Moment ONE[/u]

EuroCup XII - Enemy Territory
Germany gods.inc vs Spain Warning!

A group stage match in the EuroCup XII with first map sw_goldrush_te. This one went to Gods Incorporated. The second map, braundorf was won

by wArning!. This meant a decider. All maps were eliminated and radar was the one remaining. Here two equal teams faced each other which resulted in a 1-1 draw on this map. This brought the score to 3-3. Another decider had to be played. Again elimination took place and this time sw_oasis_b3 came out. wArning start off as allies. Facing a strong flag defence and a strong guns defence they were fullheld. This meant defending the objectives for 20 minutes.

After a good flag push gods started pushing towards the guns straight away. A sneaky plant by Finland champi at the South gun needed defusing by wArning! to stay comfortable in the game. Anubis the rifle nader is the man in charge. He sat on the staircase, waiting while the 30 seconds on the dynamite were ticking away. And there it is, the first hit from Spain Winghavens mortar. Switzerland Anubis immediately pushed in and started defusing. In the middle of this process he pushed out again. Bang, second mortar hit. Only 3 seconds left to defuse. He pushed in again and got the defuse on the last second.

This great defusing was unfortunately not enough for wArning to win the game, gods won 5-3.

What makes this a great moment?
The experience from anubis that Spain Winghaven would switch to the motar, perfectly combined
with exact timing and a good bit of luck.


Moment TWO[/u]

EuroCup XI
Finland Parodia vs Estonia u96d

Estonia u96d took a loss in the group stages from Germany helix, Finland parodia was still unbeaten.
So u96d needed to win this game to force a second final. In the first map, oasis, u96d showed why it was their homemap and won 2-0. Then it was time for supplydepot2, the home of parodia. This map brought the score to 2-2. The decider that was picked was radar. Parodia started of as allies. They opened up both main and side entrances and started pushing through.
A west parts push totally destroyed the u96d defence and it seemed clear to cap the west parts. Finland Jauhis grabbed them and hopped down onto the road, below the bridge. Then the axis spawned. Estonia Night spawned as a soldier with panzer and immediately launched a long range panzer shot towards the main entrance. This took down the part carrier Finland Jauhis, Finland saintt and Finland raveneye saw it happening and tried to cap the west parts that were lying only a few metres away from the truck. In meantime the u96d teams made its way to the same parts and they managed to take down both of the parodia players and secure the objective.
This shot was first of all spectacular and it saved u96d's ass. It prevented Parodia from capping both parts way to early and thats how it bought u96d attacking time, in which they succefully beat Parodia. A second final was needed and a strong
u96d managed to take a 4-0 victory over a weakened Parodia, which was missing some of its core players.

What makes this a great moment?
The anticipation of them grabbing the parts, the class switch to panzer, the keeping his
cool and launching the panzer straight where it was aimed at. Combined with his u96d teammates that finished of the job. And of course a good bit of lotto!


Moment THREE[/u]


From the very poor performance of some of the American teams in the qualifiers, over the dissapointements from European top clans about their absence, to a rumbing final, Quakecon had it all.

After the announcement on March 22 2005, that Quakecon was going to support a Wolfenstein franchise game again after RTCW was picked in 2003, the ET community was happy. A lot of old teams announced their ressurection for this tournament. We saw Europe saevus, Europe affliction and 2003 Quakecon winners Sweden iNfensus. Alot was expected from these teams. Affliction already stated that they weren't fully motivated to go for the no. 1 spot, iNfensus wasn't showing off as supposed in practice wars due to alot of lineups changes.

Then they found sponsorship under the banner of Team9, but shortly before their departure for Dallas Sweden Spear announced that he wasn't able to make it due to personal reasons. The team decided that they couldn't attend the event and perform with the loss of a key player on such a short notice so they stayed home. Saevus weren't able to
make the trip due to financial problems. Then, out of nowhere Estonia galahad managed to raise funds for idle.ee. So Quakecon saw the presence of two european, estonian clans.

