The depot is one of the hardest points to break against a good defence because the attackers essentially skewer themselves on any spam and crossfire they have to push into without a really nice route to attack through, there could be a few ways to change this..

My first suggestion is based on an idea from Mozambique Swine + Germany Conan to simply add a tunnel from the Axis first area to somewhere in the depot, shown in the screenshots here for illustrative purposes only. It's not hard to imagine a tunnel splitting a defence up somewhat but where it comes from and goes to could be an issue.

Would we be forcing the defence to break it's crossfire down?
Would we just be creating another choke point to split the attack up on?
Where would you put a tunnel if you had to choose?

Aside from adding new attack routes, why not modify the existing ones, perhaps by giving the attackers more cover as they come in, in these examples I have suggested moving the door under the bridge around the corner so the axis could come out into some cover behind the stairs.

I've also increased the amount of cover on top of the bridge, made the top of the ladder into a few stairs so its easier to get into that cover, it did strike me that the water tower would be a great position to shoot down on the depot from if it was essentially converted into a pillbox but for some reason that dissapeered when I compiled this section of the map xD

Aside from the bridge it may be possible to make the hills the axis come in from easier, but how would we do this without encouraging the allies to rambo out? The hills DO act as a nice natural barrier to oasis style suicide runs..

Yet again, this would be harder to achieve effectively without a skilled mapper..