image: ukil3 foonr: Ever since the first defeat to uQ, some would say Idle have had a point to prove ... would you agree?

Netherlands teKoa: Well we played really crappy that game so I have to agree with that, but we showed some nice stuff in the matches vs 141 and idkfa so I guess we have proved to be able to give a good match against uQ also, but first we need to beat gods ofcourse. :)

Andorra foonr: And you've been playing with the extra pressure of not being able to lose another game, do you think that will be a feature against, or do you expect an easy game? Finland Champpi says they've been praccying by playing WoW \o/

Netherlands teKoa: Well even if you're in the winners bracket you dont want to lose. You still know that even when you lose you still have a chance but it shouldnt affect the game, I dont think the match will be easy but you never know. Maybe WoW will increase their teamplay by lvling together. :P

Sweden foonr: It seems as if history is poised to repeat itself; Estonia idle favourites to beat image: fihu Gods and set up a re-play of last year's EC final with you as u96d and uQ as parodia ... is this the dream situation? There's obviously the chance things might not go to plan..

Netherlands teKoa: I think it would be quite funny if thats going to happen but uQ (parodia) is still playing with the same lineup and idle is actually a complete new lineup,only Estonia Night is from the old squad but of course we will try to do the same as the u96d squad. ;p

Spain foonr: hehe ;) finally, any clues to idle's existance after the EC? or will you be another folded clan?

Netherlands teKoa: I cant say anything about that, I got a contract that doesnt allow me to say anything about such things. :D

Hong Kong foonr: :((
Well thanks for the chat, and ofc best of luck for sunday's game ;)

Netherlands teKoa: thx :)