[img|right]http://enemy-territory.4players.de:1041/images/upload/lastresults4.jpg[/img]You can see why people are stating 'deja-vu'. If Estonia Idle.ee can beat image: fihu gods.inc, they'd set up a rematch of last season's double final.

The names were different then, with Finland Parodia now playing their final games under the uQ tag, and Estonia Idle formally known as U96D. Of course there have been some major lineup reshuffles in the Idle camp, but the team is looking strong, and as I found out with Netherlands TeKoa, they are confident of taking it all the way.

As for image: fihu gods, it was Estonia U96D / new-Idle who dumped them out of contention last time around, being beaten 4-0 on supplydepot and sw_goldrush to allow the Estonians a place in the finals:
[*]Details: Match report & stats

As mentioned, if Idle progress this Sunday, they will set up a final identical to the one we saw in June. But will the final be able to conjure up anywhere near of the magic of last season, regardless of who plays?

You only need remember Estonia Night's magical panzershot which "destroyed jauhis" and kept Estonia U96D in the tie, the roaming Oasis defenses which affected the tactics of many a clan thereafter, having to go to a decider, the 'antics' of United Kingdom TosspoT keeping all entertained ... there is really too much to mentioned all in one breath.

With the scores level after a round of oasis and supplydepot, the pressure was really on both sides. However, take it the Eestis did, leaving CB with a headline of:

image: comeback1

The banner sounded something like a star wars film: Episode II. After the 'wonder-match' of the first final, expectation was divided, with people suddenly realising Finland Parodia weren't invincible. You could sense the excitement and sheer build up to the game from everything, right down to the artwork that was being produced. Many of you will probably remember this old banner, which was produced for both finals:

image: final3

Using the then new 2.60 ET patch, ETTV slots were able to be increased to 2000, a phenominal amount, and one which was certainly needed such was the demand to see a game which promised to be one of the most exciting in the history of Enemy Territory.

Whilst the result was more clear cut on this occasion, 4-0 to Estonia U96D[/b], the experiences of all involved meant that this was certainly not going to be a competition that people forgot about too easily. Poland Valkir was suitably impressed:

Quote[/i]Poland Valkir: U96 Dasboot has just won the ClanBase EuroCup XI in the Enemy Territory game section. That means one thing: they are the best team at the moment. They achieved the victory due to a hard work, many quarrels and dramatic moments. But it turned out that when a team is becoming a one, solid object, it is able to do everything.

image: result1

Estonia U96D emerged from the finals they nearly couldn't play with a prize pot of 500e, and the admiration of ET players the world over.