Group A Prediction
1. Dignitas]United Kingdom Mick
United Kingdom Raz
United Kingdom Blackmane
Netherlands Sko
Norway Zenith

2. OCRANA]Germany Isi (Captain)
Germany -neo-
Germany fajen
Germany fl1nN
Germany reflexzZ

3. Insidiae]Belgium fre (Captain)
Belgium GreenY
Belgium kEVINNNN
Belgium MITOX3
Belgium niZ

A tough group with an early morning start for these 3 teams and one will have to go. I can't look past Dignitas for the group winners and it will be a tough start on LAN for Norway Zenith as he replaces Norway PlaZma. The key match will be between Ocrana and Insidiae and its a hard one to call. Ocrana are an upcomming team and might well have it in them to put Insidiae out of the tournament.

Group B Prediction
1. H2k-gaming]France Vazy (Captain)
France rukkae
France gus
France xander
Switzerland raigeki

2. Infused]United Kingdom Vanner (Captain)
United Kingdom will
United Kingdom v1oqor
United Kingdom revoltz
United Kingdom brkn

3. team zetta]Netherlands joe (Captain)
Netherlands dnz
Netherlands MICKYTHEchick
Belgium qum
Denmark zetrex

4. |\|3WbZ]Germany bozzz1337
Germany e4x
Germany grobblin

While United Kingdom Vanner may well claim "If we lose to h2k I will quit gaming." he may well have to prepare himself. H2K Gaming are in top form at the moment, love them or hate them for the ClanBase EuroCup debacle you can not deny they are performing well. Finalists at Acer Challenge and then winning the recent iPower 08 and another French LAN last weekend they will surely top the group. Infused should grab 2nd spot without too many problems though sending them to the 2nd group stage.

Group C Prediction
1. TEK9 Networks]Belgium Davy (captain)
Turkey haya
Belgium Stevy
Netherlands strelok

2. Revolution]Hungary tex (Captain)
Hungary error
Hungary Jumpman8
Hungary qkesz
Hungary Stormy

3. Team ZelLion]France karko (Captain)
France spin
France woodz
France coack
France winndz

The hosts have a pretty tough group but with no doubt plenty of home support they should see themselves to topping the group. Revolution may well have won the first Live2Win season but couldn't pass the group stages this year. Meanwhile the french team ZelLion are growing in confidence picking up some good results at the recent French LANs. However with no ping differences I believe the hungarians should get 2nd place.

Group D Prediction
1. LowLandLions]Belgium Sticky
Belgium Restyle
Belgium qwerty
Netherlands doekoe
Netherlands joepoe

2. Team Impact]Italy george (Captain)
Italy jimmy
Italy Lascia
Italy Matrix
Italy shado

3. BHK-Vagant]Germany toX (Captain)
Germany fatman23
Germany black
Germany K1ckzZ
Germany patzR
Germany Toni

This should be an easy one for LowLandLions to top but once again 2nd place is tough to call. I've gone for the Italians though as they have the experience over Messrs. Just like the other 3 team groups it will be damage limitation against LowLandLions and a fight to the death against each other.

Group E Prediction
1. Meet Your Makers]United Kingdom LoOkzor (captain)
United Kingdom Mark
United Kingdom SoCLoN
United Kingdom d1ablo
United Kingdom stat

2. NCS]Turkey chr1s (Captain)
Turkey orchyN
Turkey Wrath
Turkey clink
Turkey sh1p

3. Serious Gaming]Netherlands nutec (Captain)
Netherlands r1ks0n
Netherlands supreme
Thailand solz
Netherlands zemme

Despite the many short commings of MYM's rocky few months I have confidence they will bring it together for this event. There is a lot of pressure on them though after grabbing 2nd at CDC4 and I33 they feel they must win one of these big events. They should top the group but it certainly will not be easy. Serious Gaming performed well at Acer Challenge and are practising like crazy judging by the amount of spam from supreme however I think it will be the Turkish side that will claim 2nd place in the group.

Group F Prediction
1. Team EG]Canada wombat (Captain)
Canada rob-wiz
Canada wiseguy
United States of America ntt
United States of America deny

2. UF Gaming]Poland f4l3cZk4 (Captain)
Poland cOw
Poland eXN
Poland cRx

3. UNLIMITED]Hungary SMGzjeh
Hungary Crazy
Hungary germanh
Hungary roy
Hungary zoNta

4. hardMethod]Belgium Jacamaca (Captain)
Belgium Darkie
Belgium irreeL
Belgium Pavo
Belgium shakota
Belgium SidelzZ

Evil Geniuses are the team to beat in North America right now and should have no problems at all topping this group. UF Gaming should also have no problems taking 2nd place, they are bootcamping at Wzzrd, Enschede before the event and there match vs EG will be one to watch.

