Group A features 5 teams and games for this group start at 10:00am CEST on Saturday and will continue until around 15:00pm CEST. 3 of the 5 teams will qualify directly from this group into the playoffs - Below is a quick look at each team and their lineups.

Germany Team PDEG

Germany stRay
Germany gr0ss
Germany Bl4de
Moldova eujen
Germany kReSti

Team PDEG have been playing well in recent times and they will be hoping to improve on their SAGE 5/6 finish with a top4 placing at AEM. They could push maybe even for a top3 place if things click into place and results go their way. Germany stRay is the in-game leader for the lineup and he will have some quality under his command in Germany Bl4de, Germany kReSti, Turkey FiREBALL and with Moldova eujen and Germany gr0ss finishing off the lineup they have both experience and quality at their disposal.

Player to watch: Turkey FiREBALL
FiREBALL is a great consistent aimer and has an annoying style to cut down opponents at will, his performance may be relied upon more then most lineups at AEM if the team hope to make it into the top3. The Turkish player also brings with him years of experience and has always been a good performer at LAN events.

Game Changer: Germany kReSti
kReSti is one of the best aimers in ET but has decided to take up the rile for this event which is a surprising decision given his talent with the smg - saying this he has proven that he still has the ability to stop or split up the opposition even with the rifle. Hopefully his lesser experience with the rifle will not harm the chances of the team in the high pressured situations.


Europe Team WinFakt!

Netherlands xperia
Netherlands abort
Switzerland gifty
France an7ho
Germany stownage
Netherlands SQuid

Team WinFakt have gone through some major changes in the last couple of weeks and when things were going so well prior to the BFB Grand Final the team seemed to spiral losing firstly with Baggiez deciding that LAN was not an option for him this time around then razz and wiaderko to unexplained reasons and then fragstealer and butchji, the team had transformed massively which forced chry to then leave. The current lineup consists of Crossfire Challenge 5 winners Netherlands abort and Switzerland gifty joining them are France an7ho, Germany sTOWNAGE and Netherlands SQuid. Filling the final spot is Netherlands xPERiA who was part of the original lineup.

Player to watch: Netherlands xPERiA
xPERiA is one of the remaining players from the original WinFakt team and will be relied upon to make a big impact as one of the more active players in the ET scene currently. The Dutchman will be relied on a lot more then before as the lineup lost big talent and active players in Fragstealer, butchji, razz and chry. Fortunately he is a good aimer and has been to a couple of LAN events before, hopefully the teams lack of practice does not effect his performance.

Game Changer: Netherlands abort
although likely quite rusty through long gaps in activity, abort is the sort of player that can make a big difference when needed, either in those last man clutch moments or getting the handy entry frags he can exploit even the smallest opportunities to help his team take control of vital stages.


Europe Nothing But Skillz

Netherlands L4mpje
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Estonia yEnch
Estonia Sinnu
Netherlands Hope
Canada bN

NBS have been in poor form of late and will hope to turn things around come LAN time. The seeding tournament did not go very well for them at all but they will still aim to finish in a 5/6 position as a minimum and have a good group of players to do this, Netherlands L4mpje and Netherlands Hope are the Dutch contingent with Estonia yEnch and Estonia Sinnu representing Estonia. finishing off the lineup is Germany FLoPJEHZ. The last player of the lineup is currently not fully known as Belgium PlAyer decided he was not attending LAN less then a week before the event, leaving two team mates in the lurch - Thankfully crossfire responded!

Player to watch: Netherlands L4mpje
L4mpje has come on a lot since SAGE and has put himself into a group of top aimers. The Dutch national player may be relied on more heavily then he would have hoped for as his team have struggled of late, losing out to Zero Empathy in the seeding tournament. the Dutchman will hope to spur his team on to to take their performance to the next level at LAN.

Game Changer: Germany FLoPJEHZ
FLoPJEHZ is recognised as one of the top rifles in ET and his performances will be key for NBS. His off the cuff shots as well as practiced ones are top quality and can give his team an advantage at any point during the game. He was part of the TAG lineup hoping to attend AEM but unfortunately split up soon before the signups closed for the event.



Germany ZeYoS
Germany WhiteSide
Belgium SataN
Belgium Havenloods
Germany Rayzed
Germany Aggro

Wolfenstein for Life are a mix of Belgians and Germans as they have Belgium SataN and Belgium Havenloods are joined by Germany ZeYoS, Germany WhiteSide, Germany Rayzed and Germany Aggro. The team will hope for a good performance at the event and given the right circumstances could surprise some teams and they should definitely not be underestimated.

Player to watch: Belgium Havenloods
Havenloods is the dmg dealer for his team and they will rely heavily on him to replicate online performances at LAN to give them the best chance of performing at LAN. The Belgians performances during the seeding competition were good and he was unlucky that his opponents were quality teams.


Europe Enlanced

Canada embaressed
Estonia Infi
Netherlands Xo
Germany Felix
Netherlands Carlos
United Kingdom Suiy

enLANced will attend LAN and will hope to improve on their performance at SAGE where they finished 3/4 in the consolation tournament. Some LAN first timers in the lineup will make it difficult for them unless performances click right away. They will hope to get out of the groupstage but it may be a bridge too far for this lineup. Their are a trio of Dutch players in the lineup in Netherlands Tw1zZt, Netherlands Xo and Netherlands Carlos with Estonia Infi, United Kingdom Suiy and Team WinFakt manager Germany Felix completing the lineup.

Player to watch: United Kingdom Suiy
Suiy has some nice aim at times and will need to be on top of his game if enLANced are to have any chance of competing at AEM. The Brit has never attended LAN before and if he can get over the initial comfort level change he has every chance to do what is needed.