image: cdc5dkut6

The first interview starts with the danish NC captain Vimar.

Hi Vimar, please could you introduce yourself for the readers incase they don't know who you are.

Hello! My name is Tim "vimar" Rasmussen, 17 years old and i am from Denmark. I am playing in Team Infinity as tanker and all-rounder. When i'm not playing computer i am pretending that i am looking for a job, watching tv and sleeping

Tell us about your gaming history.

I started playing serious when i was 12-13 years old or something, where i played Counter-Strike for some years. When i got bored of that i started playing some semi-serious Battlefield 2 but left the game to play World of Warcraft with my friends. I played World of Warcraft for 1½ years or so and then started playing Quake Wars when the demo came out.

Soon you and your team infinity will be playing at CDC4. What are your expectations for this event?

My expectations for CDC4 is that it is going to be a good tournament with a lot of good matches.If we play our best we will hopefully go further from the groupstages, we are in a very tough group with 2 top3 teams which is Epsilon and 4kings.

How did you guys prepare for this cup? And what about your the lineup? Ive heard some rumors that there have been some problems?

We have been practising alot more than we usually are.
We had alot of lineup issues in December until early January, but with the addition of fiskEn and Wormie i think our lineup is stronger than ever!

What do you think about the CDC4 ruleset?

I think the ruleset is decent, not perfect tho. I dont like that they announced the ruleset so late.

What about your clansupport? Is Infinity any good?

Team Infinity is the first MGC that i have been playing for, so cant compare it to other. But my impression so far is that it is a well-organized and stable MGC who is providing their teams with lan-support and clothing thanks to our sponsors

If you should predict a top3 for cdc4 who would that be?

Dignitas, 4Kings, Epsilon/Speed-Link/Infinity

Thanks for the interview you got anything else to say?

I would like to say thanks to Crossfire for hosting this tournament, and also a huge thanks to Team Infinity's management, Adi and our sponsors!