luckeRs's Overall Predictions - eSuba Knife Master

[img|right][/img]1st - United Kingdom Dignitas
2nd - Germany Speed-Link
3rd - Czech Republic eSuba
4th - Canada Team EG
5th - Belgium TEK9
6th - Belgium LowLandLions
7th - Germany SK Gaming
8th - United Kingdom MYM
9th - Sweden Fnatic
10th - France H2K Gaming

Reasons for your Predictions

Any of those teams could be the winner, it's very difficult to determine the order. Let's say the first position will take the team that has been preparing most imho..

A few words from the man

Please Introduce yourself for anyone that has foolishly missed eSuba's matches over the last few months?

Hey, well my name is Lukas Blazek, I observed my 18th birthday recently. The major part of you probably knows me as luckeR and I play with scope for eSuba.

With your team seemingly the number 1 online right now how do you feel your chances are at the upcomming events and whichs ones are you attending?

We will parcitipate at AEF and TEX for sure as we have been preparing for very carefully. There is a lot of skillful and experienced teams from various countries and anyone of them can take the win. I feel equal to say that a medal position is very objective for us and if we finish on it I will be content.

Theres a lot of top snipers attending the events, who will you most look forward to facing in a duel?

Yes, there will be a lot of good snipers and I will look forward to take my chance against the best of them, namely blackmane :P

Have you or will you be bootcamping before the events and if so with which teams?

Actually there is a one small bootcamp in contemplation, that will take place here in the Czech Republic between these two LANs with a czech team. We'll see.

Should TosspoT do a new series of eSports Weekly Naked?

It's a juicy idea, nevertheless rather not :D

Any Shoutouts?

My shoutouts go to eSuba and SK-Gaming.CoD4! <3


Vazy's Overall Predictions - H2K Captain and Sniper

Excluding H2K from my choice (although I hope that we get 3rd).

1st - Canada Team EG
2nd - United Kingdom Dignitas
3rd - United Kingdom MYM
4th - Czech Republic eSuba
5th - Sweden Fnatic
6th - Netherlands KomaCrew
7th - Belgium TEK9
8th - Belgium LowLandLions
9th - Germany SK Gaming
10th - Germany Speed-Link

Reasons for my Predictions

According to EG they are praccing hard for long months now with our ruleset and nobody really saw them play. MYM are always doing a great job at lans and I think KomaCrew could have done more if they still had the same line up.

A few words from the man

Please introduce yourself to those not following the CoD4 scene?

Hi, I'm Marc Berthold, I'm 19 years old and I live in France. I started playing online with MOHAA before switching to Cod1 and beginning to play competitively. After that, I just followed the community on Cod2 and now Cod4.

With your team winning iPower 08 and being in a very close Acer Challenge Final not to mention 4th at CDC4 back in March how do you rate your chances at these upcomming events and which ones will you attend?

As you said, we indeed won iPower, finished 2nd at acer challenge and 4th at cdc4 some months ago that's why I can say we had a pretty great season for now. These results are proofs that we're able to do some great results in Europe but that doesn't mean we will win AEF or TEX. In fact, I can't really say if we have big chances to do nice results to theses events because of the incredible team list attending it. What's more, we most like to be outsiders as favorites : And for those who don't know it we'll be attending AEF and TEX.

Theres a lot of top snipers attending the events, who will you most look forward to facing in a duel?

Yeah I agree with you there will be a lot of top snipers since there will be all the best team in the world that's why it is gonna be awesome. According to all the matches I already played online and all the stream I watched, I guess snipers such as blackmane is gonna be the most impressive sniper of these events, but as it is a lan event, it's gonna be even more a sniper battle and I think that stevy will do a great job aswell.

Have you bootcamped at all for AEF and if so with which teams?

We know since long time that we're going to compete at AEF and TEX and we wanted to be well prepared that's why we've chosen to do a lot of lans before the events. According to this, we decided to go to acer challenge, ipower games and also the coupe de France at the milk internet center 1 week ago. So we didn't bootcamp for the AEF but we are well prepared to the " lan gaming style ". However, we will bootcamp between AEF and TEX to be even more prepared for the second event and hope that it'll work.

Should TosspoT do a new series of eSports Weekly Naked?

I quite like these " esports weekly " with great news in it, good informations given and on top of that really well realized. All the more so since TosspoT knows exactly what he does so yes I think he should do a new series of eSports Weekly Naked, and I guess that a lot of people will ask him to continue since there are a lot of people who are watching this video.

Any Shoutouts?

Shoutouts to the french community in which we trust to support us at AEF and TEX, and I would like to thank H2k and all our sponsors (Thermaltake, i3d, spam) to send us there.