Aruba foonr: How satisfied have you been in general of your performances in the EC so far?

Finland chmpp: Very satisfied, didn't know that we could make it to a final there, but here we are :)

Faroe Islands foonr: And the game against uQ ... no bad feelings from that in any way?

Finland chmpp: We won a map which we didnt expect to win, so it was a good match

Namibia foonr: What about Sunday's game against idle? Is a win realistic in your eyes?

Finland chmpp: Well, we are spending more time to WoW than to ET atm so I dont feel confident about winning but of course its possible and if we play as good as we can, it's there to win it :P
We need a 3rd attempt to beat uQ tbh !

Mauritania foonr: WoW helps aim, I better remember that :)
And also, what do you make of all the recent teams folding? There's been 141, idkfa, and now uQ...

Finland chmpp: Its normal after every big cup, its interesting see how many players will continue and in which teams :P

Sierra Leone foonr: We shall see indeed. Well best of luck to you and gods, hopefully you've give us a match to remember on Sunday ;)

Finland chmpp: Thanks