Now to something very different. As the last South park episode stated, girls love making lists. Um. Well here it is, the first Taken's Take: uber list! Wonder what's hot and what deserves to be placed in Granny's fridge? Read on!

Hot stuff baby!

1. Dignitas - The number one team at moment claim the number one spot in this weeks list! jakazc is back 100% and their 7 man roster is glowing pure pwnage.

2. Sweden - Sweden Sweden is a small country up north fielding two top teams that are hungry for Cash, watch out for killarna in EYEBALLERS and Kompaniet!

3. CDC 4 - Who is not looking forward to CDC 4?

4. nkm's sniper and Point Blank - Point Blanks captain is atm the number 1 sniper in ETQW making Point Blank a team few like to play against. And I want to use this chance to remind United Kingdom nkm that he might have problems getting friends at CDC 4 if he continues this way. Hill hugger! As for Point Blank they just qualified for ESL Major Series after beating GROF in a convincing way.

5. Beta heroes - Dignitas, Kompaniet, redCode, GROF who all played the closed beta as teams are still top teams. Will it last? Time will tell.

6. one2 - After folding some time ago after losing a key player and leaving Copenhagen eSports. It now looks like Sweden one2 is slowly making their way back into the scene building a new roster. It's too late for this online season, but [flga=se] Numse and his army of Scandinavian beta heroes are marching again and that's good news.

7. Germany - No other country has so many potential top teams and such good MGC support. Watch out for the Germany Germans in the upcoming months! 9 of these teams also attended Enlarged LAN a couple of weeks ago, good news for the German scene.

Grannies fridge

-4. GROF - A poor show at i32 versus Dignitas and failing big-time against some unknown teams in France, only taking 3rd place at the Fnac Paris LAN. The team, receiving around 1000 euro each month in salary for their players, is in deep trouble. If GROF wants to show that they are more than a clan that logged many hours of beta , they really have to bounce back bigtime, because right now they are disliked in the community, failing epically in tournaments, though are sponsored more than any other team in ETQW and that doesn't add up. Part of the problem here is GROF's manager United Kingdom Baldrick who should step down from the playing lineup, as he is far from as talented as other players in the team. When the squad was formed back in the beta days Baldrick was listed as manager and for a reason. At the recent failure in Paris, Baldrick benched GROF talent United Kingdom hentai to take a spot in the LAN lineup himself. If GROF.etqw survives the next week, changes are needed.

-3. i32 LAN - The ETQW competition at i32 came at a bad time and fuelled by the big entrance fee and big travel costs it a was a failure. 2nd and 3rd place in the competition wouldn't be near to cover their costs combined with the LAN if they were traveling from outside the UK, and i'm sure this didnt seem very motivating with a strong Dignitas side attending. Match wise the lan was also poor with Dignitas winning it easily and no other teams attending able to challenge GROF for second place.

-2. Clash of the fanboys - On crossfire there is much flame nowadays between ET players, CoD4 players and ETQW players. This isn't doing anything good for the community and even with the ET players as the biggest bitching part there are still things to be done. There is no point in commenting on some random person spamming random shit about your game. Why should you care? Go play and have fun. Many ET players really care about ETQW it seems and we should be happy about that.

-1. ETQW Coverage - ETQW needs more good coverage, this will get better when ETQW-TV arrives, but more people need to step up. Shout casters, news writers and referees, come out of hiding!

The music is starting to get loud and the people are starting to get drunk.. This party is about to get started!

Note: As this is the first in the series, you should no matter what you (and/or everyone) think read the next, it can't be worse right? :D

Next week on Takens take!
In the next Taken's take I will take a look at the upcoming ESL Major Series and the CB playoffs and get one or two interviews with key community figures! Stay tuned to Crossfire and my under average written articles!