-Finland Raveneye

Raveneye, his riflenade shots have been imitated and copied alot of times, but it is always nice to see him pull of some trickshots. Other than his rifle skills he has a nice smg aim as well which makes him a very versatile player.

-Sweden feruS

Another great aimer and trickjumper. Last year he won the Eurocup with Europe saevus, the next Eurocup he was part of the winning
team again, Estonia u96d. Then joined ranks with the Swedish powerhouse Sweden iNfensus in its preparation to attend Quakecon. Probably
the best example that young players have the ability to go all the way.

After that things became quiet and now he's busy with some (css?) activities.

-Estonia intact

One of the, possible the player with the most achievements in ET. From winning ECIX with Estonia u96d, to one of the six
x6 players to win Quakecon and take home the $25,000 prize.

-Finland mystic

Out of rtcw into one of the oldschool powerhouses et had: Finland Gunslingers. Over to the revived Europe dignitas squad to Finland parodia,
the Finnish gaming team.

Now he is considered by many as the best aimer in ET. His wacky, rambo-like style of playing have made him the most-spectated guy in ET history. 2005 brought him a second spot in the Eurocup (was his absence the reason that parodia lost the first spot?)

-England Squirrel

The uk based player Squirrel is currently playing under the banner of one4one. He is one of the key players in the team.
Thanks to his good shot and (trick)jumping skills 2005 brought him alot of good fortunes.

A couple of clans, a summercup victory with United Kingdom one4one (then they were still playing under the name uQ-gaming) and
some nice results with his 3v3 team, Europe Queens. At the moment his 6v6 team is playing in the Eurocup playoffs.

Vote for your favourite player!