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09:00 We've finally managed to get into the building and are frantically setting up the PC's for the first games of the morning. When I say "we", I mean the royal "we". Everything is getting setup at a fair rate of knots, so games should be looking to get started within the next 15 minutes.

09:52 The first QuakeWars and CoD4 games go live, only 50 minutes late. It's not looking like we'll be having our first ever year of staying on schedule. Hopefully we won't finish too late. With any luck we'll have some quick games and catch up pretty quickly.

11:15 We've had some ET:QW's games played and we'll be getting the majority of the CoD4 games underway pretty soon. We had a power cut in the upstairs gaming area which you can imagine was fun but everything is back to normal and going "splendid".

11:30 Well we're ahead of schedule in the QW's side of things but the CoD4 games are pretty far behind. We'll make up some time soon hopefully but we're only an hour away from the ET matches starting!

12:23 The all french teams fiveStar and FuRy did not show up at the event and have been removed from tournament. This are probalby the only dropouts but it will defintly help to get the CoD4 schedule back on time witch is currently one to two hours behind.

16:30 While Taken is whining about the delay of the ET matches the match oxmoze vs. Hard2kill gets repeated for CoD4 after a bugabuse with abusing the missing pb dvar checks. Result will follow soon.

18:20 It's a bit stressful at the moment, as we are currently running 3 hours behind schedule. There has ben multiple reasons for this, so hopefully in the early hours tonight we can catch back some time.

21:15 Due to the event running late, we've had to reschedule our last two ET games of the day (TLR vs aToOn & random vs unKind) to the following afternoon to be played with the other ET matches in a sequence.

01:15 With some decent tinkering, the CoD schedule looks to be a bit healthier than it once was. The place is starting to wind down a bit after the SK & Fnatic game and TosspoT can't help refering to the Market on District as a "Shanty-Town". Needlees to say, the other admins laughed.

03:36 The last matches in ET Quake Wars are getting on their way and the halls are empty already. Hopefully the cabins are as well this night.