wmzy's Overall Prediction - Roskilde Ravens
1st - Sweden Fnatic
2nd - Germany Speed-Link
3rd - United Kingdom Dignitas
4th - Czech Republic eSuba
5th - France H2K Gaming
6th - United Kingdom MYM
7th - Netherlands KomaCrew
8th - Denmark Roskilde Ravens
9th - Belgium LowLandLions
10th - Canada Team EG

Reasons for my predictions

It's very hard for me to give an actual top 10 list but since deman wouldnt let me do the list in random order i had to fill in some numbers. I believe that the top 15 teams in Europe all have a fairly chance of winning this event or even the-experience just a few days after this, since the skill of european cod4 teams are very equal its hard to decide in advance who is going to win these events.

A few words from the man

Please introduce yourself to those outside the cod4 scene

My name is Brian Bie, better known woomzy in the e-world, where I play for Roskilde Ravens. I just graduated as a student a month ago and hopefully I will be studying financial management around september if I get a spot :D. Right now im just enjoying enjoying my summer vacation and im really looking forward to the summerevents coming up.

We last saw Ravens on LAN at I33, how do you fancy your chances at AEF and what other events will you be attending

I believe our chances at AEF are pretty good. With our 2 new players and a hell lot of practice I think we will be ready for whatever team we meet. But the skill-level in the european scene is pretty high and for me it's like the top15 or even top20 european teams got a decent chance to beat eachother, so in the very end it will all depend on each teams momentum at lan and the randomly drawn map selection.

There are many top teams attending the summer events, who will you look forward to facing most?

At i33 we drew against EG in the groupplay, and they are currently the best american team out there atm if i'm not mistaken, so thats a team we really wanna beat :D. Besides that im tired of loosing close matches against SK and now we got the chance to play them in the groupstage, and it wouldnt surprise me if we made a draw against them, again it depends on the map selected :). I would hate to play dignitas, cuz they are like team-slow xD. We will be attending the-experience atleast where we will represent the event as host :)

Has Ravens or will it be bootcamping at all for the summer events?

We have just finished a 7 day long bootcamp in our very own clubhouse, where we have had our ups and downs in our performance:] .. So we are pretty much set for these upcomming event.

Should TosspoT present the next series of eSports Weekly nude?

Hell yeah!!! xD

Any Shoutouts!

I would like to make shoutouts to my team and former teammates. Our sponsors, Game-hosting, Sennhesier and Nordea. And eternal thanks to our headmanager in Roskilde eSport , Jens C. Ringdal for sending us to these events. And to Jamie our new teammanager who will be spending his days off from work with us at these 2 events :D


Tidde's Overall Predictions - Fnatic Happy Man

Excluded fnatic pretending you were not there!

[img|right]http://deman.co.uk/images/aefpics/tidde.jpg[/img]1st - Canada Team EG
2nd - United Kingdom mYm
3rd - United Kingdom Dignitas
4th - United States of America Pandemic
5th - Germany SK Gaming
6th - Germany Speed-link
7th - Czech Republic eSuba
8th - Belgium TEK9
9th - Denmark Roskilde Ravens
10th - Belgium LowLandLions

Reasons for my predictions

EG was really good at i33 and I'm pretty sure they are back for revenge at the european teams. mYm seems to have a problem getting that last match a winning map but after the bootcamp they might be ready to get their first big win. Dignitas lost plaZma and for that I dont think they will get a better place then third place, blackmane can make miracles happen tho.

A few words from the man

Please introduce yourself to those that don't know the ever happy tidde?

Heya! My name is Daniel Asp and I live in Sweden, Enköping. I've played Cod4 since it got out and before that I played on a high level in the day of defeat community.

Fnatic won CDC4 and placed well at I33, what do you think your chances are at AEF, TEX and I34?

Our chances are pretty good if we keep our heads clear in every game. After CGS we've been slacking abit but we are sure on the way again and we'll be ready to perform this summer.

There are many top teams attending the summer events, who will you look forward to facing most?

I must say EG. I've heard alot about them now after i33 and I'm pretty sure they will end up top3 at AEF.

Has Fnatic or will it be bootcamping at all for the summer events?

No fnatic has not and will not be bootcamping for the summer events. Most of us got ourselves jobs to take care of, myself included. We've tried to do the best thing about it and hopefully that will be enough to do really well this summer.

Should TosspoT present the next series of eSports Weekly nude?

Yes, TosspoT should do that. In my opinion he would be crazy hot looking and the fans would go wild! I know I would!

Any Shoutouts!

Shoutout to my teammates, fnatic mangement, wnkr, visse, neonrosa and the lovely ex fnatic klanne!