their first spots, zeroPoint will hope for the same fortune.

Predicted Final Standings

1 - Sweden zeroPoint
2 - United Kingdom AuxiliA
3 - Poland Fear Factory X-Fi
4 - Italy Retroactive

Players to watch

Sweden zeroPoint

Germany Butchji : The only true starlet in a side which recently sees him carrying it single handedly way too often, always has been and will be a great player. I don't think he will ever win any major title (Most importantly a Eurocup), with this side but his loyalty or his fear? to join a side with the capability to do so is an admirable quality in its self. A tad arrogant at times, but a model player in all other regards. Pure class.

United Kingdom AuxiliA

Russia HumM3l : Love him or hate him (apparently quite a lot of you do), he is and always has been a enjoyable player to watch, throwing in some insane performances in matches where he just shouldnt bother (Abnormal Monkeys vs Rewind anyone?), a grafter and a friendly player.

Poland Fear Factory X-Fi

Poland Wiesiek : Has for me always been the best player not to play in NETRunners and quite possibly the 2nd/3rd best polish player currently playing. Virtually guaranteed to see at least one amazing kill every time you see him. A quiet and likable player, a great talent.

Italy Retroactive

Austria kan0wne : Hard to pick one, but kanones aim certainly puts him head and shoulder above his team mates, and the experience from last season with rewind will come in handy as he will help Retroactive avoid being whitewashed.