Written by United Kingdom foonr

Sweden celtiC

[img|left]http://img371.imageshack.us/img371/1059/celtic5xf.gif[/img] celtiC has shown himself to be committed to what might be deemed the 'old-school' approach to Wolf. Having entered the scene shortly after RTCW was released in his native Sweden Sweden, he helped transform the now legendary sweRTCW from a fledgling site receiving "200 hits a month" to one that now records 3000 visitors a day. He has been the driving force behind Scandinavia's SMLigan, and has kept the community enthralled by his constant news.
I had a chat with him recently, looking back on the past, and to what to come:

United Kingdom foonr: You 'retired' in 2005 from sweRTCW, having attained something of a cult following, due to your tireless work for the site

and the news enjoyed by many. Of course this is quite an achievement, and considering all things start from somewhere, how did you first get into the Wolf scene?

Sweden celtiC: It actually all started when I got a new job and two of my friends there was playing, it was just after rtcw was released here in Sweden.
I hadn´t played any game online before rtcw except some short sessions with Quake2 in a friends appartment.
Anyway, I started to play and my workmates did show me the scene. We had two webpages here in Sweden at that point, and after a few forum posts I got the question to start write on that page by Thogge. I´m pretty sure the older wolf-scene here in Sweden know about this man. And once again I point out, I didn´t "retire" from sweRTCW because I was
bored of the game. I´m still playing even though it's not that superactive anymore. But the inactivity in my gaming is more related to family and sport stuff.
The biggest reason I retired from sweRTCW was lack of inspiration and I was sick tired of the "new attitude" that has growned the last year.

United Kingdom foonr: Why Wolf over other games? Did any other games / scenes take your fancy at the time, or before?

Sweden celtiC: The biggest reason for wolf was because I had friends playing it and I didn´t know much about other games. But when looking back today I can truly say that this was the best game we have ever seen so far. The onlything we missed was more players.

United Kingdom foonr: Do you see our work as a contribution to the community, a hobby, or something else?

Sweden celtiC: Well I don´t have any easy answer on this, I started to write because I like to write public. In the beginning the news was really poor. We wrote about ladder games and was hunting infensus all over to get demos.
The scene is totally different today, sadly. If someone should write about a laddergame on for example "the belgium site" the whine would continue forever and some accounts would probably be banned.
So in the beggining I did it because I was really addicted to gaming. After a while I think my news started to be better and the page did get some attention even outside Sweden. Hopefully some of my news has brought laughs to a few.


United Kingdom foonr: In all your work with the scene, including your admirable
dedication towards SMLigan, what would you see as the one thing you would look back on and be proud of?[/i]

Sweden celtiC: The thing I´m most proud of is the work with sweRTCW. In the beginning we had like 200 visitors each months and we thought it was pretty ok.
The last couple of years we have ~3000 visitors each day. Which of course can´t be compared to the biggest CS pages but is still pretty good for this "small" community.

United Kingdom foonr: Any other fond memories?

Sweden celtiC: Biggest gaming memory is my first rtcw LAN here in Sweden. I got there late, played a few matches and then got terribly drunk and slept on maca´s floor. I was in great pain when I woke up next day. This was also the first time I actually met ~60 people I have been playing with for
days. That was really cool.
My second memory is maybe not that funny for me, but I know for sure a few people still picking on me because of what happened. It was the second version of our LAN here in Sweden. It was late a night the final was to be played on a bigass monitor. I was of course drunk and went to the bathroom in the middle of the final. On my way back I actually tripped on the powercord that supplied one of the clans that were playing the final.
I thought they were going to beat me to death.

United Kingdom foonr: In the best possible sense, having been around a long time, you've no doubt witnessed the many evolutions that the Wolfenstein games have gone through. What is your opinion on what the community has become, and where it is heading?

Sweden celtiC: This is maybe the biggest and most important question in this interview, and would probably take me forever to answer.
In the start we didn´t even have stopwatch rounds, then OSP start to involve the competitive scene. Most of the changes was really great and really needed but one of the changes somehow killed the game and the fun for alot of people. This hasn´t even been pointed out before and I guess some will think I´m a big idiot for doing it. In one OSP release stats was included. Today everybody knows about stats and think it´s fun.
But rtcw is a teamplay game and the stats really destroyed alot of clans. All of a sudden it wasn´t enough to win the round, you had to have positive stats. Some "PRO" players even started to do \kill whenever they was near to getting killed even if it was 28 sec until next spawn. So here we have a team where maybe 2 played always have positive stats and maybe one player that always have really negative stats. What will have happened? Of course the weaker player will loose some of the interest in teamplay, and the best player will start to look after new players instead.

Sweden celtiC: If I should look on the community today I think the good thing is that we still have alot of players active, but the attitude is really poor where some of the best player acts really stupid in their way to look cool.

United Kingdom foonr: Were there any particular people who you have worked alongside, who impressed you especially?

Sweden celtiC: Yes, first of all Thogge that got me to start write and teached me how to write.
Maca one of my best friend online, he aim like shit and having this really strange sounding accident when talking but he has really helped me out alot of times.
Martin of course who founded and created sweRTCW, an excellent coder that just lost his interest.
I guess I would mention a few other people here who has helped me out during this period.

United Kingdom foonr: And what about you? Do you see a life after sweRTCW and in the community as a whole?

Sweden celtiC: Actually I do, like I said I didn´t stop to write because I was tired of the gaming. I´m still playing in #mori.
And I think the page will live on for a while. After all there are no other pages that are hosting rtcw/et movies like we do.

United Kingdom foonr: Finally, you've been nominated as one of only five people destined to take away the legacy of Best Personal Contribution to

ET in 2005. Did you ever see this coming, and, now that you've learnt of it, would you agree with your name being down, and why?

Sweden celtiC: No I didn´t see this coming, I have been active in the scene for a couple of years and this is my third interview ever.
Maybe I haven´t contributed to the scene that much in 2005 but I´m proud to say I was around to start this era in Europe.

United Kingdom foonr: Ofc, you are allowed some shoutouts if you so wish :>

Sweden celtiC: Shoutouts to my clan #mori : turnrosa, nik, stix, hellgoat
To maca (please send me new pictures of Sofia)

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