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Gamers' and Gaming Influence

It seems apparent that as Summer comes, a Lan finishes, that the activity in ET and on Crossfire slightly drops. This happens every summer and doesn't have any relevance to this column, except that i noticed the previous column submitted was about AEM and felt that i should write something that became noticeable in something that i recently watched and got me thinking.

AEM: Admin Log

The admins here at Adroits ET Masters will be keeping you all up to date on our ups, downs and everything else!

Sunday 23:00 CEST - It's over! Anexis eSports are, once again, ET LAN champions, and proving that they are the real ET Masters!
Sunday 19:20 CEST - only 3 teams left! PDEG, F6 and Anexis will fill the top 3 places, but where will they finish?
Sunday 16:10 CEST - Team Chocomel lose 4-2 to Anexis and we have caught up a bit on the schedule.

August 2009

August 2009 was the last time Crossfire's monthly unique user count was in six figures. Now in May 2012 the sites traffic is at its highest point since then, edging ever closer to that point. Crossfire and its community is very much epitomise taking matters into your own hands and to that we should all be proud.

Here it comes!

It’s that time of year again!

The time to start cleaning the disgusting amounts of hair and crumbs out of your keyboard, have a shower, get a haircut, and most importantly brush up your skills to show off at what will probably be the main LAN event of the year. The Adroits ET Masters LAN in Enschede, The Netherlands which is happening on the 2nd and 3rd of June. Some of you here will have been to a LAN, most of you sadly will not.

The Place of the Competitive Player in Multiplayer Gaming

With the recent explosion of multiplayer functionality in almost every recent game that gets released, it is surprising that the one player group consistently overlooked is that of the serious competitive player. In the early days of gaming, of course, single player games dominated the market. Multiplayer gaming happened mostly locally, with players sharing a screen, controller(s) or keyboard.

We're All Idiots

Well not all of us, but collectively as a community we are all lacking encouragement and thinking in some of the most pessimistic ways possible.

Support Please


As some of you may know I ran a project from around August 2010 until just after last years SAGE event with the main aim of attracting organisations into Enemy Territory. In the run up the SAGE, ET had a surge of interest in eSports compared to previous years and a number of new organisations entered the fold some of which I had talked to a few months before and some of which I had not.

The kids are alright!

Scroll down your Crossfire front page and you’ll see match coverage, LAN & Tournament announcements and new custom maps. It’s hard to think that its 2012 and ET is still going strong. Scratch beneath the surface and you will find problems but for once I want to write a short column about things going right!

No chance for the PS Vita

I’ve followed the launch of the PS Vita quite closely because, for the past year or more I’ve been obsessed with having some form of mobile computing device beyond my phone/ipod (remember, I have a BlackBerry not a fun phone!). I’m definitely someone who would look to either a tablet or handheld device as a life saver, I fly at least twice a month and I spend a solid hour on the tube every day.

30 Days To Change The World

I no longer smoke.

I go the gym.

I can play the keyboard.

I know your reaction dear reader. That's an impressive list. How did you accomplish these feats?
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