image: cdc5dkut6

The third one is one of Denmarks most known COD4 players frijec

Hi frijec, please could you introduce yourself for the readers incase they don't know who you are.

In this lovely game called COD4 there is loads of new people so I better make it long. My name is Kenneth "fRiJeC" Jensen and I am a 23 years old guy living in the centre of Copenhagen, Denmark. Im currently studying multimediadesign, but in my sparetime I am the teamleader of the danish Roskilde Ravens. I've been in the scene since the first few months of COD1 and since then I've worked my way up in the scene and I am now a a columnist on, I've lead a solid amount of fairly good teams, and I am quite known by the most of the scene.

What about your gaming history?

Before the COD series I played in a few teams within the Unreal Tournament scene and after that I spend some time in DOD1.3, but since COD1 I've kept myself within the series.

You and your team Roskilde Ravens are going to attend at CDC4. Could you tell us a bit about your team?

We are a nice mix of old school and new talent, we got wmzy, hmzy and me. We're from the old days with cod1, all 3 being some of the more successful danish players. All of us are bringing something unique to the team, experience, leadership & stability. Then we have the 3 new guys being LM, Champ & R3CoR. Theyre all from other games and bringing something new to us from other games. And they are of course very talented all 3 of them. Hopefully we will see them being the carriers some day, to create some harmony.

As mentioned before you guys will be attending the upcoming CDC4 lan, How are you guys preparing yourselves as good as possible in order to qualify a as good spot as possible?

Well we've had about 2 bootcamps the last 2 months and the later one was with Fnatic, VAE and infinity. Next to that we've been together a few times a month just for fun, and on top of that we stepped up the last 3 weeks to about 4-5 prac days a week. If all this paid off for this event is hard to say, but im quite sure that we'll feel the difference in some time.

By the way how was the last bootcamp? Did you learn anything from it?

Yes, we worked out some stuff we probably wouldnt have spotted if we just pracced online as usual and it is always a great thing to get 1st hand feedback from the other teams at the bootcamp. As for the bootcamp itself was a great success, all the teams enjoyed it and we've gotten to know eachother a bit better.

What do you say about the CDC4 ruleset and the seeds?

The ruleset is almost fine as it is, but I do dislike the excessive use of the smg. I do hope there is something for that around the corner. I cannot complaing about the seeds, as we havent proved anything officially nor on lan yet. So we can only surprise and improve with the seed we got.

Your top3 at CDC4?

hmm, that is one of the hardest questions. Fnatic, Tek-9 and SK maybe, but in no particular order. It is so hard to guess right now.

Thanks a lot for the interview, do you got anything else to say? And what about some shoutouts?

Thanks to you for this interview. Shoutouts to fnatic, Liam, VAE, infinity, Jan, Otto, and other cool people I could have forgotten in cod4. Last but not least a thank you to Roskilde-eSport for their continued support of our team.