image: header_lan
9:45 The first CoD4 games are due to start soon, with all the teams here getting ready to go. It was pretty hard to drag ourselves out of bed today, as most of the admins get 4-5 hours sleep (that's the lucky ones) at the absolute most.

19:15 Nothing been really going on today, so no massive use in the admin blog, sorry. We've had the CoD4 final and now the ET final is onto Radar. It's been an easy day to keep the schedule in order and only one map was played in the CoD4 final because TLR could not stay past 18:20, as three TLR players needed to leave.

02:28 The event is over, thank fuck

02:41 Pedro has finally had some beer, thank fuck seriously, beer is nice, it warms my insides like a hot chocolate river.