Written by United Kingdom foonr

United Kingdom Nellie

[img|left]http://img371.imageshack.us/img371/8586/nellie3zo.gif[/img] Nellie arrived on the scene only early this year, a fact made

astounding when you consider what he has achieved since. Writing news to a consistantly high standard not only on this site, but also for wArning! and iNfensus is hardly an easy task, yet this elephant made impressive work of it. He has gained rapid respect within the community, aided by his contributions to both the ET-Cup series and the Clanbase hosted Domination-cup for that mod.
I managed to grab him for a chat inbetween his writing and watching his favourite Leeds team (scum imo):

United Kingdom foonr: Ok so Nellie, how do you remember 2005, and what's it been like for you?

United Kingdom Nellie: Hmm this is actually my first year involved in anything like xfire, esports etc (no lifer :[ ) and it’s been great. Most memorable moments undoubtedly EuroCup XI and Quakecon for obvious reasons. Overall it’s been a fun but slightly depressing year with the way our community’s heading. Ow and Glastonbury was cool too! :>

United Kingdom foonr: "The way our community’s heading" ... Would you care to expand?

United Kingdom Nellie: Just the general vibe. The whole Wolfenstein series seems to be getting left behind. Though I love xfire (my post count will show you that) it does create disheartening readings at times. In the past year two of our best admins have lost interest with the game, the community. That kind of thing…

United Kingdom foonr: Like you say these last two years much has happened for the Wolf community, perhaps it's a case of others such as yourself coming in and replacing those who have been before?

United Kingdom Nellie: There's definitely a vacuum, space for a few figures that might want to make a name for themselves…but I doubt that'll be me. I do what I can but lack of co-operation from most people just makes it annoying, you feel like yer wasting your time.
As for admining - anyone that played the Powerball Cup will know I'm shite at that :p

United Kingdom foonr: Well you've mentioned the Powerball Cup, but anyone who remotely knows you will see that you are involved in the community accross the board, writing news for wArning, the ET-Cup etc...
What would you deem as your proudest moment in ET?

United Kingdom Nellie: Hmm it's up and down, just the little things. The Team9 show-match was prolly my favourite news (not my initiative :x ).

I've never seen flame like it…
Constructive comment, good feedback, getting Nellie The Elephant played on iTG…it's all fun. pstarZ vs. wArning! in that ET-Cup final is probably my favourite match that I've played a part of. Was a massive upset, not so much when you look back but the way they did it.
Winghaven screwing up with about 5 seconds left to not return the radar part.

United Kingdom foonr: Indeed, i'm sure Wing will be grateful for having it brought up :O>

United Kingdom Nellie: :)

United Kingdom foonr: And what about the people you've met and worked alongside, any who stand out in particular?

United Kingdom Nellie: Adacore, Cash and SPU9. Adacore and Cash are the obvious ones, they both do/did massive things for our community. Then SPU9 simply for his dedication, it's not so easy establishing yourself from scratch.

United Kingdom foonr: Worthy choices.

United Kingdom Nellie: Though adacore never did do that uQ article :>

United Kingdom foonr: This is true!
Well then finally, before I let you go watch your Doncaster game, what sort of things (if any) do you have planned for yourself in the future in terms of your online self?

United Kingdom Nellie: Online self is sketchy, there’s the next ET-Cup straight after New Year then we’ll see where things go. A few plans but nothing finalised. We’ll see :)

United Kingdom foonr: Possibly Castle Wolfenstein or ETQW? :O>

United Kingdom Nellie: ofc i'll give them a go, need to purchase a new graphics card first. hint santa.

United Kingdom foonr: Many thanks for the chat Nell, you're a great asset to the community, and we all hope you stay around for as long as possible. Any shoutouts?

United Kingdom Nellie: Nah shoutouts are corny
Thx to you and resku for the great idea
...and someone should make that best of 05 frag movie!

(17:40:47) (nll) <3 foonr*

*Might be taken out of context

Vote for Nellie!