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Coffee with Okla

One of Hollands most lovable RTCW characters Okla moved from RTCW into Call of Duty 1 back in the day. After a successful stint in CoD1, Okla was banished to Azeroth with a number of both CoD and RTCW allstars. Finally he has fought his way out of that hideous place and has picked up his SMG again, he tells Crossfire about his struggle!

Firstly - The Introduction, who are you and where did u come from!

An Interview with the Man behind it all!

After reading interviews in the past months, i have read some interesting and some not so interesting stuff. With interesting people and not so interesting people. Tonight i realised that i have never read an interview with Stuart "TosspoT" Saw out of all those interviews and decided it was time to take action!

An interview with your father

Heres an Interview with your father, but only if your mothers a milf.

A Chat With tyyrd

Posted on behalf of KiL|3rBoY

Today i had the pleasure to interview Stuart "Tyyrd" Gatelan. Most people know him for being a kid flamer (tyyrds words) and playing in clans such as oceans6, sYnod5, tacky and ofc Team-UK. I caught up with him to see how his ET Career was going.

Hi Stuart, in a few words, describe yourself

twinzz busted?

Since I had some free time I decided to interview the most unknown known in ET twinzz.

Hi twinzz, your quite new to the ET scene so tell us something about yourself.
I am Rick "twinzz" *****, I'm 17 years old playing ET for like 1½ years now. And u are the one who brought me to this game. Before this I played Call Of Duty on HIGH level.

What do you do apart from gaming?

CDC3 voice interviews

At Crossfire Prizefight Challenge 1 in Rotterdam, I did the several voice interviews Thursday night at Ronners place. I converted two of them to video, which contained pictures from the event and subtitles (can be seen here and here) while the rest was just released as sound files.

A chat with TLR|Atarax

Hello Atarax, thank you for talking to the readers at Crossfire. Tell us first who you are and what you do, please.

Hello, I'm Anil "Atarax" B, a 20y old student living in Belgium. I'm studying Communication and Multimedia Design in Limburg and next year I'll hopefully graduate after 3 years of Bachelor. Next to that, I'm managing TLR's Enemy Territory team.

Quake Allstars

Whilst sitting on the lovely GGL couch at Quakecon 2007 I was lucky enough to have Europes Quake allstars sit down next to me and I just happened to to pop open and Crossfire and steal the oppourtunity to catch a word with them.

Purri, What are your thoughts on Quakewars where are you playing a bit for FOE

Dignitas before Quakecon

I caught up with the Dignitas side on briefly Ventrilo before their final night of practicing for Quakecon. Tommorow they head for Dallas, Jak will be lucky enough to be mobbed by the press (me) at London Gatwick Airport tommorow! This is a collective interview with, SonDac, Frop, Huggo, utr, bjorn

Why did you lose twice to one2?

bye bye (from kamz)

Now, i'm going to try to be careful when posting this.. as alot of things I seem to post on forums seem to be interpreted the wrong way when I post them ..

I know it's not really an "Interview" but I want people to see this.

Anyway i've decided to quit et, don't think i'll ever play any games online again, because people will just find out about kamz in RTCW2 too.
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