image: cdc4qt4

The second one is with the danish quakecon champ utr

Hi Utr, please could you introduce yourself for the readers incase they don't know who you are.

Well im Peter Mogensen from Team Dignitas. I play for the enemy territory team and have been doing so since July 2007. Apart from that I'm a "usual" 18 year old danish guy who attends high school :)

What about your gaming history?

I started playing competitively back in the Battlefield 1942/Battlefield Vietnam days. Back then i was more or less a kiddo-gamer, and decided to take a break from gaming from 2006-2007. Once ET:QW was released me and one of my old friends Huggo decided to take gaming to the next level, which resulted in a contract with dignitas in July 2007.

You are one of the most succesfull danes there is in the danish eSport. How is to be kinda famous?

Well i wouldnt consider myself to be one of the most successful danes in danish eSports, I can name many cs/cod4 players which are more known than I am, but apart from that it feels kinda strange that many ppl in the etqw community know who you are hehe.

You and team Dignitas will be attending the upcoming CDC4 lan, How are you guys preparing yourselves?

Well we didn't really put any massive preperation into this event, me and Huggo were away for over 1 week only 2 weeks ago and since then we haven't been praccing as much as we should have.

What do you say about that 3 are playing for VAE in the ET cup?

Well i don't think it will effect our performance tbh, but it can ofc happen since we are talking about 2 different games.

What do you think about the CDC4 ruleset and the seeds?

The seeds are kinda allright 2. and 3. could have been switched around but that doesn't really mean anything if you look at the tournament setup. The ruleset seems kinda allright, the only thing i actually disagree with is starting off with a groupstage with 9 teams.

Your top3 at CDC?

1st Dignitas - 2nd Epsilon - 3rd 4Kings.

What about team Infinity?

Well I haven't really been suprised by Team Infinity's gameplay but you cannot deny that they have some quite okay players who can hopefully suprise the community this weekend.

Thanks a lot for the interview. Do you got anything else to say?

Would like to thank our sponsors and management for supporting us and scheduling our trip this weekend.