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Clan of the Week #3 *updated*

Since this "Interviews" -section here at crossfire ain't getting that much new items and this one is still on the top, I thought that maybe it's better just to update this one than make a new post every week. If you missed one of the previous parts, they all can still be found from cadred.org

Interview with mesq (Waki)

After an amazing performance at CPC 2, I (Wakizashi) wanted to know more of mesq so i decided to catch up with him and find out his thoughts and feelings on ET:

For those people who don't know mesq already please describe to them who you are

Hey everyone, I'm Steven 'mesq' Van Acker from Belgium. I just turned 16 a week ago. I'm playing ET for 4 years now. Besides ET, I like going out with friends, playing football, etc.

Eye of The Tiiger!

Its time for a new interview, and with that, i bring fresh blood, recently returning from LAN, i bring you Tiigeri - member of the Impact Gaming team who claimed Second place at the latest installment of the Crossfire Prizefight Challenge! On with the interview...

Tiigeri on CPC2

cheaters - Are they really that bad?

Everybody hates hackers, right? They ruin the game, spoil the fun and they're just plain unfair. Or so we think. Today i personally requested a netcoders moderator for an interview, known to some of you as MBudget. A corporate identity of nC, and responsible for customer support and even a crossfire user, i felt it was time we found out just how the system works from his perspective...

Interview with Meez

This interview is about the player known as Meez as i was going to interview AzA but he went to bed. Anyhow here it is.

Describe who the hell u are

Well, I'm sort of just a 15 year old kid from Nothern England, except with an above-average intelligence, and arrogance to go with it.

Ok cool, anyway i believe you started gaming at the age of 4 ? is that true ?


So here we go again, interviewing the latest LAN-ONLY overboost, remembered for his times during uQ, DMD and now one soldier, who will be competing this weekend at crossfire's very own lan, cpc2. I would also like to add that he is very fond of crossfire flags.

Okay, firstly, i'd like to say good afternoon, how are you, and could you please tell us a little about yourself?

Interview with an Xfire Spammer!

Mostly known for his day in-day out spamming of xfire, most would say his opinion is useless. However one thing is certain, he is and always will be one of crossfires most irratating members! No its not loekino, its Ali better known as al7

So al7! Firstly introduce yourself to those who dont know you...

What the hell? Who doesnt know who al7 is, are you mad, but for the phony's who dont :

Former Powerhorse Bruzl4H

This guy is not playing EC, nor is he playing OC. He's just special and deserves to be interviewed at least once in his life! I present to you: Lukas "Bruzl4H" Mayer

So, Lukas tell us something about yourself.

The "creator" of Crossfire 3.0

You might know him from coding this website; the man behind all this is Jeroen "taLa" De Ridder. But Jeroen is also playing with his clan OCTENse, which will be participating in the Crossfire Prizefight Challenge #2 in Enschede.
I won't wait any longer - here are the questions.

So, Jeroen tells us some more about yourself, when did you start playing Enemy Territory and some of your ex-clans. And why did you start coding this website?

Being aCoZz

From Goliath to Northern Darkness and a Eurocup final, onto aMenti and TLR and in with a realistic chance of success at CPC2. Croatia's aCoZz has been on a long and winding road to become Croatia's leading light in Wolfenstein, so lets dig and find out what makes this lovable character tick!
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