When sw_goldrush used an invincible truck for the final stage noone complained that you couldn't drive it back, but it's quite plain to see just how annoying it would be to move the tug 90% of the way along the route to have it dragged all the way back, but this doesn't need to be the way.

I can see a strong arguement for making the map more offensive by having the tug only be moved by the attacking side, the map was orignally made for publics, it's fine to have the tug sliding all over the place there because it's supposed to be slower and easier to defend.

But then on the other hand the tug of war effect of shoving it back and forth is quite fun, and it can effect the balancing quite alot if the allies feel the need to send a few guys to stop the tug, hopefully splitting up their defence from just camping on the flag.

A positive aspect of the technical side of this change is that (I imagine) it would be alot easier to do with etpro map scripting, so there would be no need to re-work the .map - it wouldn't result in a loss of performance!

However we should be concerned as to wheter this would make the map less fun...

If the tug is to be kept as it currently is maybe the moverscale could be adjusted to improve the balance.
Maybe we could think about the possibility of making the tug faster but removing the second one and having the first loop all the way from the depot to the gun as shown in the image - this would mean that the allies would be able to stop the railgun loaded so easily but at the risk of going alot more offensive on the final stage.. This would of course probably be more work than just a map script.. but maybe only Bani can tell us what is and isn't possible.

image: P2

If we want to maintain the current nature of the tug then we could also have the map become more offensive by making the depot yard more attackable, there are two possible ways of doing this, the first being to redesign the area...