The event itself brought some nice matches and the final ranking was:

Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Championship
1st - $25,000 - Estonia u96d/check6
2nd - $15,000 - United States of America United 5.ET
3rd - $10,000 - Estonia idle.ee

Moment FOUR

EuroCup X - Enemy Territory

Europe saevus versus Israel insanity

The Finals of Eurocup X. Saevus came out of the group & playoff stages without a loss. A victory in this confrontation would bring them therefore an overall Eurocup title. Insanity however lost to Finland gunslingers in the group stages but fought back and reached the playoffs so they needed to win this to force a second final. In the first map, battery,
insanity puts down an impressive performance and puts a sharp time which saevus can't beat. It is in the second round of the second map, supplydepot2 where things really start to heat up. Saevus got a time of 12.53 to beat after a good defence.
But they faced an equally strong insanity. And with 2 minutes 30 seconds left, they managed to break the upstairs defence and repair the controls. Insanity tried hard to keep them away from the truck but at 1min 15 seconds from the timelimit Austria rapture climbed in the back of the truck and started escorting it. The axis managed to clear out every allied player except for rapture the truck driver. At the main gate his teammate Estonia DeadMeat and Austria darky took over this important job. 30 seconds left as the truck passed through the
depot gates. Up the hill, over an aborted airstrike then a hard right turn towards the exit. In that turn one of the insanity players went 999 and the referee decided to pause the game. The players started to freak out, will they
make it? The fifteen seconds that were left tick away and with 12 minutes 52 seconds saevus managed to secure the truck, one second earlier then their Israeli opponents. In meantime the score was 2-2 so a third map was needed. Back to battery.
Insanity on the allied side. With a couple of strong pushes and a flag capture and loss they decided to push the backdoor hard. This turned out to be succesfull and it forced the axis team to weaken their flag defence. That flag was capped short after the backdoor was blown to pieces. A couple of strong pushes granted them acces to the gun controls which they blew up when 5 minutes and 32 seconds had passed. It was all into saevus' hands. With a sloppy impression on battery during the first rounds of the match things weren't looking to good for them. But they showed insanity what they are made of as they
push and capture the flag almost straight away. Insanity tried to spam their way to an extra Eurocup final but an allied push managed to bring down an engineer, who was able to plant with 34 seconds left at the clock, after a very messy firefight.

Saevus take it all :)

What makes this a great moment?
The two teams were so equal and this proved to be a nice finals in which the difference between
winning and losing was just a matter of seconds.


Moment FIVE

Quakecon 2005

Estonia Check6 vs United States of America United5

The Quakecon 2005 Grand Finals with Check6 as the winner bracket finals (in a previous game vs United5 in which check6 displayed their superiority) and United5 as the winner of the lower bracket finals (versus Estonia idle.ee in a 4 mapper).
Check6 only needed to win two maps, while u5 needed 4 maps to win the tournament. First map on was sw_goldrush_te.
United5 displayed a strong defence and it took x6 9 minutes and 32 seconds to cap the gold truck. As axis they went for a unconventional type of defence. This didn't prevent U5 from stealing the gold and putting it in the truck.
With still 1.23 minutes left dynamite was armed on the truck barrier. Luckily for x6, Estonia r3vers managed to defuse that one.
1-0 to Check 6. Time for et_ice, a map which was to put up "one hell of a show" (r3vers). It sure did. With a very strong attack U5 took over the map and grabbed the docs. With some good panzering by Estonia Night the documents were delayed, but not alot. The attacking axis capped the objective putting a time of 2.36 minutes for x6 to beat. This looked like one hell of a job but x6 gave it a try. Their hopes for a quick two map final were crushed as United States of America special launched his panzer shot when pushing out of the flag room.

Boom, four guys down, and the other two ran into U5 crossfire. x6 ran out of time and scores were adjusted: 1-1.
Radar as decider. X6 walked over U5 in the first stage, grabbed east without resistance but then faced an extremely motivated u5 at the West radar parts.
This didn't stop a team smelling victory from capping the West parts in a time of 9.23. In defence x6 were able to hold u5 for three minutes at the flag. Then they got into positions for a parts defence. And with none of the parts secured the timelimit was hit, Check Six took home $25,000, while U5's loss was rewarded with $15,000.

What makes this a great moment?
Two teams seeing their chance, ebing extremely motivated. Taking risks. Competetive play which is great to spectate.


Vote for your favourite moment!