Group C games will begin at 20:00 CEST with direct qualification to the playoffs given to the top 2 placing teams. Third place in the group will battle it out with third place team in group B in a one-off decider game to see who gets the last remaining spot in the Playoffs. Below is a quick look at each team and their lineups.

Germany Anexis eSports

United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom Sqzz
Italy XyLoS
Estonia Night
Finland Squall
Belgium mAus

Anexis eSports come into this LAN as clear favorites and have amazing quality in every position. United Kingdom R0SS and United Kingdom sqzz make up the British part of the team and they are joined by Belgium mAus and Italy XyLoS who were all part of the Anexis eSports team that won SAGE, joining them are former Team Dignitas players Estonia Night and Finland Squall who were part of the second place team at SAGE. boasting so much quality the LAN is theirs to lose and the only factor going against them is an apparent inactivity with the lineup playing together, although I am sure they are all quite active individually - finding top opponents consistently can be difficult.

Player to watch: Belgium mAus
mAus has cemented his position as one of the best online and offline aimers in ET history winning numerous tournaments, accolades as well as having hordes of followers who just tune in to witness some great aim and fast kill sprees. Although the Anexis team will not rely solely on his performance this will give the Belgian more freedom to perform and concentrate on taking down opponents as frequently as possible.

Game Changer: Estonia Night
Night will always have the weight of expectation on his back to make those game changing moments and this is intensified when it comes to LAN situations. Taking a backseat role on the leadership front with United Kingdom R0SS being the in-game leader of the team this may take some pressure off the Estonian to concentrate more on his individual performance which is generally at a much higher level at offline events anyway, all eyes will be on him to see that bit of magic that seems to happen at every event.


United Kingdom The Cube

United Kingdom potty
United Kingdom owzo
United Kingdom crumbs
Germany urtier
United Kingdom koop
United Kingdom scarzy

Nearly a full lineup of UK players in the team as United Kingdom owzo, United Kingdom potty, United Kingdom koop, United Kingdom crumbs and United Kingdom scarzy are joined by German legend Germany urtier, the Cube have been building solidly on performances and over the last 4weeks have improved significantly. They have a good group of players and a well balanced lineup that given the opportunity could really surprise. A 5/6 Finish is the minimum aim for this team but if they perform how they have been online then maybe even 4th place could be in reach.

Player to watch: United Kingdom crumbs
crumbs recently came back from a little break from gaming and has started to hit the sort of form he is renowned for with some sharp aiming moments as well as good decision making. the Cube as a lineup is quite well balanced but someone with the quality and experience of crumbs is a bonus to any lineup and as long as the team works well together the Brit should thrive.

Game Changer: United Kingdom koop
The Cube recently picked up koop after OVERLOAd decided not to attend AEM, also being part of Team UK's recent nations cup victory, koop is recognised as one of the top rifles in Enemy Territory right now and has helped propel The Cube from a good performing team to well balanced dark horse lineup.


Germany Lost Soldiers

Germany laNgo
Germany caTchEr
Italy vj7o
Switzerland olGaa
Germany rAKJI
Germany ScaTmaN

Lost soldiers will be hoping to make it into the the playoffs, they have a nice group of players and as long as they keep together and make good choices regarding maps and strategy they have a good chance of finishing in a 7/8 final position. If things go very well they could finish slightly higher in 5/6 but they will have to really perform. They have four Germans in the team Germany laNgo, Germany caTchEr, Germany rAKJI and Germany ScaTmaN they are joined by Switzerland olGaa and Italy vj7o who complete the lineup.

Player to watch: Germany ScaTmaN
ScaTmaN on the rifle will be a key factor in how LS performs at AEM as he is one of the more experienced players in the lineup. The German has previously had trouble settling into teams long term and hopefully he has found a good home at LS in preparation for the LAN.

Game Changer: Germany caTchEr
caTchEr is one of the better reviving medics in ET and also has a good aim which will help keep the engineers in his team alive to get objectives cleared. The German will hope to bring some top performances to the table to help Lost Soldiers go as far as they possibly can in the tournament. Although seemingly playing a more dmg dealing role for this event, hopefully he can adjust and bring the goods during the game.


Europe miNd's Casual Gamers eSports Club

Finland miNd
Finland toMi
Finland Thomm
Germany Razzah
Netherlands SimonKinsler
Netherlands wra1th

mCG come to the event with a group of players ranging from top players to contributors and admins of crossfire itself. The team will be looking to enjoy themselves as much as possible and I doubt overall performance will be at the top of the list but they will all still want to compete and do what they can. A Trio of Finns are in the team and they are Finland miNd, Finland toMi and Finland Thomm joining them are Dutch duo Netherlands SimonKinsler and Netherlands wra1th and finishing off the lineup is Germany Razzah.

Player to watch: Finland miNd
miNd makes his first appearance at LAN but most would have thought he would make it into a top lineup. mCG are as the name describes a casual team mainly attending for fun but miNd is a top competitor and will still look to win and take advantage of his opponents whenever possible.