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Falling on deaf ears

So our beloved FlyingDJ has posted the 1000th xfire column regarding ET change, and here for the 1001st time I will repeat the problem you face.

If I am Mr. CB Head Admin and I am running Eurocup, why oh why would I want to change ET on the scale people are suggesting? Its a huge gamble and If it backfires I'm finished as an admin, and if it really ends up being that bad I have 4 months of a shambolic cup to finish that may well kill ET off, Rome wasnt built in a day!

Care to Debate: Where to next?

European ET is about to enter a pretty huge overhall of its clans and players, and with another Eurocup just a few months off its interesting times for potential stars.

Xfire and other games

As recently brought up gB3 in his journal HERE xfire will have to move on at some point to the next game, as it did from RTCW to ET, that was a seemless transition that was rather logical, however the next step is not as much so.

Creamy looks back on the LANs

Fitting as its RTCW's 10th Birthday this week that on this edition of Creamy's biography we walk truly down memory lane! This article talks about LAN events and making the moving from Lemmings to gaming royalty with 4Kings and his aspirations of Quakecon glory.

Creamy Introduces Tactics

Last week we re-introduced Crossfire to Creamy, an RTCW legend, famed for his achievements with 4kings amongst other RTCW teams. This week, Creamy talks tactics! From newbies up to the pro's, how to evolve your strategies and be a cohesive unit, not only in RTCW but in CoD type games as well.

Introducing Creamy

About 2 months ago a gentleman approached me asking to get into writing on Crossfire. When I first saw who's nickname it was I had to do a double take. For the longest time this gentleman was someone that I looked up to as a god of RTCW. It took me many years of playing RTCW in the UK scene before I was able to get onto a stage where he was able to own me, but own me and my team quite painfully he did!

System Building 101

The idea behind this article is to give anyone who hasn’t built a PC or isn’t familiar with PC building an insight into how to do it from a newbies perspective. Prior to this build I had only watched it being done and it still feels like a game of operation to be honest, but hopefully this helps you.

Want to Cast?

I wrote this for QuadV's purposes some time ago and we never really used it, its a very basic introduction to shoutcasting and how to go about it from tech perspective and some early casting lessons. It is by no means a bible, but in lieu of a recent comment asking for a tutorial to try and get more casters on the airwaves I figured its poignant to get it out there.

Say goodbye to Portugal

On the next page you will find the story of the Portuguese National team and the recent exposure of a bust of an entire team. This story, its information and its evidence has been submitted to the relevant people at Clanbase, however various parts of it have been censored from this article to protect various people from the public spotlight and the wrath of the players, this isnt the full case that was submitted to CB.

Dignitas vs eSource C2e Finals

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