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The Chocobear himself

After their win in the Highbot Winter Challenge 08/09, S.N Battalion seems to be the best ET team at the moment. Thats why I sat down with their leader hentai to talk a bit. Have fun reading !

Hello rahul, give us a short introduction about yourself.

Hi, my name is rahul and I play ET for S. N. Battalion and I’m also admin crossfire, which is where some of you may know me from.

That's Sheep

I know him since 5 years. Hovewer, creating a "questions" wasn't that easy- selection was pretty hard. That's what I decided to choose. And that's what he answered. Sheep revealing himself!

A like Awards

iLoS! who?

Was bored I so decided to make an interview about my mate iLoS!

So, at first. Who are you iLoS?

- I'm a french guy from north of France who's playing ET since middle of 2005, and who almost played half of all this time with a cheat.

*iLoS has quit IRC*

2 minutes later.

- May you add laggy french guy ..

What made you to start cheating?

I made Jere talk!

With the ET Nationscup kicking off, i thought it might be interesting talk with someone from Team BE.

Hi Jere, give us a short introduction about yourself.
Hi Gero, well I'm an 18-years old student.

RollStone talks

Upcoming Japanese start RollStone has a chat with beggin about himself and the Japanese ET scene. I tried to make this a "live" interview on IRC so I can follow up on any answers and ask to expand. Big thanks to RollStone for being cooperative and one of the nicest and most friendliest guys I have ever spoken to over the internet.

A statement from Kirark

After the qualifier, the ClanBase got a talk with Kirark, about his ideas and thoughts belong to this NC XII.

Hello Sho 'Kirark' F. first please give us a short information about yourself, for those who might not know you.

Efax is back

Yes he's back! Ow noez for the haters and hooray for the fanboys!
After a period of inactivity, Efax decided to return to the ET-scene so I contacted him and annoyed him with a few questions

First of all, welcome back to the community!
Could you introduce yourself for the people who don't know you, or maybe have forgotten you?

A chat with danL

With NC XII on its way and the ESL winter playoffs on the roll, what better time is there to sit down, relax and ask some questions the the team captain of Personality Team and member of team Croatia danL? So let's take a look at his predictions for the upcoming wars

I think most people know you already, but for those who don't, could you introduce yourself?

andyF1 speaking

He is the one of the most important people around. He supports ET for a very long time. Thanks to him, we are able to enjoy online and offline tournaments. Who is he? andyF1

Hello andyF1. Can you please drop a basic info about yourself at the beginning?

My real name is Andrew Woolhouse and I live in a small town in the North of England but I am almost never there due to my job.

CC5: senji and urtier

Right after mamut.si faced PolagZ in a stunning match urtier and senji sat down with eiM and answered his questions.
mamut.si are still on their way to the Grand Final and are performing well. In the following you can read the full interview:
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