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Missing charisma?

If I'd asked Nellie before writing this, he would have said I was simply living in the past, however as this Eurocup season continues one must ask who cares?

Quakecon 2006 - Time for a new model?

March 22nd 2005, Quakecon ten is announced. Celebrating a decade of peace, love and rockets. The oldschool lan gears up for its testimonial year and celebration of all things ID Software, but could this be the last we see of Quakecon in the format its become known and loved for?

Who isnt hacking?

A debate I keep myself usually quite far away from has plagued my mind recently whilst reading xfire. A couple of days go by and a new allegation is thrown at someone for cheating. Is cheating really as bad as the xfire journal section suggests?

Hacking, whos business is it anyway?

Hackers come and hackers go. And for once I think I might just play devils advocate for a group of people for whom I have no time for (except for the time required to write this column).

I'd like to use the example of RazZ as this is the most recent, however I'm not assigning guilt, nor pointing a finger in his direction, as I am completely out of the loop on this scenario.

E3: ET:QW - The TosspoT report

Pardon the complete lack of journalism in this column, I might get kicked off this PC at any moment.

So after arriving at E3 the first thing I did was head to the ET:Quakewars booth, excited like a little boy on christmas. I identified myself to the staff and was honoured that a few of them knew who I was.

Why Alcohol is better than BiO

Let me introduce you to the two candidates for this contest, I do however fear this is going to be a rather one sided affair.

In the blue corner - *BiO* Public Server, once home to Clan *BiO*, the team that never quite could beat the dh oasis defence, now monitored under the watchful eyes of a playground bully that came 60 years too late for the nazi party, aka Jintah.

ET:QW Vehicle and Class Previews!

Over the past week Splash Damage (via gamespot & gamespy) has posted news on ET Quakewars for the classes and vehicle reviews. As expected, it further indicates a Battlefield or even Planetside type of gameplay, but yet again the visuals blow us away.


New Warleagues Season

Guys and girls, it is that time of the year. Sounds from the far has reached Europe that a new season is about to start. Wonder no more. Ask no more. Read further down and all your question (at least hope so) will be answered. May I present to all of you Warleagues.com Season 6[/b].

League Structure

TosspoT vs zr0

A former ET player himself, I caught with zr0 who is now manager of fnatic! zr0's main outting into ET was alongside our beloved RaZa, who now works alongside him at fnatic. The interview starts off talking about ET and Quakecon and then moves onto a more broad range of eSports topics. This interview was made for both xfire and esreality and is posted on both.

Return of Aneki!

One of Swedish RTCW's most interviewed players and a card carrier of the Swedish society for pro RTCW players is about to make his return to the game!

The full details of his team are currently unannounced to the public, however I caught up with the lovable swede to find out about his plans and his return to the oldschool!
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