Group G Prediction
1. eSuba.HAL3000]Czech Republic lucker (Captain)
Czech Republic Mazarini
Czech Republic NiO
Czech Republic BLX
Slovakia Cross

2. SP-Gaming]Greece Vertigo (Captain)
Greece encc
Greece gody
Greece aNaL
Greece paL

3. FatGames]Belgium Giggels (Captain)
Belgium assgras
Belgium HellDoG
Belgium sui01
Netherlands Diii

4. #eurofriends]Spain CASSIAS.ES (Captain)
Sweden Rydan
Anonymous Yoghi
United Kingdom futur4ma
Norway fitz

This group has for me one of the tournament favourites eSuba. They will top this group with relative ease and yet again its 2nd place thats hard to pick. I've gone with the greeks SP-Gaming as there doing well online and may just be able to transfer them skills to LAN. FatGames will be the ones they have to watch out for though so its not going to be easy.

Group H Prediction
1. KomaCrew.ViTiVi e.V.]Netherlands Svo (Captain)
Netherlands toxjee
Netherlands mofje
Netherlands pietje
Netherlands RobYEe

2. redLine]France Anubiis
France weedoh
France Raf
France glddd
France arEs

3. Packard Bell 4Kings]United Kingdom benz1ne (Captain)
United Kingdom palmz
United Kingdom Twist
United Kingdom vasquez
United Kingdom wiz

The iPower 08 finalists and Acer Challenge winners KomaCrew should top this group, they've proved they can handle the pressure at a LAN. The 2nd place is not so clean cut and only going off results have I placed redLine ahead of Four-Kings. 4k have never been strong in CoD4 yet so for me they will have to prove this isn't just an all expenses paid holiday to Belgium.

Group I Prediction
1. Reason-Gaming]United Kingdom Juszn (Captain)
United Kingdom lighters
United Kingdom rze
United Kingdom phantasy
United Kingdom nreo

2. Team SPEED-LINK.CoD4]Germany smithz (Captain)
Germany Trigger
Germany kevin
Germany n1tro
Germany sMITty

3. iNFiNitY*SkillS]Hungary NewZoo (Captain)
Hungary Frentzen
Hungary gemPa
Hungary oXtg3n
Hungary Prosy
Hungary Siberia
Hungary Sopi18
Hungary szimba02

This is the group many will be looking at, can Speed-Link emulate on LAN what they can do online winning the EMS II and ESL Summer Cup in the same night. The weekend before they performed terribly at iPower 08 losing 13-3 to the Belgium mix team of TEK9/LowLandLions. Reason Gaming on the other hand have proved themselves worthy at lans and it is them that I think will grab the top place with Speed-Link second with the hungarians coming 3rd.

Group J Prediction
1. Team Pandemic]United States of America Nabore (Captain)
United States of America crzg
United States of America prank
United States of America skinz
United States of America zephiwho

2. ancients]Hungary agazzi (Captain)
Hungary pjie
Hungary never
Hungary dark
Hungary SenSei_hun

3. iGamerZ eSports]Switzerland Jwr
Switzerland Pr1nZ
Switzerland Sumol
France BooooB
France CaLi
France JooKzZi
Belgium Javel

Pandemic should have little trouble topping this group with ancients likely contenders for 2nd.

Group K Prediction
1. SK Gaming]Germany iFEARdilemma (captain)
Russia flie
Turkey MOKAI
Germany spaR
Germany thunder
Germany L-King

2. Roskilde Ravens]Denmark frijec (captain)
Denmark Champ
Denmark wmzy
Denmark hiffer
Denmark Huggo

3. Tryface]Netherlands vexzur (Captain)
Netherlands kadoek
Netherlands obama
Norway antipopee
Belgium soose

Tough call this one and really could be either team finishing first. I've not been able to see either perform for sometime in events for a while now and I seem to make Ravens lose when I do :) For this reason I think SK Gaming should top the group with Ravens finishing 2nd.

Group L Prediction

1. fnatic]Sweden mintr (captain)
Sweden odyx
Sweden tidde
Sweden zEm

2. k1ck eSports]Spain hawk (Captain)
Spain jas0n
Spain proxy
Spain Raditz
Spain RauTe
Spain spyderz

3. D-Link PGS]Poland razorju
Poland marikkkk
Poland lokacz
Poland monthy
Poland nickel

4. RABBITS]Croatia woozie (Captain)
Croatia Andeo
Croatia bater1ja
Croatia dr.hegi
Croatia kenz
Croatia m4d
Croatia over.
Croatia zengA

Another easy one to call for first place with Fnatic but second place I've given to the spaniards K1ck. I don't really know enough about PGS though but they've not been around the final stages of any big online tournament before though.